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What Is Heliops Doing?


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AS the title states, What could Mark Heliops be doing? The vehicle is his ARRV, I will let him tell you later...........






Routing those cables which control the auxilliary engine was a real pain but hopefully they will work a bit better now.

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Nearly Andy. lol.


My mobile phone slid out of my top pocket and guess where it ended up - somewhere under the GUE...............


Eight, yes eight hours later I had to admit defeat.


Purchased a new phone today but managed to retain my old number.


If anyone has my old number - can you text me yours with a name.


Proper pee'd off knowing I have a £100 phone rolling around in the Chieftain hull.


Still - on the plus side - my L60 now plays a nice "Compare the Meerkat" tune, until the battery runs out that is.




PS - thanks for you're help David - no sympathy though!!!

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As I said at the time "Look on the bright side, at least it wasn't the car keys or the wallet." Mind you, it only took the lads about 3 posts to get it right.......


We tried everything, tubing, bent wire, vacuum cleaner, mirror on a stick but it was obvious from very early on (to me) that it was staying in there until the GUE comes out.

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Nearly Andy. lol.


My mobile phone slid out of my top pocket and guess where it ended up - somewhere under the GUE...............


Eight, yes eight hours later I had to admit defeat.


Purchased a new phone today but managed to retain my old number.


If anyone has my old number - can you text me yours with a name.


Proper pee'd off knowing I have a £100 phone rolling around in the Chieftain hull.


Still - on the plus side - my L60 now plays a nice "Compare the Meerkat" tune, until the battery runs out that is.




PS - thanks for you're help David - no sympathy though!!!



Bad luck been and done it myself so I know how it feels pain in the butt getting at it..... It didn't matter that I managed to retrieve the phone, it died the following week after

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In the olden days in the way way back yonder this would be where the small child was inserted into said confined space with the inducement of chocolate or cash for finding the phone. Or a good beating for not finding the phone....I'm taking the p here just in case anyone gets on there charger


Have you thought of taping a camera to a stick and use the video function or the flash to take single pictures of where you can't physically see. Just a thought


Good luck in getting it out! It's amazing how they always manage to fall to the least accessible place!


In my experience its always when you need something that it goes missing or drops in the most awkward of place

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...Have you thought of taping a camera to a stick and use the video function or the flash to take single pictures of where you can't physically see. Just a thought...


If I tried that I'd be sure to end up with a phone and a camera stuck in the same place :nut:

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Mark, what you really need is a really big crane to turn it upside down and give it a shake !


I remember a conversation I had with John Marchant many years ago, he did something similar years before mobile phones were even thought of. He dropped a bolt inside a DINGO transmission, in the end he resorted to exactly that, went and got his crane and turned the whole thing upside down and shook until the bolt fell out.


I appreciate there is a slight difference in weight !

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What you need to borrow, is an endoscope. Marvelous tool with a flexy tubing and lens on the end which you can work into the most remote places and view from the other end. It illuminates the view, I have used it to view inside engines and transmissions.


Funnily enough - Aldi were selling these a while ago for £70 - I bought one 'cos the Stolly has a voracious appetite for loose objects.... :D

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Funnily enough - Aldi were selling these a while ago for £70 - I bought one 'cos the Stolly has a voracious appetite for loose objects.... :D


Endoscopes. I had a consultant surgeon use one of those on me a few years ago. While I was waiting on the operating table I commented to the nurses on the choice of heavy rock music they'd put on the c d player at very high volume. They apologised and said "Mr. C always insists on playing it, and loud. Not our choice of listening either".


After a couple more tracks Mr. C eventually breezed in. He said he could give me two options - either sedate me lightly so I could watch the camera monitor, or knock me out cold. I replied "Well I guess it depends on what music you're going to play".


That was the last thing I remember.....

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moral of this story.........When working on vehicles or above them take all loose bits off your person and put on bench. maybe if all the forum members were to come round and give a hand to turn the tank upside down and give it a good old shake it might fall out, I mean how heavy can it be............:nut:


What about you and Mike's WLF's they could do it couldn't they.

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Another 6 hours today (Monday) and 4 hours on Sunday - still can't find it.


It is now officially an obsession but I'm not giving up yet.


I do need one of those scopie things so if someone can lend me one or get hold of one - can you let me know please.


I know the phone is alive and well so I'll keep on going.

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Hi all.


I am more than happy to report after 20 hours of looking for my phone in the Chieftain engine bay - success has come to those who persist.


I borrowed a scopie-thing from a friend of mine.


I spent a couple of hours looking for it using the scope but had no success.


Then Grasshopper and Nick paid me a visit to discuss painting options for the ARRV and stayed for a while.


When they left I decided to have one more search before I wrote the phone off as I had to return the scope to my friend.


Hey presto - there it was.




You can just see the rear of the phone in the scope screen. What you can see is the camera lens and flash unit.


I managed to re-locate the phone to where I could see it and get at it.




I still couldn’t reach it but managed to use a drain rod and raise it just high enough to get hold of it.


It was covered in oil and muck as the bottom of a Chieftain engine bay is not the cleanest of places as you can imagine.




I’m even happier to report after a clean up and re-charge the phone is in full working order.


I can now give it to the Naughty-Nurse as her phone has seen better days.


I’m now happy as Larry. It’s not that the phone was expensive and I had already purchased another phone but I really do not like losing things - especially when I know where they are. If the phone had fallen into water I would have written it off as knackered but as I knew it was working it did pee me off that I couldn’t retrieve it.


If you think that’s anal - you should see me when I lose a spanner - just ask Tootallmike!


Well now it’s full steam ahead with the restoration of the Chieftain ARRV - without the in-built phone.


If you are one of the 36 missed calls and 24 texts sent to my phone whilst in the engine bay - I'll get round to you eventually.



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