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les freathy

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  1. Hi les did the Dawes diamond t get saved from truck busters do you know

  2. Dear Les.

    Just wondered if you could help a friend out regarding the Taskers Queen Mary trailer, basically he would like to know what the mechanism is for that is at the front of the trailer before the swan neck, it looks like a pump of some sort but no one seems to know what its for, its the one which is actually in the framework of the trailer.


    Dick Smith (dizzy-t)

  3. Be nice to find one in this condition these days
  4. Well done Tim its been a long time coming and is certainly first in the class
  5. With so many pages in this stream its easy to forget items posted so I hope these in service shots are new
  6. heres one on wading trials
  7. Cant remember where this was or whos Scammell
  8. Some more, anyone else have any of these old knockers
  9. I see mentions of photos on here but none seem to appear in this stream ?
  10. heres a image of one of the original trailers under test
  11. 6x6 used by the Navy
  12. Richard is correct on that as both makers supplied chassis for the laundry bodies
  13. pre war Morris Dtype 30 cwt
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