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Chris Hall

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Chris Hall last won the day on December 2 2023

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  1. Sorry mate, I had it in my head it was the thermo housing gasket and not the cylinder head gasket.
  2. If you have any more problems with the thermo housing, I’d be tempted to have the face tidied up, it looks like a skim would remove most of that corrosion.
  3. It must post-date 1926 as it shows the nomenclature as No.1 MkIII and No.2 MKIV rifle. Prior to 1926 it was simply rifle MkIII, MkIV etc. etc.
  4. I’ve decided it’s spring now so you can get all the toys out again.
  5. That’s really sad to hear and I’m very sorry for your loss. He’s left a fantastic legacy for someone to take forward and finish and I hope your family can one day see it on the circuit and feel justifiably proud.
  6. I think its post war, the long number is national stock number, the predecessor of the NSN.
  7. The oiler on the WD/C and CO is also an engine breather so angle it down. It should have a little disc in the block but I think these are often missed.
  8. Heavy enough to know it’s a good trailer and light enough to not feel like your towing a tank when not loaded.
  9. I’m certainly no towing expert but I think a good quality trailer helps with towing. I once borrowed a car trailer and it put me off towing until I had to do it again and hired a Brian James one. Totally different experience!
  10. This isn’t mine but noticed it on FB for sale. Its a C with CO mechanicals.
  11. Engine oil is as good as any, you can see on some bikes, people tried to fit sealed chains but they are too wide and cut through the chain case. What ever you do, it will likely still leak.
  12. I would try and source a good Cush drive clutch but they are hard to find now so may take a while. The non Cush unit you have now is from a much later machine, I’ve seen lots of them over the years.
  13. Henry Jenkins & Sons.,Unity Works, Victoria St., Birmingham. Produced between 1914 and 1918 under contract from BSA.
  14. This series is also handy. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/115719615903?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=710-134428-41853-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=115719615903&targetid=1814673649102&device=m&mktype=pla&googleloc=1007079&poi=&campaignid=19089547614&mkgroupid=142438599285&rlsatarget=pla-1814673649102&abcId=9303859&merchantid=6995734&gbraid=0AAAAAD_Lr1cADOxPeV243zYz2lGaOTcP1&gclid=CjwKCAjwhdWkBhBZEiwA1ibLmPdDw0ORpn6G0MkZqHxyVaHEKgf3nVaQezgtf727OkFjNJopZli43RoCUIUQAvD_BwE
  15. Have you got a copy of this booklet? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/264392878563?var=0&mkevt=1&mkcid=1&mkrid=710-53481-19255-0&campid=5338343596&toolid=10001&customid=eb%3Ag%3Avms%3Aeb%3Ap%3A264392878563%3BCjwKCAjwhdWkBhBZEiwA1ibLmGj3D2r19XEiAFeOUS2fOmCtOW7sfXcvJeN1HvsW3Nl6fqZV4aYwvBoC1PIQAvD_BwE&gbraid=0AAAAADmMgighZP2AgDls66y9Geq23LcY-&gclid=CjwKCAjwhdWkBhBZEiwA1ibLmGj3D2r19XEiAFeOUS2fOmCtOW7sfXcvJeN1HvsW3Nl6fqZV4aYwvBoC1PIQAvD_BwE
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