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johann morris

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About johann morris

  • Birthday November 11

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  1. Please excuse my ignorance but is this forum a privately owned and run business or a community group? Jon
  2. I have already found it when I went with my school back in the 1980's on a WW1 battle field tour. His name is one of so many on the wall of Tyne Cot Cemetery in Belgium. Jon
  3. Very moving and thanks for sharing. My great grand father served in the Royal Artillery in WW1 and was killed in 1916. My great grand mother remarried but no one was allowed to mention her late husband. When she died his medals, death certificate and memorial coin were found hidden in a draw, all of which I was given, that was the first I knew of his existence. My grand mother told me that on his last home leave my great grand father told her that he wouldn't be coming home again and her last memory of him was seeing him walk away. When I see such films I can't help but wonder if one of the men was my Grand Father. Jon
  4. Evening All, It's on it's wheels and I am slowly working out how everything on the front cross member is attached but some of the brackets are quite complicated, life would be so much simpler with some drawings but that would be too easy. Jon
  5. Norseman, what can I say, I just do what I do because I enjoy it but thanks for your words of encouragement, it makes me feel very humble indeed. Evening All, I haven't posted anything recently because there's not much to report apart from the tracks are taking longer than I would wish. But, today my son and I moved the tank from the workshop up into the storage shed, that I refer to as my museum. Jon
  6. Evening All, Things are progressing in the right direction. The floor in my workshop is nowhere level enough to finish weld the chassis on so I made a jig out some RSJ and leveled it using a laser level. I had to put a temporary cross member approximately two thirds of the way along because until the wheels are on and I have decided the position of the engine gearbox etc I am not sure where they will be or what they will be like. Then I turned it over and finish welded the top and fitted the spring mounts. One cock up I did make, was on the rear spring hangers. I fitted the hangers only to find that the angle of the spring was all wrong, so I had to increase the length of the thickest section of the chassis by about 6" towards the rear of the chassis in order to lower the front hangers and correct the spring angle. We live and learn. The springs aren't the ones that I intend to use but they will do for the now. That's it for this update. Jon
  7. Two wall lights that I made out of original helmet shells. Jon
  8. Evening All, I have started the chassis, Its an old chassis that has had a previous life and I have altered it to suit, its not a perfect replica of a Humber chassis and it never could be because of the components that I intend to use for the build but I will try and stay as faithful as possible to the Humber design. That' all for now. Jon
  9. A totally wonderful restoration, I love it, fantastic work and attention to detail you should be very proud. Jon
  10. My intention is, was, to use what I have around and make the rest, that is because I don't have any original Humber parts but if some were to come my way then happy days. Jon
  11. Evening All, Firstly let me appolagise to all those that hate replicas, my son is sure that I will get kicked off of the HMVF forum when I announce my intention to create another one. I have started by constructing the instrument panel, why there you ask, well I had to start somewhere. I don't like the speedo or the temperature gauge but they were what was in stock and I hope in time, something more in keeping may appear and I have to find the red lens to go on the CAV switch unit. Jon
  12. Thanks for the replies and information. As for my vehicles details, I am sorry to say It's another one of my replicas. Jon
  13. Evening All, Three questions regarding the Humber armoured car mk iv, firstly what would the interior colour be in 1944, secondly on the dash there is a data plate that reads "TYPE............." anyone know what the missing text is and lastly what colour would the dash board be painted? Thanks in advance. Jon
  14. Evening All, You have to remember that I am along way along the road of fabricating the tracks, so until I have finished and it has proved to be a disaster or other wise this is my chosen course at present but thanks for the information. I keep finding things to finish, odd little jobs and one that I have been putting off is the area above the fuel tank. All the electrics are attached to the hull in this area and I was unsure how to finish it, the easy way, with just a sheet of steel covering it or the more difficult option to copy the original. In the end I chose the latter. I made a very simple press tool . to form the slots that the 20cm magazines would have sat in. And then fabricated the rest around them. Once fitted they cover the electrics, are easy to remove and replicate the original. I hope. Jon
  15. Just dreaming at present but it would be a nice little project. Jon
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