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Not a caption, but just to say I'm amazed there would have been such demand for replacement tyres (assuming this is a WW1 supply dump scene) - surely being solid rubber they would last a long time in the relatively soft ground conditions?


My 200T water press was obtained after the Great War, no doubt secondhand by my great grandfather specifically for pressing these tyres off and on. I wouldn't have thought that in civvy street they'd wear very quickly either. Can you enlighten us any further on this?

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The majority of the US trucks would need six tyres each. The mileage you could expect from a set is in the thousands, certainly not more than 10,000. High speeds and bad roads would reduce this figure further. At the end of the war the US had exported over 40,000 heavy trucks to France, so if they all needed new tyres at the same time that would be 360,000.


As you can work out they could get through 85,000 tyres very quickly. I am just trying to find out where this photo was taken, but i think it was at the main truck repair/reconstruction depot just South of Paris.


I have just written an article for MMI on this depot (having found a great big bundle of original photos), and hopefully it will come out in the September issue.

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40,000 trucks? I had no idea of the scale of mechanisation.


Water press - no evidence of it being W.D., but must be pretty old. Was installed in the garage immediately after WW1, and would certainly not have been new! When I said 'these tyres' I meant tyres just like that on steam wagons and no doubt ex-WD trucks then in civvy use. Will get a pic anyway.

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