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No rain, a bit of wind and warm outside here.

So you may keep the bad weather, no need to pass it on...


Whats ours is yours...its an EU thing.



Its blowing a goodun now here, can here the waves crashing (beach across the road from us) there is talk of the authorities closing the bridge from the main land tomorrow :shocked:. High tide due again about 9am in the morning, I have a first aid course, it starts at 9.30, I need to go of the Island for this and the course is about 20 mins from our place hmmmmm hope they dont close the bridge!!!!!!!!!

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Well we made it through the night with no problems!

Wind is very strong now, rain lashing down and high tide due in the next hour. Rumours still going about shutting the bridge if needs be. This is due the wind causing a surge in the harbour and basically keeping the tide higher for longer (apparently) I am still planning on going to my course and if they close the bridge then I will have to be late!

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[be a good day tomorrow for looking for fossils down at Lyme Regis/Charmouth area. Another interest of mine.


Writing from Axminster, just a mile or two away from Lyme and Charmouth, then I don't think so, today, Rick! Absolutely wild weather here and I think that you would be taking your life in your hands if you ventured onto the beach today!



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Saturday has been a bl88dy nightmare. The roads were flooded up over the kerbs. There should have been six buses on the route, three including mine had to be subbed as the brakes got waterlogged. Wind has also been up, not fun when six and a half ton decides to take a spirited leap across the road. There was also an almighty two hour thunder storm.

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I woke this morning to find a police car with its lights flashing in my front garden :shocked: after I had got used to the light (or lack of it) outside I also noticed that there were several bods wondering around in hi-viz clothing and hard hats. It then became apparent lots of Southern water vans were dotted about! Curiosity got the better of me so I donned my dressing gown and boots and went to speak with Mr Police man. Thats when I spotted the huge hole!!!!!!!! A sewer pipe has burst outside taking a large chunk of road with it!!!!!!

At this moment in time 10pm on Monday night, I can see about 4 hard hat heads bobbing around in the hole digging with spades :-D. Our road is closed but luckily we can have access to our homes, ours is the last house you can get to going down the road otherwise if you want to get to the East side of the Island you have to go via the side roads.

I am well aware of other people suffering much much worse in the country, hope everyone is managing to keep dry.

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Lots of flooding here in North Wales but nothing compared to Cumbria, some roads closed, Conwy Valley railway line closed and probably damaged (happens quite frequently these days), the worst damage is probably to farmland, animals and buildings. October was a record dry month but since the beginning of November the rain here has been almost continuous. I suppose it's an ill wind that blows no one any good as my son has been very busy trying to clear blocked ditches and drains on farms and at present is attempting to replace the drains in a farm yard on a steeply sloping hillside and is working in a constant torrent of water.

Edited by Degsy
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A possibly sobering thought for those in Cumbria - a reporter commented today on one of the news channels (can't recall which one - I was channel hopping) that if the Gov't had not flogged off all the bridging equipment the Army had that had been in storage a lot of the problems with river crossings could have been solved in the interim quickly and cheaply.......

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was off today to do some molecatching, but it rained that much i did t bother, fields are water logged down here, i just feel saddened for the poor sods in cumbria


Will there be any moles to catch when it dries out? Do they have a trick, apart from sitting on top of their molehills?

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Was out doing deliveries in the Lake District last week. Thursday every road out of Windermere was like driving along rivers, couldn`t get to Ambleside at all, the lake was over 7 feet higher than normal and right over the roads and steamer piers at Bowness and Ambleside. Friday was a bit better with long diversions and prolonged periods of driving through 18" of water. Could only get to Ambleside by dropping down from Kirkstone Pass, with loads of abandoned cars along the way, mainly BMW and Audi.

Sat morning when passing the same cars the BMW was missing it`s wheels........(Bodge`s revenge!!!). Over 30 boats, including expensive cruisers, have sunk, and the damage to road surfaces is massive.

Apart from that managing to stay dry, but it is p*****g it down again... just off to finish the Ark!!

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