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Tip of the day....


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If co-driver - ALWAYS check the state of the water hoses on a Mk1 Militant before going on a long journey - boiling water in the nuts ruins a planned wedding night!!


Never pour cold water into the filler neck of an over heated stalwart - they spit back quite viciously - and accurately at the same locale on your body!!

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I used to do it a lot and I started loosing the feeling in my last 2 fingers to the point I could not hold a fork.


After several checks, they found I had crushed the nerve that goes under my elbow. To fix it I had to go for an operation, 6 inch cut. groove the bone and move the nerve around.


Never regained full arm extension ie cant fully straighten by a degree or so, but could have permanently lost the use of half my hand.


OK, scared now...

Thanks for the info.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Probably going to get really told off by you lot for this but if it reminds one person to remove jewiery before working on trucks then I have served my purpose!!!!!!!

I am being the cubed ones helper today and I had just tightened up some bolts and was climbing down from the cab when my rings on my ring finger right hand caught (dont know what on mind you!) but I was already committed to going down :eek: well I thought I had broken my finger. The cubed one calmed me and made me wriggle said finger and it moved ok! Although it was swelling up in front of me :shocked: I raced inside and plunged hand into tonights frozen sweetcorn bag and have managed to remove my 2 rings. Finger is well swollen and bruising is coming out now but no more damaged than that thank God.

Many thanks to The Cubed one for not laughing too much and keeping me calm (even when I said I was going to be sick!), thanks to eldest cubelet who put the joint of pork in the oven whilst mummy stood at sink hand in sweetcorn bag trying not to be sick :blush::blush:


I was lucky I didnt rip my flippin finger off tbh

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It has happened to others true enough , be it a basketball player getting hooked on the basket ball hoop while doing a slam dunk or others who have found electrical work in its different forms as in working on vehicle wiring or in junction boxes in buildings that volts and jewelry dont mix I ve even heard of machinests getting into trouble.

Glad your injury wasnt any worse for you or having to cut the rings off .

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you could still have a fracture so if it still aches after a few days get it checked out


at the end of each finger joints are like little pointy bits, the only way they know is by doing a bone scan where they inject radiactive dye into your blood. Xrays are not sensitive enough


a lot of people have broken these are are never aware of it. Quick check is to touch your finger on your palm and put a dot there. The other fingers will basically all point to the same place.


I had a numbty drop a magnet on my hand from a scaffold 10m above me. Lucky hit the side of my hard hat first :D

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Blimey Cubett - hope it is ok!


- when I was a lad I new and old WWI vet who's wedding ring finger was missing and he told me that he had it ripped off when he jumped down from the back of a lorry and caught it on one of the cleats with his wedding ring and ripped it straight off - so lesson to be learned there - never forgot that (well I couldn't of other wise I couldn't repeat it here! :D ).




Probably going to get really told off by you lot for this but if it reminds one person to remove jewiery before working on trucks then I have served my purpose!!!!!!!

I am being the cubed ones helper today and I had just tightened up some bolts and was climbing down from the cab when my rings on my ring finger right hand caught (dont know what on mind you!) but I was already committed to going down :eek: well I thought I had broken my finger. The cubed one calmed me and made me wriggle said finger and it moved ok! Although it was swelling up in front of me :shocked: I raced inside and plunged hand into tonights frozen sweetcorn bag and have managed to remove my 2 rings. Finger is well swollen and bruising is coming out now but no more damaged than that thank God.

Many thanks to The Cubed one for not laughing too much and keeping me calm (even when I said I was going to be sick!), thanks to eldest cubelet who put the joint of pork in the oven whilst mummy stood at sink hand in sweetcorn bag trying not to be sick :blush::blush:


I was lucky I didnt rip my flippin finger off tbh

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My Uncle used to play Football.

During training they had to touch the upper bar of the goal...


His ring caught and tore out his finger including the muscle.

So he said something like " my finger hangs from the goal" and went to hospital.

