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Everything posted by mike65

  1. Don't we have a few radio hams on here. All you need to do is give them a script and a recorder. Mike
  2. mike65


    Good idea they did it with fuel in their tanks. Way it is going we will bring the country to a standstill without fuel in our tanks. Mike PS: Not quite sure why I am fixing up the second tank for the Land Rover.
  3. That would be one way around it. But then you run foul of the 'ealth and safety' department. There was a case once where a Loacal Authority granted Planning Permission for a garage and drive. However the same LA Highways Department would not grant a crossover consent due to proximity to a junction (or something stupid) and was a safety risk. I believe that they demonstrated the point that the LA were being stupid by hiring a crane to get their car in and out, which was far more dangerous, but legal. Mike
  4. Need to read the Highways Act on this one. Even if you can interpret it to allow you to park on the footway there is a bit that you cannot misinterpret, which is basically "It is illegal to drive a vehicle on a footway other than to cross at a designated vehicular access point" Therefore parking on a footway becomes tricky when you cannot drive on it. Mind you that is a bit off topic. Legally you can park anything on a Public Highway (Road) that has the relevant MOT, Road Fund Licence and Insurance as long as it does not cause an obstruction. However IIRC you cannot leave a trailer on a highway if it is not attached to an appropriate vehicle. Mike
  5. Welcome in, vehicle not required. Enthusiam always welcome. There are many ways of getting involved with resto projects, without great expense. Places are always looking for volunteers to help out with collections etc. In fact I have a Land Rover with layers of flaking paint. Volunteers required, wet and dry, tea and buiscuits provided. Mike
  6. Well thats one way of getting around the ban on pit stop refuelling during a GP. Prefer the sound of the old cars to the modern stuff. Mike
  7. Normal housing estate roads are generally 4.8m wide, although some maybe 5.5m. So technically the vehical could be deemed to be causing an obstruction as there will be insufficient room to get an emergemcy vehicle past without driving on the footway. Driving or parking on the footway is in itself an offence. The neighbours are probably complaining because they have to walk anothe 5m to their house. How does it take up 3.5 parking spaces? If it is parked on the road, parrallel to the kerb iy must be the stretched version. Parrallel bays are worked out at 6m long by 2m wide, which would make it 21m long. Even working on 5m it is 17.5m long At 4 tons it must also be made of polystyrene. So is a fire hazard. Mike
  8. I believe that black and silver are permitted on vehicles built before 1 Jan 1973. Or at least that is what the suppliers say on their websites. ALTERNATIVLY There is an easy way to resolve this. You need 3 number plates for each end. 1. Black letters with reflective backing (white front, yellow rear) 2. One set of nice black with silver (or white) letters 3. Ome set of mil plates. Mount said plates on a triangular frame with a central spindle. Add a motor and mount in a frame that allows one number plate to be seen. Add switch to floor near your foot. Drive around with the black and silver ones showing. If plod pulls you over and comes to the window and says, "There appears to be a problem with your number plates sir" You reply "They were OK earlier, let me have a look" As you get out stand on switch to rotate number plate to correct position. Worked for Mr Bond. Mike
  9. It always used to be the case that fog lights only worked with dipped beam. This was for rear and front and were only to be used when visibility was less than 100 yards. Even in heavy rain mian beam would probably be pretty useless in these conditions. But I do know where Antarmike is coming from, brother used to use his in wet conditions, especially motorways when he had is beetle. It was a Baja job with 305's so any water ant it just disappeared in spray. I think the rules must have changed now as fog lights seem to work regardless of what lights are on and regardless of weather conditions. Mike
  10. I think they invented a new specification to suit each assembly error:-) Now it is just a basic vehicle with optional bling packs. Then you get the after market Blinging on top. Should have taken a picture of the 2 Range Rovers at Donnington Park in 2007 that were piped beyond believe and had about 3 inches of ground clearance. Mike
  11. Not as long as it took to keep oil in and water out. Mike
  12. You appear to be having a few attachment issues. Mike
  13. JUst mentioning what I learned when getting parts from a local Land Rover parts supplier. Non of the pre 1980 (I believe this was the date mentioned) parts fitted. When I went back and spoke to the old bloke it was down to it being a Salisbury Axle. Before this date they were generally only fitted to Mil spec and the 1 Ton trucks. Does not mean they were not on before or not on after. After all I work with somebody who has a friend with a 2008 Rover 75 Estate, but thats another story. Mike PS Tryiing to work from memory here and have been on the wine.
  14. Mil ones yes. IIRC civvy ones got them around 1980. Mike
  15. Didn't think the M25 was a pleasant drive in anything Mike
  16. ONe day job. Although you can camp over the saturday night. Mike
  17. Not spotted it on here yet Duxford's MV day is on 19th June http://duxford.iwm.org.uk/server/show/conEvent.3538 On top of which it is Father's Day, so when the kids ask what you want to do, there can be no complaints. Mike
  18. Following on from Robin's tip Put drain plug in before refilling with fluids. It happens, well my brother did it anyway. If after a service you cannot get your car to start check socket set box for rotor arm. Know somebody who did that also, 2 of them scratchin their head for 90 minutes. Totally agree on the good vacuum. I have one a bit like this http://www.wickes.co.uk/Wet-n-Dry-Vacuum-Cleaner/invt/505031 Sucks up everything, nuts bolts, screwdrivers, sockets. Added benefit of works with water. Also good for blowing clouds of dust everywhere. Mike
  19. If only you could speed in a Series 3 Land Rover. Mike
  20. Got 7.50x16 on my 109 by a company called Flamingo. Had never heard of them but they do have the right tread pattern (almost). Gaps between blocks appear are slightly larger. Not sure if they do 6.50x16 though. Mike
  21. If only they would. Headlights looking for Luftwaffe air raids (70 years late). Fog lights on 24/7 or so they can see at night when headlight bulbs are blown. Sat navs stuck to windscreens in wiper sweep. Phones attached to hand and ear. Seat belts, who needs them. Illegal modified number plates. Ultra low profile tyres (flat) Who needs light lenses. Oh yeah speed cameras stop all the traffic accidents as none of the above count. Mike
  22. Totally agree that it is worth putting in a new loom if doing a ground up rebuild. either bought or knocked up yourself, if not available or over priced. Price youve been given seems pretty good to me, probably cost more to make your own, forgetting time. Personally never quite sure about NOS tyres as they have a shelf life which is affected by how and where they are stored. Mike
  23. I do not have a problem with an annual MOT, not everybody maintains their vehicles properly regardless of age or mileage. Many people rely on the MOT failure to tell them they need headlight bulbs or the steel belting is showing on their tyres. These are in the majority and sadly you have to legislate for the idiot majority. The only objection I have is that cars under 3 years are exempt, and I know of some with high mileage that have never had an oil change or service, but they are obviously safe as they are "new". Mike
  24. Thanks. Just learnt something new. Normally only get involved with semi-trailers for distribution centre and warehouse yard design. Not many lowloaders there. Mike
  25. Its not just a Starship Enterprise it covers all models so is quite comprehensive. However its of no use to me as I only have a Borg Cube with a dodgy starter. They also do one for the Vulcan, Spitfire, Lancaster, Hurricane, ME109, Mustang, Tiger Moth, Jeep They also do this one PIG MANUAL Mike
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