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Everything posted by mike65

  1. Mark Does your camera store them on a memory card? If so all may not be lost as long as you have not used the card since. When you delete something all you do is change a "file" which tells the device what bits have data on. The data is only fully lost when you overwrite it. With software you can recover the picture files. Here is one example. http://www.cardrecovery.com/ I have a Sandisk product (came with card) which works OK. Mike
  2. Did my Land Rover on line no problem. Decided queuing in the Post Office just to get something for nothing is not worth a half hour wait. Mike
  3. A sad loss but luckily nobody died. From watching the videos it would appear that the pilot stayed in the plane as long as possible in order to endure it came down safely Mike
  4. Yes he does but is probably looking for backup machines once he has broken yours. Mike
  5. OK not to hard Create your thread/reply here on HMVF Have a seperate browser window/tab open on your Photopucket album page with pictures you want on. Move mose over picyure on Photobucket and it pulls up a list of info. The bottom one is IMG CODE Click this (contents of little box) and it copies to clipboard. Go to the HMVF thread you are working on and paste this in You should then get the image when you preview/submit the post You need to remember that if you change or delete the picture in Photobucket it disappears from HMVF Here is one I have just done to test it Mike
  6. Photobucket it a picture hosting website http://photobucket.com/ It allows you to upload pictures to your own album and then hot link them to other sites like this forum. Mike
  7. mike65


    Luckily your are safe there. Youa are allowed to photograph anything or anybody you like on your own property or from a public highway. As for putting up a warning sugn, they propably cannot read it anyway. Mike
  8. I Have one of those not sure if it exactly the same though as did not come from Maplins. Current purpose "interior light Rover Series 3" and for holding route print out to battery cover. They are very bright, magnet is a bit small. but will test next time I am out to see if it can withstand the potholes in the roads (bit of string to hook should ensure it stays hanging if it shakes loose. Should stick to front bumber or rear bumperettes on the Landy. The hook folds out and swivels so you should be able to hang from tilt frame or similar. Some cragt shops sell red transparent film which could be stuck on for rear use. You could also use down the side of a vehicle if required. Mike
  9. It maybe possible to adapt them. and the vehicle, to use plug in connectors so they can be removed if/when required. Probably only know that when aqcuired. Sounds like they are a bit like the @Knight Rider" lights people used to fit in the 1980's. Thanks to Tony and those that have pointed out that orange hi-viz is better, not something I had thought about. As others have mentioned you can only do a certain amount to make yourself more visible and always to drive defensively. Something you learn to do when you have/had a motorbike. I try to remain fully alert and assume that somebody is about to do something stupid. There are always the idiots out there who pay no attention to anybody or anything, and will cut you up, tailgate etc and all you can do about them is get out of their way as quickly and safely as possible. Even then when you slow down and wave them by they get annoyed because they think it is some sort of rude gesture and that you are slowing down just to annoy them. Mike
  10. Cracking along quite nicely there. The tanks don't look to bad. Drain plug differs and the side pressings are outwards rather than inwards. But will only be visible to a rivet counter or somebody you just ran over (possibly the rivet counter):-D What was the fit like on the filler cap and the strainer and the sender/pickup? Am thinking of investing for the 109. Have had 2 one leaking. Then 2 none leaking and now back to one not leaking. Mike
  11. Just remembered at Old Warden Sunday was a stall with a bloke selling framed bits of crashed aircraft with a picture of what it was from. Although it would be hard to tell if the bolt or whatever was actually from a Wellington/Dornier/Sabre or a Land Rover They were priced from about £40 upwards so must be a market for this sort of stuff. Mike
  12. Welcome in. You probably stand more chance of digging one up than winning the lottery. Mike
  13. Vertical on a stick could be a good way of mounting them, especially if you have convoy flag holders fitted. If not you could possibly fit some and they could still be in keeping with the vehicle. Mike
