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Everything posted by fesm_ndt

  1. That's a Nato unit symbol for Armour http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/APP-6A The 2 dashes above I am unsure, perhaps Battalion but they are normally vertical
  2. from what I was reading a lot of ex-army stock. They went through upgrades and then disposed of to 'friendly' countries. Some units in Europe used them until the early 80's.
  3. Yep was reading up on them a few years back. Just noticed, it shows your painted marking :-D [ATTACH=CONFIG]70317[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]70318[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]70319[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]70320[/ATTACH]
  4. Interesting story about the Dutch Lightweight and some of the daft decisions made for them which make them different. Anyways, if you take your fuel crossover tap out to clean and service it, please take some pictures as I will have to make one the same :-D
  5. and poor spelling and grammar... I got a very convincing one today about our company email account. It all looked legit until the last comment where it said "please do the needful" As for the emails from Saddam Hussein, Gahdaffi, and all the other deposed leader's family members asking to stash their cash in my bank account, I keep them as proof I'm popular
  6. no, it just piked my interest as always thought the ak47 was a stand alone concept. Interesting comment at the end of that wiki article "On 11 August 2012, it was reported that the Free Syrian Army had captured or found up to 5,000 MP44s, all in apparently good condition. The origin of these weapons is unknown"
  7. Cheers, looks like the bits different are: Mounting bracket NRC176 (£32.10 Blanchards) Bypass valve 534977 (£49.95 Blanchards) Bypass valve linkage NRC 185 Tap handle colars to interlink the feed and return valves NRC 186 (£1.98 Blanchards)
  8. Well didn't know this "The gun is called a Sturmgewehr 44, literally meaning "storm rifle," and is the first "modern assault rifle ever made, eventually replaced by the AK 47 in 1947 by Russia, who copied the German design of the Sturmgewehr 44," I always thought the AK47 was an original design but seems it wasn't. http://gma.yahoo.com/blogs/abc-blogs/valuable-wwii-gun-police-buy-back-022155231--abc-news-topstories.html
  9. Anyone got the part numbers for the diesel one? From the picture the valve is the same but the return valve is mounted underneath. Looks like the different parts are: Mounting bracket Bypass valve Bypass valve linkage Tap handle colars to interlink the feed and return valves [ATTACH=CONFIG]70238[/ATTACH]
  10. Anyone know what this is? I tend to not believe descriptions on the local sites http://www.mudah.my/Antik+Antique+WWII+Military+Signal+Flashlight-19159027.htm
  11. have you tried the Haflinger yahoo group http://autos.groups.yahoo.com/group/Haflinger/
  12. some recentish shots from Murrayville http://www.aulro.com/afvb/military-vehicles-general/157260-tank-other-stuff-i-d.html
  13. fesm_ndt


    yep bit of a wake call, as like you said they normally only go in a few mm, not all the way in. I think in future I will use a leather apron or get somebody else to do it :-D The twisted and knotted brushes are best but as with all things I can't get them every time
  14. fesm_ndt


    I just got a 20mm wire that was 10mm under the skin dug out of the rear of my thigh. Left a hole needing 3 stitches. Must of done it when I wire buffed some engine parts last Sunday. What strikes me as odd and hence the post: - Normally they are a nuisance and jab in a few mm, not full length under the skin - Was wearing thick overalls, glasses so has me thinking if it would of hit something more sensitive [ATTACH=CONFIG]69869[/ATTACH]
  15. fesm_ndt


    bizarre... just posted a book review at exactly the same time :wow:
  16. I read this book on my last trip which is about the UK Chinook flight operating in Afghanistan. I thought it was a great read and the author doesnt gloss over parts that annoyed him which is refreshing. Found this write up here also http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/defence/8575698/Flying-the-Talibans-ultimate-target.html
  17. Yep looks like the soil had a very low resistivity ... ok I lapsed into boffin speak it was really corrosive. A shame a serial number hadn't survived though. Mind you that would start the whole argument again about restoration versus replica.......... :laugh:. Anyway keep digging
  18. Is there anything left restorable? I guess if the frame stampings still existed, then the rest is parts :wow: I would be stoked to have a frame with such history, I could just imagine the before and after shots at a display. Whats is the plan?
  19. I am.... I love these things Apparently their fuel economy is the same as a truck but who cares..... I bought a Ural, slowly comming in pieces
  20. I get a lot of joy out of these small fiddly bits as at the end and its finished it feels very good. It also distracts you from other bits that are frustrating All looking good
  21. my missus agrees with this but is an odd word
  22. Spending more time on webcam viewing your MV's that talking to the missus on webcam [ATTACH=CONFIG]68257[/ATTACH]
  23. Malaysia became independent on 31 August 1957 So the plot thickens, i.e. is it an ex mod trial vehicle or a gift to the new goverment.............. If I had time I would try to get some details. May try the historical group and see if anyone lives nearby
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