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Tanks in a....Town


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Purely a personal view here - but for me if Post War is consigned to a future fate, even if the following year, then it will likely be too late for me.

Due to a lack of employment accompanied by increasing bills it looks like either during or after next season the OT will have to be sold... :cry:

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I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinking you can't leave us on tenterhooks (sp?) like that... spill the beans... in the words of the great Mrs Doyle...go ahn, go ahn, go ahn,:-D


Tug - gonna cost you a small donation to the HMVF campaign :cool2:

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I have watched this thread with interest and as a WW2 armoured vehicle owner support Jack wholeheartedly with this event. He should stand his ground over the post war issue, if you have all eras attending it just becomes a flippin circus. I dont know why PW owners get the hump over this, would you go to a medeaval banquet dressed as Rambo or take your MGTF to a Ford owners day, I think NOT.

The location is also critical to its success, personaly I think it needs to be somewhere on the south coast near to one of the D-Day embarcation ports. Yes I know its not in the middle of the UK and people will have to travel, but if they can go to MONS then anywhere in the UK should be cheaper.

I can think of at least 20 WW2 tracked and armoured vehicles that would attend not counting Halftracks,M8s, M20s etc if its a convoy (Bolero, RTV) type event.

We have used the Sherman at Ramsbury, Weymouth and Maiden Newton this year with no problems with the police ,public or hse so I think Jack should just go for it

Well thats my 2cents,I am well up for this and would bring the M4 Sherman, 2 M4 HSTs with artillery, M3 Halftrack plus anything else we have here that is wanted.


Edited by Jim Clark
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I think that Jack wanted to hold this event at a central point in the country so as to make it accessible to as many HMVF members as possible which is very laudable. It is very difficult for members who live in the South to realise how fortunate they are in the number of quality events that are available to them comparatively locally, likewise the easy availability of ferry ports.

Yes, people go to Mons and many more go to Normandy but for evey one that goes how many more are there that would love to take vehicles but can't due distance/cost issues.

Jim this is not a rant against your post, I agree that one or more of the South coast embarcation ports would be perhaps historically ideal but are there not locations more centrally placed which have the necessary suitable connections.

Since the whole event depends on participation by the owners of Shermans etc I suppose it follows that they will ultimately decide on the viability and venue for this event.

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OK - playing Devils Advocate - if it's to be a two-day event, why not open to both era's and run one era the first day and the other era the second. If the WW2 vehicles were ran on the Sat the PW owners could have a chance of a ride and then vice versa on the Sunday...... Also cuts the fuel costs for the respective owners.....


If this is meant to be a HMVF event rather than another, general, MV show then by doing this it avoids alienating one group from the other. There's been enough WW2 vs PW controversy on the forum over the time it's been running - would it not be a good idea to try and heal the divisions??

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OK - playing Devils Advocate - if it's to be a two-day event, why not open to both era's and run one era the first day and the other era the second. If the WW2 vehicles were ran on the Sat the PW owners could have a chance of a ride and then vice versa on the Sunday...... Also cuts the fuel costs for the respective owners.....


If this is meant to be a HMVF event rather than another, general, MV show then by doing this it avoids alienating one group from the other. There's been enough WW2 vs PW controversy on the forum over the time it's been running - would it not be a good idea to try and heal the divisions??


Now thats a very good idea Neil and hopefully will be considered by Jack as this would then be including ALL HMVF members.

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Neil I hear what you are saying and have spoken on this very subject this afternoon. More than happy to lay the case out tomorrow when if I have time and I hope that it may explain my point of view.


I don't think there is any division - yes to a certain degree there is always a division between some, there always will be - it is a human trait. I also tend to think that it is a mindset hangover. There is too much division in this god foresaken world and it is all created by man.


I wanted to put this under HMVF because we could do it. I am just as happy to put this under 'Beckett Events' - bit of a naff title but you understand my point. I would like to have a focused show and not mixed periods, there are enough shows like that - W&P, Detling, Horndean etc etc. Two moderates of HMVF run two totally successful shows.


What about the needs and wants of WW2 folks - can't they have a show for them?


Here is the point - most, if not all members of HMVF will have a direct connection to WW2 with family members. The same can't be said for PW but there is nothing stopping us doing a PW event either the following year.

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Why do we have to mix PW and WW2 at this event? I though it was to be run on a "Tanks In Town" theme. Why cant folks just accept it as it is? I choose which events I go to and PW events dont do anything for me so I dont go.


PLEASE NOTE this is not a snipe at PW owners.


As Jack said if you have multi period vehicles attending its just another W a P, Detling etc

not for me thanks.


