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Everything posted by fesm_ndt

  1. I went up to the junk yards again this week and one guy has got in a truckload of these in 16x9 and 16x7.5 These are new tyres ex MoD and as far as I know not made any more I haven't got prices as yet and if you want you can contact the guy direct ravendran667@yahoo.com.my (send the pictures to show what you want and mention Mike sent you. His English is semi good he also has a uk bank account). I am going back up on the 28th of this month [ATTACH=CONFIG]60318[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]60317[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]60316[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]60315[/ATTACH]
  2. how did you find that?Do you have a mystic 1800 line dial a Lloyd part number?
  3. Oh good another rebuild thread to subscribe to
  4. rule 303! very interesting history behind that guy. Many believe he was a bastard son of some nobility that was well looked after and then was sent off to Australia to hide him after the secret got out. Been calls to exonerate him at times as the court was rigged in many ways
  5. didn't realise these things were so big [ATTACH=CONFIG]59459[/ATTACH]
  6. whats the white paint on the weld, are you doing a spot of MPI ?
  7. oh yes I'll give a vote for that and must fit into the war category as got tanks in it. The one liners are hillairious
  8. The longest day is definately a yes.... I really miss the movies were all countries involved are shown instead of the mindless incorrect over patriotic driibble now An odd angry shot.... aussie vietnam flick so highly irreverant but the infantry minor tacics shown are spot on the light horseman..... another aussie flick, can pick the lower budget but an inspiring story Sergeant York......... odd they havent remade this film as is patriotic yet true just thinking now about new stuff but apart from great special effects, most of them have no story
  9. I wonder where it will turn up next http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/270931992001?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649 looks great the way it is
  10. I went to a workshop that supplies idustrial track and they were saying they could make anything. Whether that was a boast or not, I have not testedI got a solid billet of aluminium machined to the same shape as the plastic gear stick cover and cost me 80 quid. Quite a complicated pieceanyway, good to see it all coming together bit by bit.
  11. Curious how are they originally made ie are they cast or machined?Can the be weld repaired or fabricated by machining. If scarce I don't mind seeing if the guys over here can replicate as I been getting a few bits made up lately and the main cost is the material.
  12. I wonder what the army was using it for if just for cable pullingI am up there next weekend so I'll try to see if it has any data plates
  13. Saw this in a junkyard a few weeks back, exarmy Anyone seen anything like it? [ATTACH=CONFIG]59169[/ATTACH]
  14. Good to see some men at work action shots as later people will say the elves did everything :-) you'll be grinning when the chassis is painted
  15. Yeah I picked up one for a guy in aussie for 28 to 30 quid (just waiting on the address to post it)- think he has several more NOS onesIts a pity really as there has been some real bargains that have come up but an ebay dealer is grabbing a lot of it now.
  16. yes, detail in depth is always good and you should have this to show off your hard work
  17. It was on the Aussie news also as it is a commonwealth grave yard I feel quite strongly about these graves as they are scattered all over the place and are abused, moved, untended or destroyed. The policy of conveniently burying our soldiers in the nearest graveyard instead of bringing home is a penny pinching practice and they should of been and still should be repatriated. Up until mid Vietnam war Australia continued the practice and policy was fallen were to be buried in the closest commonwealt grave yard, in that case Malaysia. When the first conscripted soldier was killed in that war there was an outcry and after that they get brought home. Oddly enough was reading an article the other day about the Malaysian historical group that found a British aircraft from ww2 in the jungle, the UK government wanted nothing to do with it. Yet the locals knew if found by others it would be cut up for scrap regardless of remains
  18. these hooks I am told are bradford type and fitted to some series Land Rovers and Austin champs?? [ATTACH=CONFIG]58459[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]58458[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]58457[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]58456[/ATTACH]
  19. what about outside piccies? I am sure the tin can owners will all chirp in when they got something to drool over . They need some FHM type pictures showing all the correct curves, bumps and war paint If all else fails you could park it outside our office in middlesbrough and it would be started and gone by tomorrow
  20. A lot of info here http://www.aulro.com/afvb/90-110-130-defender-county/70262-auto-conversion.html
  21. G'Day Clive I may take you up on that offer in a few weeks. The mounting kit is enroute to me from oms7ru (nice bloke as bought parts off him for my Lightweight). Will pick up the tools at the end of the month and hopefully the actual truck 2nd week of March. Waiting another month is driving me barmy and ebay is getting a hammering
  22. Cheers Clive I know how the rear door tool mountings work so thought she'd be easy. What got me concerned was in the ebay photograph it showed one bit that got me thinking huh..... I now see it's item 11 which is most likely a bit of rubber. Thanks again :D
  23. Apparently these plugs had a habit of arcing when the silver coating wore off, so perhaps this is why the other ones may be shorter. The newest intervehicle connectors use a large centre pin. I have several of these in parts box over here as were fitted to Hong Kong FFR's. Will have a look at the pins next weekend. The only drama I see with fixing them is getting the correct copper bit to recrimp onto the wires, not sure if it is a standard part or not. If can get that then easy to fix ps: should be a piece of rubber under the cap
  24. The main issue I see is most of the conversions put the shifter in the centre seat position as that is how it is in the civvy models. Why they don't leave it on the tunnel I have no idea. Fitting is not a major issue but you have to wire the electrical interlock in which prevents the car being started whilst in gear. Propshaft will be different and typically you need a tranny oil cooler and assciated piping. Aschcrofts sell it all as a kit, obviously cheaper if you piece the parts together yourself
  25. Would one of the WMIK manuals have placement drawings for all the pieces?
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