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Reporting LIVE from the W&P Show 2011


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You were correct - I went on Wednesday and Thursday arrived about 9.30 ish on both days and drove straight in without any hold up. Great show - glad I went BUT I did find the German SS, Hitler Youth and the Japanese soldier and stalls selling Japanese WW2 items totally unacceptable. Graham
graham ,you have a real issue over this. well without them mate we wouldnt have our MV,s & atrocities where done on all sides, the british invented piracy mate
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Well the plan to go down on Friday the 16th didn't work as I never fixed the truck until about 16.00 that day, so it was up early and left at 0530 on Saturday 17th.


Got to the show ground about 08.45. Set about immediately setting up the 12x12 and just as well I did as the rain that i drove through all the way down soon made an apperance and we just about got the tent up when the rain started.


On Clive's point about putting all the caravans into Medway, I have to dissagree I'm affraid. I started going to W&P a long time ago and was camped in the Living History field at the start. Every year we are pushed further and further away. This year we had no choice but to go into Medway as the space was all "pre-booked" everywhere else. Medway is a MILITARY VEHICLE OVERFLOW area. A friend spoke with Rex about the caravan and civvy tent situation in Medway. Apparently the civvy camping field was full and they were sending them into Medway. He said that next year it might be treated the same as Monktons and have it's own marshals. There were another two fields attached to Medway that were on the map and could have been used but were hardly occupied. I suggest that these fields are used for civvy caravans, cars and tents. Maybe there needs to be marshals or signage present directing these vehicles into these fields. Also a few people were overheard saying that civvy camping was too expensive so they booked "GHOST" vehicles into the show and got in for £25 even though they never had any Military Vehicles of any kind. This needs to be sorted out.


Back to the report.


The weather this year was terrible. The rain overnight on Friday/Saturday was unbelievable. A mate left his wash bowl out that was 5 inches deep and he said it was totally filled in the morning. It was cloudy most of the time with just a few days where the weather was fine.


There didn't seem to be as much stuff on the stalls this year worthy of purchase, a few items I was after just weren't stocked by anyone.


I did get around the site when the roads allowed but stayed mostly at our camp. It would be nice if the usual drive around of Monktons of vehicles in the evenings would include Medway. This field was packed this year but hardly any drive pasts were witnessed.


All in all a good show. It took me 5 hours to pack all the gear away yesterday and a 2 1/2 hour drive home. Totally knackered this morning, so just as well I took the day off work to recover.


I will post up some pictures when I get round to it. Up to my eyes in washing and pressing my kit. Oh and typically the weather here is glorious after a week of rain!!!

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On Clive's point about putting all the caravans into Medway, I have to dissagree I'm affraid. I started going to W&P a long time ago and was camped in the Living History field at the start. Every year we are pushed further and further away. This year we had no choice but to go into Medway as the space was all "pre-booked" everywhere else. Medway is a MILITARY VEHICLE OVERFLOW area.


Was just a vague suggestion to try get the caravans away from the epicentre of the show, I was suggesting for those who have caravans that are inseperable from their MV. I agree if caravans could go further out of sight so much the better, that seems to work ok at GDSF where caravans go to a dedicated campsite. This seems to be accepted as perfectly logical as caravans are not part of what is on show & the public are paying to see.

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well just got back i would say weather was average and great over the weekend, one of the highlights for me was a trip round the arena in a humber 1942 armed with the 2 pounder cheers singe! have to agree to many caravans and civvy tents least put cammo netting over them!

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Just got back after 9 enjoyable days.

A very deffinate decrease in the 'yob' element this year.

Toilets were the best I have seen for a long time, but I think this is due to the fact that loads of people hire thier own for the show, we were camped in the americas field and I would say at least half the people there had thier own toilet.

Had a shower every day and did not queue once!!


The medway meadow was the busiest I have ever seen it.

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Finally back online, laptop charger packed up & had to get a new one today


Great show, lots of rain & mud & sun too.. got to meet quite a few forum members..


Stalls were very poor this year with lots of traders missing that I usualy buy from... MV spares seemed very thin on the ground..


Still here & W&P for about another 5 days, moved all the armour that was left in my care to the holding area, also reloacted my CARAVAN there so can keep an eye on the MV's..


Caravans.... always been against them, still am in diplays, doesn't take a lot to cover them up & I will be getting a canvas cover made to disguise it..


Lots of tents with very few vehicles to go with them this year.. all that one guy had was a silver car with US ARMY stuck on the doors & a caravan with M.A.S.H stenciled on it... it seems anything goes now..

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Also a few people were overheard saying that civvy camping was too expensive so they booked "GHOST" vehicles into the show and got in for £25 even though they never had any Military Vehicles of any kind. This needs to be sorted out.


i heard this and asked about it myself anyone who comes to the booking in without a vehicle they have been booked in with WILL BE AND HAS BEEN charged the full amount for camping as public so that £50 odd quid for IMPS members or £105 for non members.


just thought it would help :)

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Really enjoyed the show I had no intention of attending this year but did as it helped another forum member Rick (eddy8men) get his carrier to the show. He was going anyway come what may even if he had to use his van as a tow vehicle.


