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Northern Military Expo - Sunday 4th November 2012 (Newark, UK)

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(BEFORE YOU START... I know its not strictly Northern, it's

our third year though so we're not renaming it now!)


Due to the

fantastic support we have received this will now be our THIRD YEAR organising

the Northern Military Expo at Newark Showground... Hard to believe I know but it

is and we are really looking forward to it yet again!


For the winter

show we will be back in the George Stephenson Hall, still on the showground, on

Sunday 4th November 2012

Doors will open to the public at 9am until 4pm

(Entry is £5 per Adult)

As normal traders will be able to set-up on Saturday

from 10am onwards


We have some fantastic traders booked in, and thank

you to those who are returning once again, your continued support means a lot,

here are just a few examples :


Seal Military

Kellys Heroes



Quartermaster Stores

Tims Tags

G I Joe Army Stores


Meekins Books

Kriegsmarine Surplus

Della Rebus Repo Uniforms

D &

B Militaria

GB & SD Hobbies

Jeep Promotions

Axholme Signs


Universal Jeep Supplies

Dragon Fly Vintage

Strachan Militaria


Army Sales

Appletree Vintage

Jeffrey Engineering



Stripes Surplus

Grays Automotive

The Gunner Store


Sentimental Journey

Chelmsford Militaria

Wartime Wardrobe



have as always quite a number of private collectors of both militaria and

vehicle parts, in addition we also have the ACE Mobile Living History Group

confirmed to setup a display outside the show building.


There maybe news

of another little addition we are still working on very shortly, but for now

that is all... Any traders wanting to book in can do so via the website http://www.nmexpo.co.uk or by

calling 01302 739000


If anyone has any questions please do not hesitate

to ask, and again i reiterate we know it's NOT Northern

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  • 2 weeks later...

After defrosting from being in Picking this weekend we have taken bookings from:


Soldier of Fortune

Marcus Glenn

Ryton Arms

Battleflag Militaria

That Retro Thing

Unrationed Vinatage


There have been several more private collectors confirmed as well which means some of the strange and unusual will be coming out of the woodwork (fingers crossed)


Only 3 weeks to go so if you are planning on trading head to the website and get booked in http://www.nmexpo.co.uk, you can also check showtimes, who's booked in, local info, past shows and much more!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Only a week to go!


Traders packs have gone out in the post, if you don't receive them by 30th October please call us and let us know 01302 739000


Vehicle Owners you're packs have gone out too, if you have booked in as part of a group they will be with your group organiser.


Anyone still wanting a pitch there are a limited number still available so give us a call and we will see what we can sort out for you.


It's looking like the best show yet! THanks to everyone who's coming along!!!

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My wife and I will be attending (second time for me, 1st for her to any military show), but unless we leave our three year old to be looked after by the Dogs she will be with us. What is the enterance fee for a child of her age?



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Just arrived back in lincoln, NOS convoy light switch and carrier book in hand. Now to the lincoln museum of transport open day for a ride in vintage busses and cars with little Izzy.


Sorry to go slightly off topic, but I hadn't heard of that museum before so googled what they have on offer. Certainly looks like a good place and they have a Gipsy as well :-D

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I got some goodies, picked up a Breda M37 Machine gun AA kit for £60 saving about £300 (It was mis labled as Madsen). Also picked up a 1929 Enfield Revolver in mint unissued condition (A very rare collectors piece), 2 x Mk3 No.4 bayonets for £4 each, a Royal Enfield WD/CO pannier rack for £40, some Lee Enfield small parts and some books. A very good day for me.


Did anyone have a good look at the 2 .50 cal relics? I had to walk away from them because they were too dodgy for me.

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