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Bob Grundy

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Everything posted by Bob Grundy

  1. Very good, thanks for posting.There is another one ' They Stand Ready' c,1954, if you are into Cents there is lot of shots of them. All the young chaps you see are nudging eighty or above if still alive, makes you think.......
  2. It is a Light Tank Mk111 probably in Egypt, thanks for this, where did you see it ?
  3. I have had a taker so that is me less one postage stamp........
  4. I have a map for LIONHEART 84 'Emergency Facilities and Command Information' I was on CRUSADER 80 so it is not relative to me. First come first served (via PM) for a FREE map posted in a unmarked brown envelope to your address.
  5. They would be on the pullover but left white, but as I have said 1980's the combat rank thingys would be stitched on. Help! some clothing expert come on and give this chap the correct names, 'thingys' will not do.....
  6. In the mid to late 1970's rank identification be it chevrons, crowns, pips were in black on a dark green square piece of nylony (sic) cloth and much smaller that previous. At the same time a name badge was introduced in the same fashion. Blacking stuff out was done at sub unit level and not with official sanction.
  7. A infantry platoon signaller would carry a Sterling (SMG) and from memory no badges referring to him being a signaller would be on his jacket. Rank chevrons would of course be on jacket, heavy jersey wool and shirt. I must qualify the above as it refers to early 1980's.
  8. Would Mr Clive have anything to say about this one ?
  9. I am here ! Send me a PM, I look on HMVF twice a day
  10. Thank you all for the answers, well done.
  11. I have recently acquired the lower hull of a 1944 Windsor Carrier. The following can be seen (just) on the front in yellow. C.I.L.A.V.D Class 1 R/NRDY 10 3 55. The latter is of course a date. Does anyone know what it all means ?
  12. Has no one picked up what those two pieces of paper refer to ?!
  13. It was a bit of a mish mash..... Soldiers wearing puttees in 1967, should they not be 'anklets web' or as most people know them 'gaiters' ?
  14. I will add to that, very interesting photos. The two showing Mk1V's and a Medium A facing the camera with the Chinamen, well that ramp is still in the field. These were taken at the Central Workshops near Erin, France.
  15. Thank for posting this. Note, one of the bikes has a AA badge on the front mudguard which is unusual for an army motorcycle.
  16. Its a secret, but it fits on the head not stuck round your skull.......... Every praise for asking and so not looking like an actor on TV which brings on words of contempt by me to the screen.
  17. Damn ! Just too late to give the correct answer its on page 81 RAMC Training 1911.
  18. Wonderful photos of these aircraft recreations I might emigrate to New Zealand, brilliant just brilliant.......
  19. There are no secrets as regards exporting. However there are sometimes questions asked, such as "what is the purpose and function of the water containers?" This is in reference to the black plastic water jerrycans and Export Control need an answer, which is; to convey water to a location where it may be used. And another question from these esteemed public servants " state what military vehicle the Ferret gearbox is for " When making the application specification of the goods or vehicle has to be supplied so it is reasonable to assume that it is for a Ferret, would you agree?
  20. ee there is some tripe written on this Thread...... I will not point it out either.
  21. I had to phone DVLA today about another matter. I was told that there is now a continuous period of SORN, not 12 months. So if you are declaring SORN the reference number on the reminder will not work. I believe this has just come about.
  22. This revision to tax discs is probably nothing to do with the government. Perhaps the EU has something to do with it ?
  23. I will take a photograph and post it.
  24. I have this item Binocular Periscope AFV No 8 FV562263, looks like a sight to me, what vehicle would have this fitted ?
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