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Everything posted by fesm_ndt

  1. now you done that you will have to update it, every sunday now So no police, strippers, gigalos or cooks yet. A very good cross section so far though
  2. A very interesting website, I spent ages in here. I guess with the amount of stuff laying around they dont have scrap metal bandit problems http://goroda-prizraki.narod.ru/goroda.html [ATTACH=CONFIG]72091[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]72092[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]72093[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]72094[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]72095[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]72096[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]72097[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]72098[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]72099[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]72100[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]72101[/ATTACH]
  3. Should of been digging up a carpark in leicester as they found a broken arrow amongst other missing stuff.
  4. everything gets tested I think the weirdist job I ever did was a fibrescope inspection of a inbuilt vacuum cleaning system in a mansion. A good mate of mine did all the tube escalators in the wee hours a few years back
  5. 8 years Australian Army aircraft maintainence, which lead me into NDI (Non Destructive Inspection), which lead me into NDT (Non Destructive Testing), which lead me into API inspection, which dragged me out of Aussie to South East Asia since '96 Been based in Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan, Brunei and currently Malaysia and travelled to something like 47 countries. Now I do a lot of consulting and training of baby NDT and Inspection people
  6. Mounting bracket NRC176 (£32.10 Blanchards) Delivered Bypass valve 534977 (£49.95 Blanchards) Delivered Bypass valve linkage NRC 185 Can't Find Tap handle colars to interlink the feed and return valves NRC 186 (£1.98 Blanchards) Had instock when ordered then nil stock got the outer boot from Craddocks. Oh well its lunch time so will have to search some more
  7. Whats the rest of the chassis look like, hubs, diffs etc? Is it a transfer box or some type of pto unit?
  8. yeah amazing...... I was looking at some similar UK threads and really amazing what can be found In Aussie there are not many abandonned anything. Once finished it is ripped down and used somewhere else.
  9. I got this response from the head office. Couple of things to consider: 1. Is it a casting? By age it could be a very poor quality casting with extremely poor weld ability. 2. Is it a engine block / cylinder head etc, if yes could be impregnated with oil which will have a profound effect on weld ability. 3. If possible clean the casting (insignificant bit) back to bright metal and see if an arc (TIG) can be initiated / develop a weld pool, try adding filler wire, possibly AlSi 4043 type. 4. Alternatively, have the casting analysed to establish composition. They could go into it deeper, way deeper as it's a fascinating place.
  10. you know, your one line explanation most likely sums it up really well, as aluminium is a curse to weld really well if got contaminants on it. Being porous like you say the contaminates are inside. I asked one of the top guys in our office as I know we were involved in some Hurricane repairs a few years back, so I am really curious also as we have some really advance stuff in the labs in Granta Park.
  11. If you guys want I can ask around at my company TWI as some of the PHD's might have some ideas on what causes it or maybe how to reverse it? We get involved in a lot of welding research
  12. G'Day :beer: I like the look of those Bedfords
  13. With the ladder forks and the side case, to me looks like a BSA M20 Adrian will correct me if I'm wrong
  14. Not that I seen, on that note I've never seen a Saracen preserved over here. Makes me think a lot of stuff went back to UK. I saw recently two diesel ferrets still operated by the Army for National day parade
  15. Congrats Robin, being a nomadic vagabond, myself I can appreciate having a home. Is it the norm to pour the walls? Is it a cost issue or insulation? Curious as we have been involved in a project over here where they use reusable aluminium panels to pour the concrete into, then one a whole floor is down they slide them up and go at it again.
  16. Have a great year everyone
  17. I was trying to buy a rust bucket like this a while back as they are the grandfather of the TD Pinzgauers Dale at haflinger technik http://www.haflingertechnik.com/html/index.php has a lot of rusty bits you may find bits you need and he's a really nice bloke. Most the panels can be sourced. I was reading the spare wheel cover in a ford escort van has the same pressings in it as the haffie front floor. There is an excellent yahoo haflinger group also http://autos.groups.yahoo.com/group/Haflinger/
  18. A 1965 M63 Ural, followed me home in my luggage from Turkey :-D [ATTACH=CONFIG]70799[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]70800[/ATTACH] Most the other bits have arrived with a few bets left to be posted
  19. yet another buried tank...... they seem to be treated like kitty litter :-D http://thevelvetrocket.com/2009/06/25/stalin-line-military-complex-belarus/ hilarious reading material
  20. Is this still classed as the same or different model? what strikes me as in your video the reloaders are exposed whilst reloading
  21. there was a bunch of lads that had blown their engine on the outskirts of Perth in WA but lived in Kalgoorlie so they got a tow to the next town. Then pushed it out of town and got another friendly tow. For 600km's :shocked:
  22. A pinzgauer in Perth Not read this thread so settling in to see where you are up to. I remember seeing a yard full of these South of Perth but can't recall where now.......
  23. http://www.flickr.com/photos/angus-macvicar/sets/72157628322689915/with/7006260332/
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