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Everything posted by mike65

  1. You probably would need planning (possibly get this) and building regulations (suspect you could not get this). You could probably make it as big as you want but may not survive a winter with snow loads. Mike
  2. Loads of altermatives. As Runflat mentioned the Green Spark Plug Co website is very good as they list alternatives for each plog. http://www.gsparkplug.com/shop/champion-7.html Mike
  3. He is basically right. They are responsible for the main supply upto and including you stop cock/watermeter, at their expense, which is normally at the rear of the public highway. Beyond this you are on your own, they can repair at your cost, with your permission. You can also DIY if you really wanted. Mike
  4. From experience this varies fro insurance company to insurance company and what the changes/modifications are. Some will want a full engineers report, pages and pages of stuff. Others want and "engineers report" which is an A4 piece of paper. Some insurance companies just argue because they don't understand. example 1 Brother had a VW Beetle in which we installed a slightly larger and more powerful engine (3.5 V8) and they wanted angineers report, which was no such thing just an A4 piece of paper filled out and signed by a friendly garage mechanic/mot tester. Example 2 Other brother had a Ford 300e van, Jag rear axle, sequential semi auto, 5 litre tuned V8 and all they wanted was a piece of paper saying it had an approved security device fitted. No one would nick it and if they did they would not have got far, only had a 6 gallon tank giving it a range of 36 miles. Example 3 I had a motorbike that was slightly modified, filters, up jetted carbs, expanion pipe, clip ons rear sets fairing etc. Told insurance company who did not care. Probably working on the fact that I would kill myself before I could make a claim. From my experience insurance companies do not work on any form of logic and the best thing you can do is phone them up and speak to somebody, then confirm it in writing. Mike
  5. Wayne Sounds like you need a tug of war contest. Unsiezed a VW Beetle engine one with a little help from a Massey Fergusen. Was also very usefull for straightening a bend RHS, place RHS on ground. Place bottle jack on RHS, place very big Massey on jack and lift. Mike
  6. mike65


    Can you still "hang out" there or has this changed? Mike
  7. Should that read "runs straight through"? You never know if he gets his H license and asks very nicely the Tank Museum might lend him something. Mike
  8. From my experience it is not worth sending it for repair. As for punishment, the camera still works, so that is the one she can use. Should be punishment enough. Anybody can drop a camera. I know I did and it was in its holster bag. I was also halfway up a small hill in the Lake District, it rolled quite nicely over a 10ft drop onto a pile of rocks. gues what it still worked, the levs was trashed and the view finder was made of about 9 pieces of class. Because it was worth about £900 (with lens) and insured, the insurers decided to send it for repair. It eventually came back 4 days before going on holiday, no replacement lens though. So I had to source and pay for one, only one I could get was £300. Guess what it took one picture and never worked again. They did not argue about payibg for the £300 quid lense but did not want to pay for the equivalent spec camera, as the new model had a few "idiot" modes on it. Got money in the end. # As for a replacement camera, the best digital compact is one that you feel comfy using. Go for a good known brand, Cannon, Nikon, Sony, Panasonic as these tend to have better optics. The lens is the important part. With repect to zoom length you need to go for optical zoom figures, some quote digital zoom figures and all this is cropping the image so you loose quality. Optics are more important than the number of pixels, I have a Panasonic Limix DMC FX07 compact, fits in the pocket. Optical zoom is only 3.6x with 14.6x digital zoom, it is also ony 7M pixels. Bit more expensive than some but then it has a really good lens on it (Leica) It does what I need it to do and if I want serious photography I get the SLR out. Mike PS IIRC when I was about 10 i dropped my parents camera in the sea.
  9. Personally I think the yearly test works OK, the only change I would like to see is the removal of the 3 year rule for new cars. They can be just as unroadworthy after a year as an older car. Using a service record for roadworthyness is problematic as how do differebtiate between an car that is serviced, in accordance with manufacturers schedule< which could be several years apart by some dubious garage and those lovingly cared for by their owner on their driveway? Mike
  10. Congratulations. Mike PS The train ride on the NYM railway is well worth doing.
  11. Yes,well I can anyway. Have a Lexmark Impact S305 3 in one job that works OK from my laptop with a USB wireless dongle. You do need to hard wire to a computer/laptop to do the initial setup though. It needs to be configured to speak to your wireless router as this is how the computer communicate with it. Once set up you can print wirelessly and scan wirelessly to your computer/laptop. The wife can even print wirelessly from her Macbook. Mike
  12. I have been told I am mad. Saturday I am taking the 109 to Dunsfold and then upto Duxford on the Sunday. So no doubt I will be having my back fixed on the Monday. Mike
  13. mike65