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I think the point/gripe - label it how you will - is that if you look at the events calendar for any given year the majority of events are most specifically for WW2 era only vehicles. Very few are mixed or dedicated to PW vehicles and, apart form the Plains Weekend, I don't know of any which give PW vehicles the same opportunity to run on the road as opposed to getting there and being static apart from a possible rumble around an arena..


If you have an audience of the public (paying or otherwise) these days the majority of the younger era will be more familiar with PW vehicles because they will have seen them on the news reports from Kosovo, Iraq, Kuwait, Serbia and more recently Georgia. Hence why I say if organised under the HMVF auspice make it open and run the differing era's on seperate days - give the crowds something to learn and something they will recognize plus a reason to come back the second day. And for a first event send the message that HMVF is open to all not just one era or the other...


Despite appearances I've no axe to grind on this one as presumably any vehicles taking part will need to be road legal (i.e. have registration plates) and, as you are all well aware, I'm still fighting that corner for my OT.


Speaking now from a purely personal viewpoint - I have no connection with WW2 era vehicles - only WW2 contacts would have been my Dad, Uncles etc. and they are all now dead and the MV group I'm with is all PW era vehicles.

In this day and age cash is most definitely finite and, whilst I would love a WW2 era armoured vehicle there is no way I could ever afford one. Given my size there are probably not many I'd fit in either - having see the Stuarts down at RR there is no way I'd fit in the drivers seat - might just fit in a Mk VII Churchill - but again I'm not a millionaire - the two Mk VII's down there are said to be worth in excess of £150,000 each whilst the Mk II (Jacque Littlefields) is in the "if you have to ask you can't afford it" bracket. :cry:

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Guest catweazle (Banned Member)

Well constructed Niel,if only i could do that without going into one.

In the 34 yrs i have been involved with vehicles i have felt that PW

has allways been looked down on by the major clubs, which many of us

were founder members, were guilty of this also.Maybe not so much today

as they are aware they have to keep the membership up.This problem

has resulted in many of us not renewing membership or not being allowed to renew because of our views,and in some cases just thrown out.

One of the reasons i was atracted to HMVF was i felt it was refeshing in its outlook and tolerated a lot of comment etc that other sites would not.

I think if the event is under HMVF banner then it should not be single era

but open to all.If its under another banner then fine do what you want.

I dont think you could have a day for each because i wouldnt go to the expense of bringing a vehicle any conciderable distance for one day,i am sure i am not alone in this.Wow i said all that without throwing the toys out of the pram.

Now put your crash hats on i will give you catweazles view.Maybe not:n00b:

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I agree with Neil when I go to shows I don't see WW2 vehicles and postwar vehicles , I just see ex-military vehicles ! My point is they have all a valid place in history and with the way of the world they have probably all been involved in a conflict around the world at some point ! I to would love to have a large collection of vehicles spanning the last century if funds and space allowed as my own favorites are not especially of any generation ! If the event is going to commemorate a specific event then fair enough ! I am only voicing my opinion because it seems odd to me to think of WW2 vehicles as being more important than any other ! That said good luck with your show Jack ! :-D

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Guest catweazle (Banned Member)
Blimey well done CW :sweat:


I am just going to back off this subject for an hour or two as I might just explode at this point.....

Hope it wasnt anything i said :n00b:

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If I were the person trying to stimulate interest in, and organise, a UK version of Tanks In Town - I think I might be pretty hacked off at this stage too.


How about chanelling brainpower into developing a suitable theme for a PW tracked/wheeled event instead?



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Guest catweazle (Banned Member)

Why do we need a uk version cant we have an original of our own.why arnt you working on that tanker i would like to see it before i go.spending to much time on here wont get it done.:nono::-D

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There is a Nucclear Bunker at Hack Green in Cheshire, they hold regular PW events but don't seem to get much support from vehicle owners. That would be in a fairly central area of the country and close to the M6, why not approach them about a PW event?

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There is a Nucclear Bunker at Hack Green in Cheshire, they hold regular PW events but don't seem to get much support from vehicle owners. That would be in a fairly central area of the country and close to the M6, why not approach them about a PW event?


Unlike WW2 owners PW owners don't feel the need to hold an Exclusive show... As I've said before I can't see the point in just a PW show... how's that going to bring forum members together when you have members stating they have no interest in PW MV's & wouldn't go to PW events...

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Unlike WW2 owners PW owners don't feel the need to hold an Exclusive show... As I've said before I can't see the point in just a PW show... how's that going to bring forum members together when you have members stating they have no interest in PW MV's & wouldn't go to PW events...



I think you are missing the point Lee, Jack is not talking about a show but a totally different type of event.

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