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Things you find....


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The missus had been moaning about the presence of some boxes of shelving being in the front toom that were supposed to have gone in the garage last October. Things didn't work out that way for one very good reason but the day before yesterday the complaints reached dripping tap proportions so the daughter Mk1 and I decided to put the shelving in the garage.

Isn't it amazing what you find when you start looking:

Now you don't see it



Some of the stuff that had already came out




And now you do see it



Whilst emptying the old collapsed shelving behind I found a box marked RCK - on opening it the contents were revealed to be:


  • SLR Tool
  • Oil Bottle
  • Brush
  • Lumps of 4x2
  • A length of green wire that did dual duty as a pull-through and for other less salubrious purposes!!



It's amazing what you can find when you aren't even looking!! :):):)

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Christ what a mess! Now I know why you need the OT, to push everything back inside the garage!


Actually - with the new shelving a lot of it went back OK - just got some stuff at the front which I'm flogging on eBay right now - when thats gone another couple of shelving bays can go in and it'll all be neat & tidy!! Then I can send the Saab Sport away for the shell to be restored (I'm not good with a MiG welder I fear).

Even got the big toolbox and the pressure washer out of the front room to score brownie points!!


For those who didn't recognize it - ithe beastie in the last shot in the garage is the production version of the car Erik Carlsson used to rally in back in the Sixties - Bull nosed (so called because the bonnet & front end hinges forward as opposed tothe long nose where just the bonnet lifts) Type 96 with a 3 cylinder 850cc two-stroke engine. Only 7 parts to the engine and you can lift it with one hand. 2-Stroke oil is fed in from a metering unit rather than mised in at the tank. Rare beastie - only 7 genuine ones in the UK!!


What I could have done without was my right ankle swelling like a grapefruit such that by the end of the dayI could barely walk - spent all yesterday with it wrapped in ice packs,. Guess I'm still not over October yet even though I thought I was... :cry: :cry:

Edited by ArtistsRifles
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The last SAAB 96 I saw on a rally was the 1980 RAC, I think. Way down the order of course. That would be the year the kid Henri Toivonen won in the Talbot. I met him a few times down the years (shaking hands was hand crushing more like) - one of the last being in a lay by in Greece in 1984 at Bralos where the Lancia team were being stuffed by crap Pirellis. He was still polite even though his rally was in ruins. I also met Attilio Bettega at the same halt - he spoke no English - just a big grin. Now they're both a long time dead - Bettega in 85 and Henri in 86 the year after he won the RAC again - he was as grim as ever - I think we were in Derby or somewhere like that. It was a mad day all round and later on I got locked in a pub toilet for about an hour - they needed a locksmith, but made do with a hammer). At that same halt Massimo Biasion was totally peed off and Markku Alen was the same as normal - mean looking - but totally Finnish. The boss men Fiorio was steaming. The rally people in those days were just amazing; Stig, Hannu, Ari Vatanen, Markku, Roger Clark and Tony Pond - all the names; they were great blokes. The Kenyan asian Shekhar Mehta and his mrs were big smilers...they were special times and the only thing that compares with the MV world.

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The last SAAB 96 I saw on a rally was the 1980 RAC, I think. Way down the order of course. That would be the year the kid Henri Toivonen won in the Talbot. I met him a few times down the years (shaking hands was hand crushing more like) - one of the last being in a lay by in Greece in 1984 at Bralos where the Lancia team were being stuffed by crap Pirellis. He was still polite even though his rally was in ruins. I also met Attilio Bettega at the same halt - he spoke no English - just a big grin. Now they're both a long time dead - Bettega in 85 and Henri in 86 the year after he won the RAC again - he was as grim as ever - I think we were in Derby or somewhere like that. It was a mad day all round and later on I got locked in a pub toilet for about an hour - they needed a locksmith, but made do with a hammer). At that same halt Massimo Biasion was totally peed off and Markku Alen was the same as normal - mean looking - but totally Finnish. The boss men Fiorio was steaming. The rally people in those days were just amazing; Stig, Hannu, Ari Vatanen, Markku, Roger Clark and Tony Pond - all the names; they were great blokes. The Kenyan asian Shekhar Mehta and his mrs were big smilers...they were special times and the only thing that compares with the MV world.
And there was me thinking you were only in to the green stuff!
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We had help from friends to clear out our garage. We cleared alot but there is still loads of stuff laying about. Stalwart parts, land rover parts anything you can think of.



WHAT sort of stalwart parts are there. (just out of interest) :idea:

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The second shot looks like my son's bedroom.....:coffee:

Ah, while my 2 year old daughter was supposedly having her afternoon nap today the call of nature took her.We are talking big jobs not small ones...She also decided to change her nappy by herself.:shake: The phrase "Dirty protest" comes to mind. We are still washing bedclothes etc into the evening.....Children, dont you just love 'em.

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Ah, while my 2 year old daughter was supposedly having her afternoon nap today the call of nature took her.We are talking big jobs not small ones...She also decided to change her nappy by herself.:shake: The phrase "Dirty protest" comes to mind. We are still washing bedclothes etc into the evening.....Children, dont you just love 'em.



Yep my 3 year old is just old enough to use the potty on her own and my 1 year old is just old enough to kick it over once its been vacated...

I think there's a house somewhere under the pile of pink plastic we've got! I'll have a look one day...

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This clearing up must be catching, I found part of my Kitchen floor a couple of weeks ago that I haven't seen for at least ten years, the outside khazi has reappeared after the same sort of time but I have yet to try and open the spare bedroom door.:sweat::-D

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A friend of mine had his 2 year old twins get hold of a 5 litre can of White emulsion paint. :shake: The result was a large insurance claim for carpets. My son at the age of three in the space of a couple of minutes, opened an ammunition box, took out a bottle of gun cleaner, opened a child proof top, then drank the contents. That's a week I don't want to repeat.

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You have GARAGES!!! to store kit in, some of us have to put with a spare bedroom. :argh:

The housing assocation round here did a survey to make sure garages were being properly used. About 15 % were actually being used to park cars in.

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I found something different while going through our halfopen storage...


A bloody WASPS nest...the damn Bas**rds used me for targetpractice landing 4 hits on me. :argh:



OOHH i wondered where i left them :cool2:



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