  14. I always thought there was a minimum speed for motorways, obviously I was wrong. What you need to drive slow and carefully for? Everybody knows that with ABS you can stop really quick and anyway if you hit something you have airbags to save your life. They also seem to think that you don't need to wear a seat belt with airbags. They do not reallise that an deploying air bag and no seat belt will probably kill you. They are designed to work in conjunction with a seat belt. By all accounts if unrestrained you and the airbag will meet with a force significantly greater than being punched by a heavyweight boxer. The only explosion proof building I have worked on the design was a "hut" inside a factory for the testing of air bags. The gas used is also flammable so smoking may not be a good idea. Although I think the chances of it igniting are far slimmer than that of you swallowing you fag. I believe the rules on this have now been changed, as I was recently passed by an AA van towing a car on a motorway and I was doing about 60 mph Mike
  15. There are some very bright flashing LED lights available for pushbikes. These could be fitted with relative ease, no wiring required. The reflective tape is a good idea and you could probably fix to the vehicle using magnets/magnetic tape. (unless you have a non magnetic vehicle) You could even use a hi-vis jacket, available cheaply from many places Sadly I feel that no matter what you do most people will still not see you until it is to late, as I believe driving standards have dropped significantly and people are more interested in all the electronic toys in their cars rather than waht is in the road more than 10m away. I have also noticed that my green and black Land Rover is well camoflaged in town (Berlin Brigade Camo not required). It is amazing how many people pull out in front of you, stop and only realise you are there when you have screeched to a halt a foot from the drivers window and all they can see is a big bumper. Even with lights on. Mike
  16. Right got to make a comment here, on the braking side. Generally the 43# models that are available to the public have no secondary brakes. Something thing that needs to be solved on safety as well as C&U compliance issues. Somebody mentioned that the Bulldog upgrade has secondary brakes. If so how have they done it? Regardless of road use or just arena use a backup brake system is always handy. Finding an answer to this may help with other vehicles that may have a similar issue. Mike
  17. The Bleriot is the oldest flying aircraft and they also have the Blackburn Type D Monoplane the oldest flying British plane. Yes they do fly with a brave person at the controls. Proof below from Sunday. Mike
  18. OK so we have 2 options here. Option 1 Take a bigger gun (probably get in even more trouble). Option 2 Bury it on a beach near Karachi (I am sure they don't mind you hiding there) i and get a farmer from Normandy with a metal detector to find it. You can then describe it a "Shot up bonnet found buried on French Beach by a Normandy Farmer" You would not be lying. Mike
  19. Also being Low Internet Message-board Poster may not be very good either. Mike
  20. Why bother you can probably save paper and ink money by buying them on ebay. Now have a cunning plan. Remove knackered bonnet. Paint olive drab and add a star. shoot a few holes in it. Bury it in a pile of farmyard manure for a few months (should age it nicely) Take to normandy and bury on beach. With a few jeep bits. Get a friendly metal detectorist to discover it, print certificate of authenticity. Sell on ebay as "extremely rare" bonnet recoverd from site of the Normandy D-Day landings. Some idiot will buy it. As it is on ebay and everything on the internet is correct there is the added bonus that not only was every jeep ever built on the beaches there would have been atleast one (evidence above) Land Rover and that would make mine eligble for A&E:D Mike
  21. So going by the stats on the bottom of the forum main page that would be Jack who is ahead of Tony B by a mere 105 posts. (correct at time of this post) Mike
  22. Yes that is the one about half an hour or so after that picture was taken. Nobody new much about it it went off to do a practice, about a mile from the airfield. This is what it has done on previous visits, When it did not return they sent the Hurricane out on a hunt (it has a radio). Heard all this from the pilot when he returned. Thankfully nobody was seriously hurt. Mike
  23. Thanks for that. Now that I know what it is have been able to look up a bit more info. Apparently it was built in 1944 and only took to the air after resto earlier this year. Mike
  24. OK you guys have not let me down yet so here is another one. What is this? The one with the red star, I know what the Junkmann is. It was out and flying in formation wuth the Piper Cub at Old Warden Sunday morning Mike
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