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Spotted today....

Richard Farrant

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A very nice looking Austin Champ traveling up Huddersfield Road from Oldham towards Austerlands...3 people on board and i think it was complete with radio gear....


I was quite jealous as it was a lovely day and i wasnt out in my Landy..






That might have been going to or coming from the local Manchester Area MVT event the one where I had fun in the mud but thats another story.

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Now i am really disappointed i was not doing anything yesterday, wife was at work...ended up Gardening...could have come along in my Landy for a play...


i need to get along to an MVT meeting..i believe there is 1 in stockport and 1 in Oldham but i always seem to be working away on the nights they meet...





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Bit of an easy one as I only have to look out of my office window, but just seen the USAF Pararescue launch their landing craft and a couple of huge matt black jetskis and they're now hooning off out to sea. whooosh :cool2:


HMRC had a cutter coming up the other way, what an interesting interaction that would be, knowing what assumptions HMRC make about small fast matt coloured craft :evil:

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On the North Norfolk coast - looking like what might have been a military landing craft, seen here at low tide (note the excavator in the background):




On the way back (with tide coming in) it could be seen loading with rock for sea defences:




A little further on - remember the digger in pic 1? Something didn't look right:








Back to the Landing Craft - turns out it was indeed military, dating from 1980 (more recent than I'd imagined), but the contractor couldn't tell me any more about it

Landing Craft1.jpg

Landing Craft2.jpg

Landing Craft4.jpg

Landing Craft3.jpg

Landing Craft5.jpg

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Yes, somewhere between 13 - 18 tonnes. Anything below 30 tonnes is a toy anyway :cool2:


Well - little did I realise when I posted the landing craft photos that it was the digger which should have been the main mv story! I mentioned it to a friend today who lives up there and he said a tank had tried to pull it out, a photo appearing in a local paper.


From the Lynn News Friday 22nd April (the contractors told me it had been there 7 days)






"RENEWED efforts involving a tracked crane were being made at low tide yesterday to rescue a mechanical digger stuck beside a mudbank at Burnham Overy Staithe.


It followed an unsuccessful attempt to remove the digger on Wednesday
using an ex-Army tank belonging to Wells-based Safety Boat Services.

The digger..... was involved in repair and restoration work on groynes at the harbour for Burnham Overy Harbour Trust.

Work on the £95,000 project was nearing completion when the digger became stuck – and then got flooded by the high spring tides, leaving only its mechanical arm visible above water.

Safety Boat Services marine operations manager .... said efforts to pull it out using the tank were unsuccessful as the rescue team was unable to start the digger’s engine."


Looks like an Engineer Tractor to me?

Digger Rescue Attempt.jpg

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Just back from holiday in Kent, on the outskirts of Sandwich, taking a walk around the cottage spotted a replica hurricane in a field along with an M4A1 75mm Sherman tank, unrestored condition, but complete with turret, gun, track and bogies, looked to be early hull with direct vision slots, but a single piece transmission and wide mantlet. On the other side of the path was a small compound with piles of main guns including a 17 pdr from an M10c. Judging from the new bentley on the drive of the nearby house I presume it all belonged to a well to do collector, but the hour was getting on and there was no one around to ask.

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