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Tanks in a....Town


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Health and Safety :nono:, Highways Agency :nono:, Police :nono:, Local Authority:nono:, Public Liability insurance :nono: (for starters)


Yes understand that - but until we discuss the possibilities nothing will ever happen. Bored, tired, frustrated with the red tape nonsense.


Action = results.

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A lot of town centres are already pedestrianised these days so road closures wouldn't be too much of a problem.

It would bring military vehicles to a lot of people who don't usually see them. And it would be free. I think you have to already have an interest to go and pay to see them at most shows. Seeing them in a town centre would presumably free.

Think if you asked around a few towns you may find one that'd go for it as a way of pulling in crowds. With the current finiancial climate I bet a lot of town centres could do with a boost.

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Wasn't this something Clive was putting together in the west country?


Sounds like a fantastic idea. Interesting to see what all the negatives are. Damage to the carriage way caused by tracks springs to mind. I can't see it happening but would be pleased to be proved wrong. Too many killjoys out there in power.



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Yes alot of towns are pedestrianised but doubt they are capable of taking the weight!


Most pedestrianised towns take delivery vehicles, usually artics with a 12 tonne axle load. Think most tanks would spread the 40 tonne load better so no real problem there.

It'd only be a case of a few scratches on hard surfaces from steel tracks. These would soon fade after a bit of weathering.

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so long as they don't make the same mistake as they did last year in my town of Leamington, where they spent £2million on re-laying & widening pavements with inferior slabs only to be broken weeks later by delivery vans half-parking on the pavements... with the tax-payers footing the bill.


The Market Square in Warwick would be good, central location and room for low-loaders to park down the road at the race-course.

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Well give as much negative feedback as poss as then we will know what hurdles we need to get over, we can then address the issues one by one.


I think HMVF has at least one good show in it. We need to talk to the Stevens Brothers. I don't really live my life with boundaries (Mrs Beckett calls it my naievity) and every problem can be solved. If enough people want to do something then that energy alone can make things happen.


Please keep the issues/problems coming.

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a problem i can see with this sort of event as much as i would want it to happen is, that i heard you had to have police escourts everywhere. Tanks in town is good because although yes the police do check things they are not actually part of the convoy.

Another problem maybe getting enough armour to the event make it worth while.




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