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Bob Grundy

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Everything posted by Bob Grundy

  1. I am looking forward to this arriving by the afternoon post of olden days.
  2. Mr Chaindrive, Would you have a location of this photograph ? Thanks Bob
  3. Not to denigrate the man himself in anyway but the Military Cross (MC) was only awarded to commissioned officers, it would have been the Military Medal (MM) for 'other ranks'. Now in the 21st century the MC is awarded to all. I was very pleased to see these photos as my main interest is on the old Western Front.
  4. Superb replica, well done. Is the next stage to construct a fuselage that can represent the load ?
  5. Peter It might be a good idea to join the Great War Forum on the net. There is a vast wealth of expertise on this forum. I highly recommend it. Best of luck with the restoration.... Bob
  6. Written by a Lucy Crossley who does not know what she is writing about. "...the German foe who had the best and latest military hardware and clothing available". 1908 Mills webbing superior in every way and still used in the early part of the Second World War, a rifle that has twice as many rounds in the magazine, ten instead of five. This is what we are getting now in the media as 2014 is nearly upon us, a hotch potch of journalists who are pontificating about a world event of which they have no comprehension. However I do intend to read this book, BTW the photo in the dugout would not have been taken in colour at the time, it has been colourised, but we are not told this......
  7. Is that so. then there is some greedy people out there. If they cannot find the money then they don't cross the channel do they....?
  8. Notice the LGOC buses, with troops on the top deck, above the railway wagons.
  9. I don't know how it can come to a hundred grand for the engines to be put in a state to cross the channel. Its all too familier for charities to say so and so project will cost £XXXX things can always be done for less.
  10. Higher powers than the likes of you and me are always trying to scare us, vested interest and the lust for gold is the norm. The answer to your question therefore is 'no'.
  11. On the rocket test note the bloke with no ear defenders, just his fingers in his ears, Ah, those were the days......
  12. I was speaking to two small haulage contractors and they say that VOSA is self funding. So for them to survive they must impose more fines on vehicle owners. Some are quite trivial, a small amount of mud in the plastic spray suppression flaps. To fight this through the courts would of course be counter productive so whatever the VOSA people say goes.
  13. I think you could do with a woman and an iron........
  14. Knowing what I know, this is very impressive.........
  15. Facebook Freaks; your word not mine. Do we really want these 'freaks' in this wonderful forum ? I am not on TwitterFace and never will be but the woman I have lived with for 38 years (they were called a wife once) is in this and I have seen the absolute dross and !*>*! which is on there. Maybe some caution and knowledge before the box of Pandora is opened?
  16. I am one who believes 'just get on with it', if it went down then so be it. We had life jackets and a modicum of common sense as well in our favour.
  17. I suppose I had better say something.......First, all belly plates were in place, the water was coming in from a unnoticed plug/bolt that is behind and above the final drive assembly. The Scorpion was in the water on two occasions but the film showed it once so it had far more water inside the transmission and engine compartment than we realised. We were instructed by Windfall Films to make the floatation screen as it would have been on a Sherman, canvas screen and being made to go up by compressed air. The Scorpion set up was very different. Forward movement in the water was by tracks alone which did not work very well. Please remember there was no testing of this project prior to the film crew attending at Carr Mill Dam, St Helens for the shoot. At the workshop there is a clip where we are fitting the canvas and the sheet is upside down. We had only taken it off 5 minutes before so that it could be filmed being fitted, such are the hoops that has to be gone through for the sake of an entertainment documentary film. Any way it was good to see my late cat Duskiman.
  18. No 3; It is a Nieuport 17 crashed into a traction engine or roller.
  19. No, but if it is a wreak then it could go in on its side.
  20. They are speaking of the Ypres Salient and recovery by the Belgians. Fact; 170 + million artillery rounds were fired during the whole course of the war by the British Army so it is quite reasonable to assume that there were not 300 million duds.
  21. Thanks for posting but the daily Mail Article is riddled with errors.....
  22. I had a visitor yesterday who is clearing out his stores and as the unit does not have any Bedford 4 tonners now he has for disposal about two vehicles worth of canvas. Some new sections and others serviceable, he has no price but would like a donation to the units funds. If of interest please send PM to me.
  23. Not the correct way of course but if you could get away with it, then..........
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