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Enigma last won the day on July 1

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32 Excellent

About Enigma

  • Birthday 12/04/1870

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  1. Years ago I got a photo through email from a 43rd Recce veteran. He was in a Half track called Advocator (he was in Able 4), hence the name beginning wit a "A".. The photo was taken in the Netherlands, Zetten village, between the rivers Maas and Waal in 1944. The HT is a International Harvester.
  2. Love these photo's. We're watching the series Anzacs again, like it.
  3. Finding parts is difficult. Did spot some on ebay but very expensive; Brake handles; https://www.ebay.ie/itm/156282603472?itmmeta=01J1ZT25J2NCQCZ5GVMQADY2H7&hash=item24632b47d0:g:Vy8AAOSwnNBmbdsf Decals; https://www.ebay.ca/sch/i.html?_nkw=bsa+paratrooper+bicycle&Brand=&_dcat=57267
  4. Can't help, but....are you planning on building one? 😀
  5. Enigma


    Nice, good to see some still survive.
  6. Enigma


    Are any of these still around?
  7. OOPS, I wasn't clear. I reffered to the Denim Tanksuits.
  8. So, just wondering. Which one to choose, Kay Canvas or GSE? Sizes. I am 6 foot (182.5 CM) but skinny. What size would I need?
  9. Martinstown. I thought I saw a DR rider behind us? Overtaking on the grass. Going round the bend. DR riders securing a intersection. Stellar work being done!
  10. Looking at the spactacle, he was very far away from us. Wreckers, Diamond T and infantry in HT's coming to the resque. Strange Bus. Nobody likes to loose a nut...or wheel. (Right Jack?). Filling up.
  11. OK, whats going on here? Blimp, flying fish, UFO? Weird...
  12. Climbing. Is this really the best time and place for a morning run? Downhill. Getting ready to descent. Over the hill and far away.
  13. A tad dusty Convoy in the distance. Greta Thunberg has left the forum... Not much room left but all ok. Tank, High Speed tractor, Wreckers and HT's .
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