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Beltring, who's going?

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Hello All,


At the beginning of the year, I wasn't to bothered about going. But as the show has got closer, I thought yes I'm going. This year is the first year we have had accomidate school holidays, so I booked the first week of so the boy and I could bring our Fv432 along. It wasn't until I was filling in the booking form, that to my horror, we can't go, he's still at school the week of Beltring, I've booked the week after, which is the first week of the holidays. This will be the first time I will miss in about 6 years.


Make sure you all have a great time, and hopefully if they have to change venues because the site is apparently sold they can change the week at the same time



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Looks like you might be out of luck there Dougy - at least until 2009 - this is from the W&P website:


Future Show Dates




Future Dates for the War and Peace shows are as follows.



All shows will run from Wednesday to Sunday.


2006 July 19th to 23rd


2007 July 18th to 22nd 25th Anniversary of War and Peace


2008 July 16th to 20th


2009 July 22nd to 25th


2010 July 21st to 25th




To find this click on the "News" tab at the top of the screen then "Future Show Dates" from the menu that loads to the left.

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That just leaves drive/fan belts and a jack!!!


Take the drive belts with you when you get the bulbs from a commercial vehicle parts supplier, they may be able to match them.

Failing that, try an agricultural supplier. Farm machinery uses all sorts of odd types of belt. Bearing stockists are another good source, most of them can get any seal, chain or belt to order.

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Belated note from myself and Zoomer - we are "professional "snappers working at the show for the event organisers this year. They have given us some nice red shirts with "Press Team" written on them. Our job is to do the snaps for the website which are uploaded daily. we are CMV regulars and all our stuff goes to them to be used over the year. Whatever you think of the show it is THE event to get stock pix. There will be two other Press Team guys working hard and a video crew who are real pros out to make a decent product. They are not MV veterans and will appreciate help IDing the motors and important features.


Zoomer and I will be happy to snap HMVF vehicles and owners if they would like us to. We don't shove price lists under your nose. We do reasonably well out of the event already and will always email snaps to people who ask. So this is NOT a sales pitch. We just want to take the best snaps we can and meet likeminded people. Look out for us and say hello. We were at the hop farm on Thursday and some interesting AFVs had arrived already. Wishing you all a safe journey.

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Look forward to seeing you both there. As said elsewhere on the forum, unforseseen incident notwithstanding, Maud the Stalwart should be there on Thursday evening with me in the hot seat (literally in this weather).

Show ID is AMP-7 plus there will be a HMVF logo in the windscreen - we'll be in the America's field in with the Essex Armour & Softskin group - stop by and say hello and there might even be a beer left!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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We have got the ALBION CX22 .Out off DUXFORD.And its now at beltering after a 4 hour drive .It will be on the ROADSHURE STAND to celebrate 33Years Insurance with them and AC MILES .It was the first MILITARY VEHICLE .that AC MILES insured back in 1973 .We also have some US NAVY VEHICLES on our own display in the MILLER FIELD .Come and make yourself known. TONY CORBIN

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Hi all,

heading down tomorrow :-D hope too see some of you guys.

Untill then drive safely and take care . Keep your eyes open for me jeep (it is kahki (sp) coloured) makes a change from O.D.



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So then.


Looks like I and HMVF will be on our own this week then :cry: :cry:



Are you not going - even just as a day visitor - then Jack?????



No I won't be there :cry: can't get away from the office :help: :banghead:

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So then.


Looks like I and HMVF will be on our own this week then :cry: :cry:



Are you not going - even just as a day visitor - then Jack?????



No I won't be there :cry: can't get away from the office :help: :banghead:



Can't you put the office in the back of the GMC temporarily???


(and to put the icing on it - I'm off Thursday as well!!)

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To cheer you up here's a taster of what you're missing :-D





Enjoy your work won't you now :evil:



Now that is just pure evil :cry:


Listen, someone has to keep the economy of the country turning :evil:

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At the last minute, I did managed to free up enough time to make it to Beltring this year! I'll be arriving Wednesday afternoon, and I'll be leaving Sunday afternoon.


I'll be riding my unrestored pre-WW2 Dutch Army bike and I'll be staying in a "Canadian Brown" two-man tent near a Ford CMP 4x4 15-cwt and a Humber Armoured Car.



Hanno from Holland

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i can't believe i missed you jack....

i did meet enigma & i must apologise for not chatting as we were in the middle of breakfast & after a few beers the night before cream cheese & pagen rolls seemed a good option.

i also met ashley,

hi ashley,

we just got back & russ is much worse so it's back to A & E for us.

The Jimmy road run on thursday was fantastic.

32 of us hit the highway & it looked fab. there are loads of photos but i'm not unpacking till tomorrow so will post them in the next couple of days

ta from a tired berni

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i can't believe i missed you jack....

i did meet enigma & i must apologise for not chatting as we were in the middle of breakfast & after a few beers the night before cream cheese & pagen rolls seemed a good option.

i also met ashley,

hi ashley,

we just got back & russ is much worse so it's back to A & E for us.

The Jimmy road run on thursday was fantastic.

32 of us hit the highway & it looked fab. there are loads of photos but i'm not unpacking till tomorrow so will post them in the next couple of days

ta from a tired berni



:lol: You missed me too!! Met a couple of forum member whislt we were there - apologies if I can't recall who now but, like Berni, I'm shattered - long drive home home (hey - at 30 mph anywhere is a long drive.. :-)) and the after-effects of all that sun/heat. Did have a great time though and will post pictures/info later on when I feel like something remotely resembling human again!!

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i can't believe i missed you jack....

i did meet enigma & i must apologise for not chatting as we were in the middle of breakfast & after a few beers the night before cream cheese & pagen rolls seemed a good option.

i also met ashley,

hi ashley,

we just got back & russ is much worse so it's back to A & E for us.

The Jimmy road run on thursday was fantastic.

32 of us hit the highway & it looked fab. there are loads of photos but i'm not unpacking till tomorrow so will post them in the next couple of days

ta from a tired berni



Me too Berni, Ashley pointed out where you were but I couldn't see anyone about - was just looking for a nice cup of tea, was going to look over Windy but thought it would be polite to ask first 8-)

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Hi all,

my visit was the best ever :-D my gratitude to Berni, Rowan, and their friends for their friendliness Sorry to hear Russ is worse, even my ankles/ legs really swelled up after driving home on sunday a. m. Hi to enigma whom i met approx three years ago more or less in the same spot but only just connected the face to the name. I did wander up to the Irish camp but it seemed deserted, and i know i missed many others but theres always next year :lol:

Also chatted with karoshi, Cara, Mick, and some of their friends, met jack and family (what did you think as a first time visitor ?? )

For some reason did not seem to take many pictures but will post some more soon.

not forgetting john of course


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