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  1. Yes I concur. It looks like the pouch that was issued with rubber pads. Along with metal flexible straps. That were used on the water jackets, to seal shrapnel or bullet holes. In action to keep the guns usable. Until they could be properly repaired by the unit Armourer. By brazing a metal patch over the holes.
  2. Yes, the 'Owner' got too greedy. Annually hiking the price up for Entrants to such a level. That MANY then shunned the show & never went again. It cost's a lot to keep even one Military Vehicle on the road. Plus fuel & Provisions etc, when attending a show. It is standard practice now for MOST folk to avoid ANY show that charges exhibitors! No Exhibitors = No Show! There are MANY shows around the country. Avoiding any that charge YOU as an exhibitor for attending. When this is the case, dont go & the 'Organisers' will soon get the message!
  3. Yep, Look what Happened to War & Peace!............
  4. regarding WW2 Fabrications. I cannot find their website. Have they gone out of bussiness, does anyone know?
  5. Come along and support this worthy Cause! What else will you be doing on a Sunday? 😁 Military Vehicle Owners & Uniformed Reenactors wanted. For Armed forces day in Ashford. 30th june in Victoria Park. You can set up Displays & Recruiting Pitches if you wish. Please support this worthy event to Honour Our Armed forces. & Raise Monies for Military Charities! PM for entry form details please. *************************
  6. Hello Fellow Green machine Afectionardo's! On the 30th June 2024, it is the Ashford ( Kent ) Armed Forces Day. I myself will be attending With my Command Car. But More vehicles & Uniformed re-enactors are needed. To Provide an interesting spectrum, accross the Board of our Respective hobbies. It is always an Honour to Support Our Armed services. & Monies rasied, will be donated to Military Charities. So Really Worth while Attending. The venue is Victoria Park, which is Massive. & has a superb George IV period fountain in the Grounds. A Magnificent Spectical in it's own right when working! Please get in touch if you would like a day out ( A Sunday ) & would like to attend this worthy event. I will supply you the organisers details & contact info for entry forms. Many Thanks in Advance! Best wishes to you all: Mike. 👍
  7. Gordon, That is VERY interesting to see. Thank You for Posting! 👍
  8. Hello Mike, I had thought about these from the off. But i have since had information. That GMC trucks that also Towed 1 Ton Ben Hur Trailers. Had a Pair of holes in their rear crossmember for the Aux chains. When the weather is a bit better, I will roll back my Collapsable garage. & check if this was also the case for dodges? It is interesting, that this question has never been raised before?..... My findings will obviously be posted on here. For the benifit of others, who may have been thinking along similar lines. Towards towing a trailer.
  9. They were also used as reconasance vehicles. Equipment towed in trailer. left at 2nd echalon whilst out on a mission / task. Also a VERY basic question that arises from your own question is: Why would they want to tow a 1 Ton Trailer? My reply would be: why would the vehicles therfore be fitted with a tow hook assembly?.......😁
  10. Look at this one for starters. Ebay item No: 314636580208
  11. No pressure John. Just important to get it right Buddy! Many Thanks. Mike.
  12. A GMC Brace also has a square hole in the opposite end. & the socket diameter must be 40mm.
  13. Update on Info! I am informed, that a WW2 GMC (Jimmy ) truck wheel brace will fit? Anyone got a spare they no longer require at all? Mike
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