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Niels v

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Niels v last won the day on February 1 2024

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About Niels v

  • Birthday 08/19/1985

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  • Location
    Denmark, Copenhagen
  • Interests
    WW2 Commonwealth mv`s, the bigger the better, particulary Scammell's
  • Occupation
    MSc. Eng, chemical and biotechnology

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  1. A bit of painting and assembly, just need a second coat on the frame and wheels and to find a 1/2” Whitworth bolt
  2. Bit of primer added to the frame
  3. The fast motion lever was left to cool slowly and then today I had a bit fun with some files and the angle grinder. This of course leaves a surface that is far from the original cast, so I worked it over with my needle scaler, and got something looking more like the original finish
  4. Larger parts send away for blasting. Smaller parts basted at home and painted. New pin and spring made as per Utt61’s picture. The spring is made from a discarded centrifugal pump shaft seal spring, I had in my “might need that one day draw” I knocked out the rivets of the repair plates and fast motion lever, and a friend helped with welding it. Interestingly it is actually a very poor quality and porous casting.
  5. The vertical pin on mine was 1/2" bolt, with a lot of play, From one of the pictures I could find on the net it seemed that is should fill out the holes so I have made this pin, but was this just a strait pin or does it have a "head" originally ?
  6. Alternatively could you be convinced to make a second? Do you remember if this is a pin or was it once a bolt that just has snapped ? (as it has a hex head)
  7. I am 99.9% certain that it is a Chevrolet, The GMC has a different Grill, a hatch in the bonnet, and a different ventilation hatch on the side, besides other other detail differences (hood ornament). There is off cause the possibility that the truck is a captured/Pressed in to service during the trip through NWE. Chevrolet COE 1939-40 here is one in German service. The RHD suspicion was based upon the window heater that would not make senses sitting in the right side of a LHD vehicles. Denmark was liberated 5th of may, and there was a British presents for quite some time in Denmark afterwards eg. mine clearing at the west coast and gathering/destroying/sampling/selling German equipment. The pictures are also basis for this article REME History: REME in Denmark | REME Museum It is to early for Danes in British uniforms, they would have either been in pre war Danish or Danish brigade.
  8. Do you have a picture of how the fast motion spring is supposed to look ? Thanks for the advice with unwinding the other spring. It worked like a charm. I am debating now with myself on how to make the best fast motion lever,
  9. Did you ever look further in to making the springs, I could use one for the Long pawl and the fast motion spring. my fast motion lever has taken a beating at some point with an interesting repair, that didn't hold op to the strain, so I will either make a new or see if I can find a replacement. I also need to dig out the remains of a bolt in the tumbler.
  10. Yes I think it has a lot to do with the size of the handle. Yes once I got mine welds back together it measured 5’ in length and is as you say quite unwieldy. Without a load on the rope it significantly easier just to use a spanner for pulling it back in.
  11. I just found this interesting picture of a 1939-40 Chevrolet COE, apparently RHD in British Service, the pictures are taken outside Copenhagen in May 45. I did not know these where used by the British. From arkiv.dk | Kirkevej 24 som britisk militært autoværksted
  12. This was just dropped off by the postman. now a bit of cleaning and painting
  13. If you are willing to look abroad https://www.militaerlacke.de/1K-Spray-S.C.C.-No.-2-Brown/SW11119
  14. It was a very impressive Convoy and I am glad that I used the opportunity to drive down for the weekend to see it and meet so many people
  15. The fan looks spot on.
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