Six plus hours to get down to the show arrived at 04:30 Thursday morning tried to get my head down couldn't ended up staying awake for 24 hours which I'm still feeling the results of now. The four days that we attended just wasn't long enough it it passed so quickly had a ride round the arena in a Landrover 90 bouncy but fun. Also enjoyed the ride in the Turret of John Pearsons Valentine big smiles :D:D:D


Also had a drive of Ricks Bren Carrier great fun managed to stall it on the entrance to the overflow field thanks to the guy with the Dingo who towed the carrier out of the way.


Six plus hours to get back four of them kipping in the back of the RB44 as my night driving is terrible.

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I did'nt see withams this year. Anyone know why?


Must admit, I don't blame people for booking in ghost vehciles, as the cost for public camping is very expensive, IMO.

Caravans?, well I do understand why people take caravans, comfort, warmth, etc etc, but they should cover them, avis was selling 12x12 tent middles for £20 this year, easy enough to cover a caravan.

Maybe civvie tents/caravans should be allocated to a seperate field?

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Really enjoyed the show I had no intention of attending this year but did as it helped another forum member Rick (eddy8men) get his carrier to the show. He was going anyway come what may even if he had to use his van as a tow vehicle.


Six plus hours to get down to the show arrived at 04:30 Thursday morning tried to get my head down couldn't ended up staying awake for 24 hours which I'm still feeling the results of now. The four days that we attended just wasn't long enough it it passed so quickly had a ride round the arena in a Landrover 90 bouncy but fun. Also enjoyed the ride in the Turret of John Pearsons Valentine big smiles :D:D:D


Also had a drive of Ricks Bren Carrier great fun managed to stall it on the entrance to the overflow field thanks to the guy with the Dingo who towed the carrier out of the way.


Six plus hours to get back four of them kipping in the back of the RB44 as my night driving is terrible.






Were you parked right by the showers in Medway? I saw a carrier being driven past our pitch (the oil drum enclosure) quite a few times. Do the gears always make that noise when changing gear?;)

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Were you parked right by the showers in Medway? I saw a carrier being driven past our pitch (the oil drum enclosure) quite a few times. Do the gears always make that noise when changing gear?;)


Spot on right next to the showers and toilets.


Er no the gears aren't meant to make those noises its still a work in progress and needs some fettling next year it should be better.



Forgot to mention that we met some fellow hmvf's nice to put faces to forum members

Edited by ferrettkitt
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Got home a few hours ago and am now feeling totally shattered... I think my bruises have bruises and joints are going on strike! But it was well worth it I had a great time down there and getting involved in the Afghanistan events on Fri, Sat & Sun was the icing on the cake. Knackering for me though as I was forever walking from the America's field over to Living History and then the arena in the evenings for safety talks and walk throughs and then walking back - not so good given the state of my feet but.... We were only expecting to do the Sat & Sun as most of the Soviet re-enactors weren't due to arrive till Fri night - but we scraped enough heads to together to pull something off. One of the highlights had to be the gunner in the OT letting rip with a BF PKT!!

Plans are afoot for bigger and better next year.... :)


Met a lot of new HMVF faces down there and had time for a little chat, at least, with all of them. Usually whilst sitting waiting to enter the arena.. The arena itself was highly interesting as the rear mound kept changing location almost every other day!!


As for the bit about caravans - ours were heavily covered in cam nets using poles to break up the outline where possible. A 12 x 12 would not cover the entire van lengthwise and certainly would not high enough.

I appreciate the views on having "green" kit but sometimes it is not possible. In my case I cannot currently justify the cost of buying tentage and if I had to put the van in the public camping field it would not be worth me attending as the walk to and from would kill me feet and ankles which got badly fried back in 2007.

Just turning up with an ordinary car and 'van though is, I feel not on. Fair enough if the owner actually has an MV - I can't be the only one with health issues like that - but not just having a normal car with or without stickers.


Just need to organise the transport of the vehicle from W&P to Damyns Hall with Ovendens now.

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I went in Saturday and have to tell you I came back fully inspired and was one of the best days I have had for a long while. I am away for a couple of days but will post some pics up when I get back.


I have fallen in love with Adrian Scott...lets just say that Adrian and I are fellow tank drivers :coffee: it more than made my day and feel very privilaged.

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Had a great time and enjoyed and everything of ours worked (for a change).


Being involved in the convoy of 3x WLFs towing 2xM10s and 1xM36 was a highlight. Reckon that little convoy was about £500,000 worth!


Looked really great too, the arena wrecker display was really busy, did anyone get a video?

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I think my mrs got one from the leading M10, haven't seen it yet though.


Other highlights for me were seeing (and driving) the rugged robin, having Roy Baker and his Autocar with us, seeing Adrians M10 and having Antony (who helped restore it and stayed with us) show me around it, fwd control GMC (really ugly but different), seeing the gun portee and Dragon Wagon with 2 Stuarts on it and the GMC bolster truck which Mike restored winning best heavy in show.

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