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Welcome to you Lozza


The other half is also doing a IIa lightweight at the moment - but not a FFR - (we had one of those a while ago and I found there was no room in the back for my shopping. On reflection that may have been Hardyferrets plan to stop me spending too much :dunno: )


Anyway look forward to seeing you around the place :-D

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  • 4 weeks later...

Jack - why should you worry about mud in the clubhouse. We can mop it up with the pink cushions....

James' and my boots are still in the back garden. They look like a Tracey Emin artwork. I've got a nice pic of Hardyferret's boots - which is not to suggest a new boot fetish string by any means (...Maybe New Boots and Panties can be the LP of the day...Plaistow Patricia was some bird - but Billericay Dickie is alive and well in many ways....I digress. Canadians may prefer Bob and Doug McKenzie...) but you can run with it if you like. My rucsac and several bits of camera kit are still mud covered and the Iltis stands idle - caked in the stuff - a duff battery prevents action of any sort - not sorted until after Odyssey. But there is time enough.


onwards and upwards......





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A little off topic I m sorry But I noticed you mentioned a Billericay Dickie from which I gather you might mean He is from Billericay ? I used to live in Billerica Massachusetts 1993 -2005 which is city twined with Billericay England ! just a bit of trivia for you .

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I'm afraid I often specialise in off topic. None of it seems to make sense after a while and is mostly done to get a response from Jack, who spends far too much time in "Man's truck" mode for most people's liking. Cleaning the clubhouse is a task for all new forum members and after the War and Peace show we have a surfeit of mud to concern ourselves with. The pop music angle is definitely off topic - but we can handle it. Billericay in Massechusetts derives it's name from one of the home villages of the Pilgrim Fathers - as you well know, but a big Mantrucking numpty like Jack would not. I hope I have offended him enough to get a response. Sit back and watch. All this will probably mean I am never invited to breakfast in his camp again. It matters not, because Joris will always have decent beer next door. Party on...Welcome to the forum. Never been to Nebraska - only heard it on a Bruce Springsteen album - here I go again.....!

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But a big Mantrucking numpty like Jack would not. I hope I have offended him enough to get a response. Sit back and watch. All this will probably mean I am never invited to breakfast in his camp again. It matters not, because Joris will always have decent beer next door.



Oh that is right, come back of holiday sunning yourself and drinking far to much then start kicking the hell out of GMC owners....you could always buy one and join the elite - just had Mark has done.


You are always welcome at my breakfast table.

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Mantrucker, I've always liked you. Two eggs please - no fried bread. You can insult me at whim. None taken. As for drinking, it was too hot in the Med..and I'm on a ban anyway. The shandy tasted lovely.


I would genuinely love a GMC. It is on my list of dreamed of MVs and after Bolero, who wouldn't? To achieve balance - the REO Thunder run at Beltring was brilliant - but there was a mob of civvy traffic mucking up the vista despite the best efforts of our escorts. It was a shame we never got a Red Ball Express this year - but the mud was....just too muddy. I'll be on the Somme in October - hopefully the French mud will be more amenable than the Kentish.

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Cleaning the clubhouse is a task for all new forum members


Do you think this might partially explain why new members have been reluctant to introduce themselves recently? :dunno:


P.S. I'm still stuck on washroom duty which is not exactly fair as I do have a jimmy :box:

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P.S. I'm still stuck on washroom duty which is not exactly fair as I do have a jimmy :box:



That's because the washroom duty rota is organised by th PW section, don't worry Jack will be taking over he mop soon :whistle:

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Do you think this might partially explain why new members have been reluctant to introduce themselves recently? :dunno:


P.S. I'm still stuck on washroom duty which is not exactly fair as I do have a jimmy :box:





Ahh, well....y'see; its the jimmy owners that make all the mess,................'orible leaky things; ;-) ;-) :whistle: :rofl:

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I'm not sure how you got a Jimmy into the washroom. Last time I looked it was full of the Essex mafia PW kit. My Iltis definitely needs a wash and brush up and Stryker always needs a bath and a haircut. The scruffy git is making the place look just like his bedroom at home. The best thing about the mess is his mum barely noticed the AK47. If you're ever looking for coathangers they all go to die in James' bedroom. It's like an elephants graveyard in there. He needs a shovel and a big bucket for his birthday (Sunday). Custard creams all round.

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Never mind how to get a jimmy into the washroom,


WHO DID THIS not 10 mins after I cleaned it this morning?


That's the last straw, I'm not doing the cleaning any more. The PW kit wasn't so bad to sweep around, but flushing unwanted WW2 stuff away is just not on.


Whoever takes over, I haven't touched the ladies loo at all, so it might be in 'a bit of a state' in there...........

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Never mind how to get a jimmy into the washroom,


WHO DID THIS not 10 mins after I cleaned it this morning?


That's the last straw, I'm not doing the cleaning any more. The PW kit wasn't so bad to sweep around, but flushing unwanted WW2 stuff away is just not on.


Whoever takes over, I haven't touched the ladies loo at all, so it might be in 'a bit of a state' in there...........





always wondered why it was refered to as the W.C............ :rofl:

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Hey abn deuce, don't go thinking that living in Nebraska and driving a jimmy will let you off any clubhouse chores - welcome anyway. :-D


p.s. a warm welcome lozza - sorry to have hijacked your intro site with domestic wrangling, but since the clubhouse committee meetings were abandoned these things have to be sorted at any opportunity. Any progress on the QLt yet? :tongue:

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You must be mistaken what with those purple / lavender walls thats G-O-T to be the Lades as the Gents would never let that color be on Our Walls. In addition the seats down so cant possable be Gents !!!Just ask any wife




Purple,..................thats DEEP PINK, isn't it ?? :evil: :whistle:

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