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WW2 snaps


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I'm almost certain that the funeral is somewhere in Italy - the church facade is very Italian - but have been unable to find out where it could be :(


The picture for certain is of the funeral of Gen Sikorski at Westminster Cathedral (roman catholic) in London. It is particularly striking for its Byzantine style. Do any Google search for a picture of its facade and you will see it is the building.

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I think there are a few Korean pictures kicking around here somewhere. Sadly all aircraft though. Also got some old Boscombe Down aircraft pics that were brought from a boot-sale. The only thing is, the BD pics are crown copyright and I'm not sure were I stand if I publish them to the net. Anyhow, the rest of the stuff is fine so thats what I will start with soon.


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The picture for certain is of the funeral of Gen Sikorski at Westminster Cathedral (roman catholic) in London. It is particularly striking for its Byzantine style. Do any Google search for a picture of its facade and you will see it is the building.


Amazing.. Never knew there was anything like that in London. Next time I'm over I'm going to visit..

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Great shots Les, I would guess Germany they typify the vehicle shed at German Barracks, Camps etc. Even on the new airfield post WW2 at Bruggen Laarbruch etc the design was followed.




Ted, going from the size of the roundels on the vehicles do you think they might be 'left overs' from 2TAF? As huge roundels were a trademark of theirs and they probably had not reached a re-paint stage yet. Or was there a post war AMO that specified these large items for certain situations? (Before the pedants dive in, this is asking not stating).

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Les you made a comment about a lack of private piccies from WW2, I also found this to be the case when I catalogued the Royal Artillery Photo albums.


WW1 was well documented as the officers had the money to make use of cameras to show their events an treated it as a game, this continued into the 30's , but WW2 had a lot of lower paid officers and seems to have had a ban on private camera use and film rationing so not so many appeared in collections unless you managed to appropriate a nice Leica on your travels with a film supply.

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