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Rangie last won the day on April 5 2024

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18 Good

Personal Information

  • Location
    Caithness, Scotland
  • Interests
    Landies, Rangies, Bedford MLD, General Engineering, Landie Touring/Camping, Hillwalking, Bothying.
  • Occupation
    Instrument Engineer/Project Supervisor

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  1. Nice Morris 15cwt as well. Would that have been in a radio or perhaps workshop role with the unit? Alec.
  2. You are in safe hands with Clive's sage advice. Was it running and did it just stop? Or hasn't it run in years? If the latter, a quick check of the screw-terminals in the 24v coil is always worth a look, where the feed from the ballast goes into the coil, the contact is a steel screw, these corrode and i've come across a couple of occasions where it was driving an experienced owner bananas! Alec.
  3. No, chance your hand and just do it. They may request proof, a photo of the number is generally good enough, but don't volunteer anything to them unless necessary! The last time I did it, I updated the engine number as it was muddled-up (letter and number type engine code on a Perkins), I sent a photo along with the application as I could envisage the ensuing red tape bollox, but I wouldn't normally do that for a fresh number "change". It went through without issue though. The transcription error for my 80" however was an utter nightmare, they had muddled up the chassis and engine numbers when they went from paper to computer in '83. That was a world of pain and years of nonsense to sort out, but its correct now. Avoid extended interactions with that entity at all costs!!! Alec.
  4. Fantastic, I love a Milly, its the "biggie" on my long term wish-list, this resto thread isn't going to cure me of that sadly Alec.
  5. Perhaps Dual Wheel and Non Dual Wheel? But why would a Sedan have Dual Wheels....? Four Wheel Drive is a classic. I'm still pondering CAS, I did think Canadian Spec but not sure. Pretty confident the S is Spec though... It's a great puzzler! Alec.
  6. Can't seem to open those files for some reason. Alec.
  7. Its an interesting rabbit hole! I have narrowly avoided buying Nordwells and Sno-Tracs myself..... Alec.
  8. Thats a great film Clive! Lovely snippet of its history! What was the name of the small black furry Shorland inspector? Alec.
  9. Would that be an enclosed acetylene generator on the running board? Alec.
  10. Its giving me Tanker or Compressor vibes. Anything embossed on the hubcaps, etc? Alec.
  11. Agreed, lots of permutations. Now, as far as I can see from a bit of Googling/cross referencing, 15 Field Workshop/6th BN REME were Catterick based from the early 90s? The location and the fact it seemed to spend time moving around stores/workshops probably explains why its in such good general condition, particularly underneath (photos anon...). Alec
  12. I cold give it a home in a Shorland if its still available? Open to discussing it anyway. Alec.
  13. Very handy! Not seen this one before, thanks. Seems that some of the acronyms/abbreviations I've found on B Cards were made up as they go along, or were transport-specific, ha ha. A couple of entries for one of the Rover 11 Ambulances took a lot of decyphering Alec.
  14. Those are excellent suggestions, well reasoned, thanks. Platoon is deafeningly obvious now that you've suggested it 🤦‍♂️ Thanks, Alec.
  15. Hello Folks, I'm working my way through a MERLIN report for my Mk2 Parotow Widetrack and a couple of abbreviations have stumped me. The ones in question are: 1992 - STORES PL 15 FD WKSP - 1994 - S/S 15 FD WKSP 6 BN REME 2001 - 6 CS BN REME ST TP RLC 15 Field Workshop is straightforward, as is 6th Battalion REME and The RLC. But the PL, S/S, CS, ST & TP is a bit baffling... Could the ST be STore? The L Logistic? CS Close Support? Also the line "S/S 15 FD WKSP 6 BN REME", should that perhaps be two different lines/units, or were they attached at that point? It may also be a MERLIN glitch. I love these acronym hells Alec
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