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HMVF & Plain Military Tour.


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Sorry your not coming Andy maybe next time.

Chaps I do have some bad news. Imber will not be open on the visit dates. Im very sorry but it is totaly out of my hands. We are making great progress with the camp site and toilets. I should be able to let you know more Wednesday or Thursday of this week.

I did get a chance to speak to range security yesterday and the Impact zone will be open but this can change at a drop of a hat so please bear with me on this one.

All the lads and myself at Plain Military would like to thank everyone thay is making the trip down for this visit and we hope you enjoy your stay. We have started work on the roots we will be taken. We are trying to crame as much as possible into the two days. Hope to see you all soon.




Hi Tony,

Shame about imber but as you have said before if this trip goes well we might be aloud back again sometime and lets hope we get to see it then.

Impact Zone open now you sure they dont just want us for target practise :shake:



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Ok chaps - lets get to work!


Tony will post up more information as and when he has it.


I think this is going to be a great weekend and a great opportunity for a lot of us to get together for the first time and if it was anything like the tunnelling day we had then this is going to be on hell of a good time.


Yes there is going to be some politics about the PW guys having to go first (so the can find the potholes and smooth the way for us WW2 guys :whistle:) but this is a great chance for all of us to meet, with as many different vehicles as we can and have a great and enjoyable experience............ :-D


So, as always, the dates and going to be the issue here, so I am going to nail a date to the mast and say the first bank holiday weekend of May - subject to Tony's agreement.


Next, we need to make a list who can make it and what MV they are bringing :-D ....so please cut and paste the list and add yourself.



Jack - GMC



As Jack said he is trying for the first bank holiday weekend in May 5th - 06th - 07th a two night stay Sat and Sun.

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Still waiting for a reply from the MOD about the camp site. According to Westdown I should know early next week. Sorry for holding things up.



Thats fine Tony, Have you worked anything out yet regards when we should arrive and what we will be doing etc.

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Hi Ian


Well you can turn up any time you want. That side of the visit is ready. The thing in the Army are running a massive training exercise at the mo and everyone is out the office. We are trying to get some nice surprises in place but it all depends on the Army. Apart from Imber village the rest of the ranges are open so we can go anywhere within reason. One of the lads here is putting a history sheet together for you all, and just got confermation that we have got the fire cover for the visit. Progress is quite slow and I would like it to be a bit quicker but every thing is up in the air what with training. We have two guys from Westdown camp working on the toilets for us so that look good. They all know you are coming and seem happy with it no one has objected about it yet. Just waiting on the top brass to give his concent about the camp site. There is something else I have to tell you but I will keep it under my hat for now. I will give you the heads up as I know more.


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Sounds very good Tony, What i was wondering regards arriving is are we all getting there early saturday and then having a drive round or arriving later saturday and saving the drive round for just sunday.

Still I know you will have it all sorted and let us all know the arrangments nearer the time, just looking forward to it myself. :tup:

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Just hoping and praying I'm going to have a suitable, useable vehicle by then!!!! :shake: :shake: :shake:



Well you have 8 weekends to get it finished Neil so no messing around get your ar_e in gear. :-D

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Well you have 8 weekends to get it finished Neil so no messing around get your ar_e in gear. :-D


Nearly there!!!


Now got horn, working lights, indicators and wipers - just need the welding on the X-member (any one seen Stuart?? :-)) , get the washers going and the front bumper back on. Then off to the MOT station with everything crossable crossed!!! :-) :-)


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We are getting there - just praying like hell we get there BEFORE the meet and not after it!!!



No flipping excuses Neil, you have to be there - do you want Hardy Ferret to give you a hand?

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Hi Guys


Sorry to inform you that there will be a five pound charge per vehicle. This is for the whole weekend but if this should change I will let you know strait away. The charge is so we can camp on military land. I have sorted out the cost of the the licence which the Plain Military team will cover. All the details are with the MOD at the mo and awaiting some sort of approval. The worst thing that could happen is an exercises running that weekend which they do tend to do from time to time. To some of use this would be a great time to get to see some modern stuff but it would restrict us from moving around the ranges. It is this that seams to holding every thing up at the mo. I will be hearing from Westdown hopfully some time this week so fingers crossed. There is a new location for the camp site, Its at Carter barracks just out side Bulford camp. This place is massive with plenty of room for some more vehicles if you know of anyone else that would like to come over for the weekend. The licence will allow us to govern the site without any interference form the MOD and Police. The question about arrivals has been brought up and to be quite monist with you I think the best thing is come on the Saturday morning. If everyone is in and tented up we could go for a short trot out later. This will give you a chance to have a look at the tracks. If anyone would like to bring a footy ball or some cricket gear we have a massive hard standing that we could put to use. We have sorted out a big BBQ for Saturday night just trying to find someone to cook with out giving us all food poisoning. We are moving forward even if it is slowly but we will get there.

hope to see you all soon.


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Tony - great work and I don't think anyone is going to worry about the £5 - not people will realise that you guys are working your butts off behind the scenes for all of us......I am sure you won't have to buy any beer of the weekend :-D

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