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Everything posted by mike65

  1. Makes no difference if a vehicle is MOT exempt or not, or even what the vehicle is. If used on a public highway a vehicle should be maintained in a safe roadworthy condition at all times. Sadly most people seem to think this only applies on the day of the MOT test. Mike
  2. Bucks is just the same. Maybe Jack should relocate A&E to out neck of the woods. No worries about damage from tracks as it could only be an improvement:-D:-D Mike
  3. That sounds like a load of bovine excrement to me. I know they made unleaded only cars have a smaller filler cap and the pump had a smaller nozzle. Mind you is it Ford advertising the new Fiesta as having a sensor which tells you if you are adding the wrong fuel? My father in law has a Honda Stream and if he tries to fill up at the nearest Tesco's the pump keeps shutting off. Its OK everywhere else though. Mike
  4. Lets see Road Tax - You get a reminder Insurance - You get a reminder So technically no excuse MOT - Where I take my car and Land Rover send a reminder So I have no excuse, not sure if all garages do this, I doubt it. Have driven car showing out of date tax disc as forgot to put new one in. Mind you there are loads of cars out there with Tax, insurance and MOT that are unroadworthy. It seems to be that routine checks are no longer required (lights, tyre pressures, oil etc) Mike
  5. Sometimes they turn up and other times they don't. From xperience you only find out reasons for no shows when it is an official flypast. These are quite comprehensively listed on their website and a downloadable spreadsheet with take off/landing spots and times, even down to ID the aircraft (weel S1 - 5 for Spitfires. http://www.raf.mod.uk/bbmf/displayinfo/ Mike
  6. Kind of agree with you there. I quite like the fact that everything is "jumbled up". It gives you the cahnce to compare the different vehicles to each other with relative ease. I was parked next to a Jeep and a friend commented on how small it seemed compared to a 109. Also lining/grouping everything would be a logistical nightmare. Can't see the problem with putting your kids names on the truck either. Your truck your choice and at least it is there and working. After all how many of those "correct" jeeps and US vehicles with names on are oriiginal or just somebodies imagination. After all what the book says and what actually happens can be 2 different things. Mike
  7. Tricky question. If I see an untaxed car on the public highway I will not hesitate to fill in one of those online, dob the idiot in forms. Seems to get them removed very swiftly. At a show it is a completely different matter, You need to be 100% sure that the vehicle actually drove there and disck etc have not been changed for show proposes. After all MV's never had a tax disk originally, why show with one? People also show with mil plates on, OK in field? but illegal on road. Some people may wish to show their car with an age related Tax disc, by all accounts people pay good money for the correct style/colour. OK as far as I can tell. Mike
  8. You are probably right,especially with roundabouts, traffic lights and stuff. How are you going to prevent two Hellcats drag racing from the lights? A 90ish convoy must have been pretty impressive. Mike
  9. How can you have too many vehicles? What is the current record for the largest WW2 vehicle convoy? Mike
  10. They did not break from Land Rover tradition then:laugh: Thanks for that, interesting reading. Like Clive I was down there Saturday but most of what I heard got washed away with the rain. Mike
  11. WOW Looks even better in flight than on the ground. Didn't realise you built it to actually drop bombs. A real credit to you. Mike
  12. Sadly it seems that we have to live with it as nobody seems to do be able to stop it, they just seem to be a drain on every bodies time, resources and money. Even when they get their just desserts they are a drain on time resources and money. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-13791831 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-leeds-13678266 Mike
  13. It did that last year IIRC, did it do it again this year, must have missed that Richard Thanks for the ID. Mike
  14. Just a few more The prototype Marksman M40 Sherman Mike
  15. Getting even worse now. Hagglund BV206 Saracen Some Russian Stuff (even worse at this) Mike
  16. OK here is where you find out that my MV identification starts to fall down. How many people can you fit in a Jeep (& trailer)? Some sort of US truck, always struggle with these) Can't rember what the truck is but I am sure it is a Coles crane and that I once had an Airfix one. This is a Morris. M8 Greyhound Havard (planes are much easier) Please correct me where I am wrong, Mike
  17. I totally understand what Adrian means about time disappearing when you are looking around Duxford, even without the additional MV's to look at. Anyway thought I would change this into a "show report" by throwing a few piccies in for you to enjoy. Thought I would go for ones of vehicles doing what they were intended to do. So here we go starting with An old Scammell A "small" Scammell (if there is such a thing) And a bigger one A "little" bike and a bigger one. Mike
  18. mike65


    Mark If the tyres are all the same (or similar) age I would personally get them all checked out. After all they are the only thing that keeps you in touch with the road. Failing 200 yds from home is Ok on a motorway or bend at any speed would not be healthy. Mike
  19. Those notices are to make other road users aware that the car is been driven, normally very badly, by somebody who has had a baby as a status symbol. As such you are warned to keep well out of their way. Especially as it it stuck slap bang in the middle of the back window so they cannot see you in the rear view mirror , so have no idea that you are there. Have you also noticed how they leave the sign up when the baby is not in the car. Mike
  20. Totally enjoyed the day. Just to whet you appetite for photos. Here is one of a certain previously mentioned vehicle in the play pit. Mike
  21. You need to be careful now, loving hedges is one step away from tree hugging. Mike
  22. Walking everywhere, whatever happened to that one. Mike
  23. Sorry but it is definitely Lady Gaga being interviewed.. Mike
  24. Wasthat pasturised or unpasturised? You could not beat a nice mug of warm fresh milk in the morning. Note it was only warm because it was so fresh. Mike
  25. If only, mind you you never know it may have been a recycled one it looks as though it has crash landed in a few places. Mike
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