    There is The Keep in Dorchester http://www.keepmilitarymuseum.org/ Royal Signal in blandford Forum http://www.royalsignalsmuseum.co.uk/Website/ There is the air museum at Bournmouth Not tried any of them but are on the to do list. Mike
  14. That looks nasty. The basket looks OK though. Have you considered one of these? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Olive-Green-Army-Parachute-Canopy-Bushcraft-Shelter-/390218389030?pt=UK_Collectables_Militaria_LE&hash=item5adad41626 Mike
  15. The decision to make transport aircraft from recycled clown cars had unexpected benefits. Mike
  16. Not watching telly. bored with it already. Wife has taken the day off (Thursday) as she works in Westminster and there were already mad old people camped out blocking the footways on Wednesday morning. Going up my parents as sister and kids are over from France and will check the fluid levels on the Land Rover in the morning. They have a level drive. Hopefully the BBMF will move far enough to the left, to let the jets passed, on the way out so we might also get a Flypast. Mike
  17. Could the pickup pipe in the tank have a hole in it. When fuel drops below this point it would start sucking air from the empty part of the tank. Mike
  18. Nice looking motor. Were there not a lot more countries RHD before the war? I seem to remember watching a program about Skoda, who prior to WW2 they were actually a luxury car and IIRC RHD was the norm. Mike
  19. Sat 23 3:15 PMish. over Chesham heading NE Hawker Hurricane. Mike
  20. I rember a pub was turned down once when it applied for an extended license as St George's day was not special enough. St Patrick's day not a problem as we cannot upset the Irish. (Etnic minority!) St George's day should be celebrated. After all he is our patron saint and was the only person with the courage to go out and kill his mother-in-law. Mike
  21. Well has been a while since I posted so here is an update on progress. Have been working on the inside of the tub after removing durbar plate was a mixture of green, red and nothing in various layers The interesting thing was the difference between left and right. Left was red oxide on a pretty well prepared tub, right was red oxide slapped on top of anything and everything, Still busy cleaning up and sanding back. Can only do so much at a time Investigated the rear tailgate whilst replacing the left hinge which was bent something chronic due to a PO not having a chain attached and using it. Have removed pioneer bits in attempt to salvage some and clean the rest up. The standard issue dent in the middle, when cover late removed reveals a complete split in the metalwork, explains the twisting motion on closing. Fix or buy another, decisions. Whilst waiting for the repair chemicals in the fuel tank to do their stuff (will give verdict on this when I can test) the best advice I can give is not to poke the passenger foot well seams with a chisel, leads to more work, bit of welding now required. Mind you needed doing as I have a fireextinquisher to mount there for display purposes. Have also acquired the antenna posts and mounts to add to the side brackets. These were removed, stripped cleaned painted along with the immediate vicinity on the truck, looks even patchier now. Once on I thought I would stick the antennas in. Pressure washed it the other week and even more paint came off. Starting to look more like it now. List of work getting longer. Who cares that’s part of the fun and one of the reasons for getting it. Well the "disjointed" work will continue slower now the better weather has arrived. I need to do the garden remodelling. Mike
  22. My Land Rover has one fitted on the Neg side. Very useful when you leave the lights turned to convoy. Mike
  23. As such they are much easier store spread around the country as cooking utensils:-D Mike
  24. I have been running 2 for a while now. They are used for backing ip of photos, music and anything else I consider important. Also keep DVD copies, can never be too careful. Miost are simple to use and just need power and a USB connection to your computer, then it is just like an internal harddisc, Just copy and paste. Mike
  25. Next you will be telling us he is thinking of having a fake tan or getting a pig (and not a Humber one either) You could always go out start the truck, crunch a few gears and see if that has any effect. Mike
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