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Everything posted by mike65

  1. Looks in the region of 3 meters to me. Which would explain the "Convoy Exceptioale" bit as it is a bit over the normal permitted width. Mike
  2. Cut backs again they are the cheap run flats. Mike
  3. That explains why you have so many helpers then:D Mike
  4. Not sure where to put this so thought this would be as good a place as any. Had to go get some fish food today and discovered that there is now a Quartemasters Military Surplus store next to World of Water on the A41 at Hunton Bridge, been there about three weeks apparently. Also repair lawn mowers. Those who don't know this is vasically Watford M25 junction 19 Nothing to do with me just thought it maybe of interest to somebody. Mike
  5. mike65


    It is really annoying when people go out of their way to make you break your intentions.:-D Last time I went to Legoland it was full of "wild" animals. Mike
  6. mike65


    Well how is it going. I am about to fail on mine. Going to have to buy some petrol for Sunday. Was pretty close though. Good say I have sone it since I have not bought any since 27 Feb. Mike
  7. Progressing quite nicely But there is something wrong in the second photo. 3 blokes standing around a rebuilt and not a cup off tea in sight Now that is some serious problem:-D Mike
  8. Despite purchasing a tank the potholes in the road were still causing problems Mike
  9. So there is no excuse to upgrade to claymores, C4 or a GUA8 avenger then. That is a shame Mike
  10. Youa re probably right there. However it is a total waste of time and effort when the numpty pulling the trailer cannot even be arsed to plug it in, or even have lights on the trailer. Mike
  11. CAme across this device for keeping unwanted visitors out of a workshop in Mexico. Apparently since installation breakins have dropped to zero http://www.motorcyclenews.com/MCN/News/newsresults/General-news/2011/April/apr0811-extreme-theft-deterrent/ It might just work. Mike
  12. Robin I hope you are testing their ballistic protection correctly and comprehensively. We will need to know full details of weaponry and ammunition utilised. Testing with a variety is strongly recommended in order to ascertain the effectiveness of each type and wether they are immune to certeain ballistic projectiles. After all this data will be highly important to forum members with a similar problem. It also stops the raccoons working out which body armor to purchase for next spring. Mike
  13. If it was metal they used it. Did the design for a development in Oxford about 12 years ago. Had the sewer records but nobody could find any manhole covers. Was informed by the Local Authority "Thats the older part of Oxford most of the covers went in the war" blockages are therefore fun. Mike
  14. There is of course a bit on Pathfinder Online as well http://www.pathfinderonline.co.uk/articles/item/98-the-discovery-of-a-unique-german-warplane As for the aircraft being designed as an airliner is a bit off. It was originally designed as a freght plane for the railway and high speed mail palne. Perfect to carry one railway sleeper or a rolled up newspaper. As this was Hermany that was building up for a war, but was banned from producing military stuff after WW1 )or something similar) it was a paperwork exercise. They could build a shed (hanger) load of fast freight planes but not bombers. Nothing said that the they had to be useful frieght planes. I am sure it was just a coincidence that they made pretty handy bombers. Hopefully I have remembered it correctly. Mike
  15. It all in the description. Smoke discharge array (replica or not) will send up a red flag. Now, "Plastic coated toilet roll array" is completely differnt. THey will just scratch their heads and think "What idiot buys stuff like that" Also makes it perfect for Ebay. Mike
  16. Bit more and some footage on the BBC site. Seems like the aircraft is in a reletively intack state http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-12997528 Mike
  17. If nothing else the letter will throw up a smoke screen. Sorry could not resist. Mike
  18. Welcome in. Good to see its not just the FFR's that are being saved. Look forward to seeing some pics. Mike
  19. That's it spend the double glazing money. With global warming you won't need it anyway MIke
  20. Nice trailer did it come with a Land Rover at that price. Was tempted by the £100 Sankey (attached to a 101) but might have struggled getting it in the Astra. Mike
  21. Thats it. How she decided to call the tailplane a picnic bench I do not really know as it is not even on top of the plane. If it was the Sea Vixen I could understand it, as the tailplane is up high. At least I have a few photos of these things to help. Suppose it could have been worse it copuld have been "I saw a MV, it had four wheels and was green, what was it?" Mike
  22. Was down there as well. Despite being "rare" there were quite a few parts for them down there. Saw a few wings, bonnet, taigate etc. Mike
  23. OK guys you are as way off as I was and still way to big Wingspan is 11.58m (spitfire is 11.23m) Length is 9.37m (spitfire is 9.12m) Not a current serving aircraft as last one was retired (worldwide) in 1979 Assuming you can trust Wikipedia. Mike
  24. Yup AWACs etc is what I thought when mentioned a picnic table OK a few more clues. By larger than a Spitfire it was not actually much bigger but the fuselage is not as sleek. By picnic table you need to think more along the lines of a Cosworth Sierra RS500 Mike
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