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Everything posted by fesm_ndt

  1. First off you need to ascertain the extent of cracking which is a very simple NDT job. MPI would be the easiest but PT (penetrant testing) would be cheap. As I think it's going up to the left also. A very cheap way of doing a test is to put some red auto trannie fluid on it for half an hour. Wipe the surface clean then poweder on some talcum powder. The oil will blot out of the cracks. The PT mentioned above is a lot more refined but the same concept. I am somewhat less conservative when discussing cracks. Depending on the material a proportion of stress raising occurs. If you hang 1 ton off a flat bar, you have 1 ton throughout the bar. If you have a perfectly smooth reamed hole in the same bar a stress raiser is produced and can raised the stress at that point 6 times (varies with materials). Anyway with a hole you have 6 tons. With a sharp notch you end up with upto to a million times stress raiser, hence cracks tend to grow also why on aircraft we tend to drill a hole at the end of a crack to slow down propagation. To add another problem to what you have is like said above it does look like fatigue cracking which can occur well below the materials yield strength. If it is easilly weldable i would machine the hole lot out and weld a new boss in there. But I am conservative As it's low reving, low cyclic loads a cheaper option would be to, find them, full penweld them from each side and machine it smooth and re drill the holes Putting something over it, with it still underneath will not stop the propagation. The whole mystery about it is did the fatigue cracking occur over a forty/fifty year life span or did it occur over a shorten span as from looking at it (from the outside), it is impossible to determine the rate of propagation. If you do do a simple repair, yu may want to try a simple balance check on some rails.
  2. The tank leads are intervehicle connecting leads. I think also the centre pin type and are in quite high demand. Someone in here was looking for a set recently. I wouldn't mind a set for myself as I have currently the twin pin type. http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?19565-Inter-vehicle-starting-lead&highlight=inter
  3. Where are all the French scrapyards? Seen a few bits for sale or being sold of but anyone got any contacts? Found this address on Flickr got a few old ones in there Also these govt auctions http://www.alm-acmat.com/article-acmat-ventes-domaniales-a-st-gregoire-le-26-mars-2013-115830288.html but I am chasing a few pieces and a supply of bits like brakes etc this is different also http://www.ventes-domaniales.fr/eQ_infomobilier.php3?rub=1&idlot=800067301
  4. I mean it stopped http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwEo5OHHoKE
  5. I don't know in Aussie we look for any excuse to have a pint. If last year was a pint for 50th year since it was first built, I cannot see why this year is the 50th year in service :beer: We could think bigger and find month by month important dates to celebrate :-D:cool2::-D
  6. My guess is it was all not really legit from the start, so if they have been intercepted by the current regime, which is most likely not going to be the regime much longer, followed by anarchy, followed by a new regime they could end up anywhere. I does make me think that with all these regime changes has much actually come out onto the market? Several trophies have come out of Iraq and Afghanistan, has there been any actual acquisitions? I saw a lot of stuff destroyed of historical value in Iraq pictures, is this the case the norm?
  7. I bought HMG synthetic enamel last time in the UK. Their service was very good.
  8. An update on how they got to Syria apparently http://www.news.com.au/breaking-news/world/saudis-buying-arms-for-syrian-rebels/story-e6frfkui-1226586808460
  9. I saw a cylinder head and Sherman sprocket on this website in Belgium http://www.flanderstechsupply.com/various.asp maybe they got some other bits also Also lots of road wheels but not sure if they are for Sherman
  10. I know it's an old thread but one of the few that can be found about ACMATS. Several questions so I hope you still tinker with ACMAT's :-D as hard to find info. Where did you get your half doors in the photo below from, ie are they standard ACMAT or did you make? I saw on another thread 'someplace' the swing arm mount for the spare wheel, so I guess same question was that an original piece or custom?
  11. Definately a Salisbury. Just another odd variant Some more stuff from the junkyard I visited last saturday [ATTACH=CONFIG]72588[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]72589[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]72590[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]72591[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]72592[/ATTACH]
  12. http://www.news.com.au/national/australian-defence-force-to-sell-off-tousands-of-vehicles-and-other-war-equipment/story-fncynjr2-1226565344839
  13. My father in law went with 6 others to Russia as a labourer a few years back. He was the last of the 7 and they all died from leukemia. so putting 2 and 2 together, whatever job they got asked to do must of been in some contaminated area (without their knowledge)
  14. another interesting one [ATTACH=CONFIG]72429[/ATTACH]
  15. Found out more oddities of this Shorland. Series diff balls are one piece but these ones are bolted on [ATTACH=CONFIG]72338[/ATTACH] Also found this nice old jeep with a Singapore rebuild plate on it [ATTACH=CONFIG]72339[/ATTACH]
  16. I'll get some close up pictures and see what the engine number is.
  17. Yep armoured Land Rovers (Shorland and Snatch) normally have Salisbury, some civi 1 tons and also 101. The catch is they are a weird mix up of parts and a lot is not interchangeble. The hub to hub is different from series, 101 to Defender. What I am trying to figure out is if the axle carrier and tube (casing) is the width on all variants? i.e. is the difference from the tube outwards? I am hoping the central bit, apart from the spring mounts was the same and the bits that bolt on at each end are different (ie swivel balls, CV's axles etc). A Series typicaly has a different ratio than a defender, but have no idea what ratios are in a Shorland
  18. Appararently its a 6cylinder petrol engine. I'm not so familiar with Land Rover sixes to know if original or not I was looking at the front diff as the guy is breaking it for parts. Apart from the wheels I dont see much use for it out this way as everything is pretty much type specific, even the gearbox looks different. I am hoping maybe I can use the front diff casing and halfshafts if he scraps it
  19. Clive I found some of the remains of these today and the data plate says shorland SB301 Mk3 but cant see the VIN [ATTACH=CONFIG]72231[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]72232[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]72233[/ATTACH]
  20. Been involved in some of the powerstation business out this way. I keep wanting to develop an inspection course similar to API for power stations, but always on the backburner. Often I find the operators dont have a good idea of what they should be inspecting and why. Mind you I guess thats a good thing
  21. Very interesting vehicle, new one for me as never seen before. Similar in style to the Pinzgauer Vectors, which are much more recent
  22. The problem I forsee now, is even if they do see something there will be years of legal litigation similar to the Japanese submarine full of gold, as from memory that is still ongoing between the person who found it and the person who financed it. It will be a pity to see this guy get dragged through the mud for believing in something and perhaps ignoring the other facts that may disprove his belief, as many people can have that problem. A bit like bringing a rusty green heap home and telling the wife "this is about the story, the background, the archaeological research" :-D Damn that's catchy, I might use that after my next junk trip
  23. "A former schoolteacher who had studied the 18th Century Enlightenment to postgraduate level, he seemed to struggle to comprehend the Burmese approach to business and bureaucracy." :D After living in SEA since '96 I can definately say there is a very different "approach to business and bureaucracy" I could well imagine his lack of preparedness to the situation.
  24. :-D:-D:-D:-D:-D interesting there was another radioactive contaminated site in there other than Chernobyl Also lists Detroit as a Dead City
  25. yes an island off the coast of Japan. http://goroda-prizraki.narod.ru/korzunovo/001.jpg Must of had interesting water pumping issues mining on an island
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