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Everything posted by fesm_ndt

  1. I thought the lottery was on hold until the euro crisis is fixed :cheesy: Or Geece and Spain bought all the tickets?
  2. on a run today [ATTACH=CONFIG]63953[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]63954[/ATTACH]
  3. another one :cool2: Japanese soldiers advancing past a British truck in Singapore 1942 [ATTACH=CONFIG]63952[/ATTACH]
  4. Damn, you dont need to zoom in :-X What's plan B? My brother has a complete engine in his back yard but he's a rampant hoarder and he can be seen wandering around his hoarde muttering "my precious, my precious". Damn thing has been sitting there since 1984
  5. Singapore just before the war, most likely just off the boat
  6. been looking at some of the history and seems its a sizable island and was a rather largish tank battle so could have been buried onshore as it also dont look so pitted. they saying scrap value was around 3000 quid.......... morons
  7. just found the original thread http://turbinemanlog.blogspot.com/2012/05/peace-park-and-surrender-point-of.html
  8. I would think so a Labuan is an island and was one of the last battles in the area Apparently the photo was from last year. The local history people are not real happy
  9. this one in here? [ATTACH=CONFIG]63816[/ATTACH]
  10. unf---ing believable this is a Matilda tank being cut up for scrap in Labuan apparently a few have been pulled up.... Only good part is there may be a few left [ATTACH=CONFIG]63815[/ATTACH]
  12. Well I finally found time to go up and grab it. Cost me 200RM which is around 40 quid so not bad for a bit of history One rope is off and there is a small bit of damage but all in all, not too bad for something this old being used to cover old Land Rover parts The mind boggles what a cold weather bit of gear is doing in Malaysia. I guess army logistics hasnt changed in the last 70 years [ATTACH=CONFIG]63771[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]63772[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]63773[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]63774[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]63775[/ATTACH]
  13. Oops. I meant the engine rebuild as was hoping you had all the bits now and looking forward to a video of it running
  14. Perhaps a surface casting defect as the outer part in the mould cools the fastest. Castings are a bugger to inspect, as had the same problem years ago inspecting some rope sockets. I am a bit cautious about welding on castings as due to their inhomgenous nature they can react badly and plus your ones are quite old. Given that he is saying no pressure what about silver solder, or would that be to much heat input? If silver solder is a no go then a dab of devcon on the outside could stop the weepage. One last comment. Regarding cracks, due to the stress concentrated at their tips, they almost always grow. In basic terms, if you have a bar with a 1 ton load on it and drill a perfectly reamed hole in it you create a stress raiser which multplies the stress by a factor of 6. If said hole is nicked or cracked the stress can be increased by over a million, hence cracks tend to grow and a method of repairing cracks is drilling a hole at the ends. Anyway, glad you have had good news as is good to be able to move on....... When would you expect it to be running as you have most the bits now? Or are you missing some bits?
  15. In Hong Kong tonight and have been trying to track this elusive junkyard down. Finally found it, but leave at 4pm tomorrow so may not get there :undecided: http://www.chowkwankee.com/ http://blog.yahoo.com/_6DJDKBPXXO7OF3EL7KWYNGMJ3A/category/land+rover/page/1 Anyway has an email address and he has been in the ex MoD game for years so may have some leads on cvrt photos etc
  16. I told the guy to save it for me.... I go to cambridge a few times a year oddly enough
  17. I might try and 'save' it next time I go up
  18. Spotted this today Had the wd marking on it and a date of 1942 looks like quilted leather like a straight coat and very large with leather straps [ATTACH=CONFIG]62262[/ATTACH]
  19. This is quite interesting as I do a discussion on something like this in my training courses. Corrosion, as everyone knows is caused by the reaction between the anode and cathode I your case the aluminium header tank is the anode, as the anode corrodes and the rest of the radiator is the cathode that doesnt corrode ok I know, boring the interesting part is when you coat the inside of the header tank with devcon or epoxy you have created a bigger problem as coating is never perfect and always have holidays or pinholes. So the result is a very big cathode and a microscopic anode. The size difference creates more accelerated corrosion and you end up with pinholes very quickly. To reduce the corrosion you would coat the cathode so the pinholes in the coating leave a small cathode and a large anode = slow corrosion. Anyway coating the inside creates a bigger problem
  20. I used to love tip scrounging especially during Christmas and Easter as people would always do big clean outs My tool chest back in Australia, including the electrical tools were mostly tip finds. Helped living in a mining town as the mining companies never fixed anything, just dumped it, generators, industrial vacuum cleaners, cement mixers, air cons. Great fun and how I learnt to fix things :-D
  21. My type of thread. I really cant get over the amount of derelict stuff in the UK. Was watching a documentry about it last time I was in the UK and many places have registers of what is derelict, to sell. It dont happen in Australia as just about everything gets torn up and recycled so old ghost towns in the goldfields etc are just barely visible where roads used to be.
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