They could replace the whole thing but couldn't guarantee full recovery so he said to not bother...


So now he has 9 fingers.

I don't like rings anyway myself...

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A good friend of mine now departed (not through this incident) was looking at his bayonet collection one wet afternoon, whilst examining a F&S fighting knife the door bell rings puts knife down on setee and answers door.......returns sits down on setee only to have the knife which had fallen down between the cushions ehter his thigh and protrude out the other side...luckily no permanent damage just a hospital appointment and a very sore leg for a few weeks :blush: :embarrassed: :cry:


Also as i found out never try and prise of a battery terninal with a German WW1 fighting knife as it is long enough to touch both terminals at the same time ZAP!! :blush: :D



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Thanks everyone.

It was really uncomfortable this morning so headed for our local walk in center. Had an x-ray and I have indeed broken finger :cry: Its only a hairline fracture, also the nurse seems to think I could have dislocated the joint but popped it back in ok as its well swollen and bruised. So its now strapped up and I need to keep it this way for the rest of the week, keep taking the tablets and see doctor next week.




Anyway, am going to really milk this with the cubed one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but it does really really really hurt:embarrassed:

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Anyway, am going to really milk this with the cubed one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but it does really really really hurt:embarrassed:


another tip..... get one of those little bells, with the small tInkle tinkle sound to call your loved one. When they dilligently arrive you can say "GIVE ME DRUGS NOW" :D

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AWAH! First symptom of a disloctaion, you feel physically sick1 As you say 'Work the old man hard! Just make sure you have a left hand corkscrew available. :D Bone Radiol horse liniment helps a lot (From much experience)
I did indeed feel sick and I dont usually suffer like that cos I am quite 'ard (not!) The stuff I clear up at work has no affect on me but this..................................


another tip..... get one of those little bells, with the small tInkle tinkle sound to call your loved one. When they dilligently arrive you can say "GIVE ME DRUGS NOW" :D
ha ha ha ha love it!!!!!!!!!!! Tis on my list of shopping for him to get!!!!!!!!!!!


Or large doses of red wine! Try Calvado's after a couple of glasses you won't care if your finger falls off!:cool2:
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Calvados love that stuff!!!!!


Its definatly more comfortable today, more colourfull yes!

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Saw this, thought of Rosie.:D


"Sometimes when I reflect back on all the wine I drink I feel shame. Then I look into the glass and think about the workers in the vineyards and all of their hopes and dreams. If I didn't drink this wine, they might be out of work and their dreams would be shattered. Then I say to myself, "It is better that I drink this wine and let their dreams come true than be selfish and worry about my liver."





~ Jack Handy



As for Calvados, next time in Normandy, go to Tilly Sur selle. Just outside is Jerusalem Farm Cemetry. The farm itself has been making Calvados since the 16 century. They only sell at the farm. Like drinking liquid sunshine! Best of the best.

Edited by Tony B
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  • 2 months later...

Here's another tip of the day.


Do not walk down the high street of Dorchester with your iPod in shaking your booty.


- it is OK but in future I will remember to stick to the path - holding up 50 miles of traffic down the high street is not big or clever.


..........as I have just found out. And yes I do have a father.

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I wish you hadn't poasted that!!:-D Saw a guy today with the smallest MP3 type player you can imagine, then I looked at the rest and thought S**t! It's a transvetitie Princess Leia! He was wearing a pair of headphones the size of dustbins! :nut:

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Somewhere in London a guy takes old telephone handsets and cords, and alters them to plug into mobile phones. Now that does look wierd seeing someone talking into an old handset as they walk along with the cord disappearing into their pocket!!


I don't mean handset - I mean the thing you listen and talk into on an old land telephone, can't even remember what you call it now!

Edited by N.O.S.
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Standing on an upturned plank of wood with a 2" nail sticking out of it also makes your eyes water just a little as I found out last Thursday..


So when you next think something will only take a second and theres no point putting your safety boots on... think again.

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