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Richard Farrant

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Richard Farrant last won the day on July 10

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  • Location
    Kent, England
  • Interests
    vintage vehicles
  • Occupation
    Vehicle Restorer
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  1. Hi Graeme, I have changed no end of these filters! Bedford RL (300 petrol) and Bedford MK (330 diesel), amongst other applications.
  2. Is your coil connected with the Positive going to the distributor? If not then it is likely this is the cause of a poor spark. Also worth checking the inside of the distributor cap as sometimes a crack can occur and spark takes the shortest route to earth.
  3. Yes .... I have had the pleasure of driving the 4x4 and 6x6 when over in Australia.
  4. Martin, don't forget that you will have to put a supporrt under the gearbox before you take the cross member out.
  5. As a QL owner myself, that is sad to see and very bad luck on your first trip. Hope it can be put right without to much trouble.
  6. It looks like a Mack, there were a number od WW2 era ones used for snowploughing in UK
  7. Hi Ted, thanks for the correction, it was the body shape that I thought was similar to the Fordsons used by CD. I recollect getting in one around 1961 which had a teleprinter or similar in it.
  8. Hi Ted, I think 2nd one down on right is a Fordson Thames, there were quite a few of these in the post-war Civil Defence.
  9. Martin, The pipe nuts that fit the tank and the changeover tap are 1/4" BSP (British Standard Pipe). They are confirmed in the parts list.
  10. Hi Rewdco, I will send you a PM, thanks!
  11. That could be the Morris Engines Branch, which was in Coventry, Morris took over the Hotchkiss company there after WW1 when they were makng guns, they turned over to making engines.
  12. Hi Rewdco' Interesting to see the scans from the BSA despatch records, looks like my WM20 was built/despatched, about 3 days before the bombing.
  13. Hi Mike, You can tell a QLB gun tractor chassis by seeing if it has a winch or a PTO output flange on the transfer box.
  14. The transfer box looks to be off an Austin K9 4x4 also on your advert yesterday, not a K3 or K4 regards, Richard
  15. Hi, I have just launched the latest newsletter for the Corowa Swim-In & Military Vehicle Gathering which is held at Corowa, NSW, Australia. This issue has a full round up of reports and articles relating to this year's event. There are a few other articles including details of an event to commemorate Victory in the Pacific which is a road run across Australia with MV's happening in 2025. Go to our website, www.corowaswim-in.org to view or download the KVE Newsletter. Also the Scan Me on the front page of the newsletter will open up the Entry Form for 2025 Corowa Swim-In on your phone. best regards, Richard Farrant Khaki Vehicle Enthusiasts Inc.
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