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Bob Grundy

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Everything posted by Bob Grundy

  1. The Saladin at Allenby Bks is no longer where it was. More later when I find a pic.
  2. It's Raging Bull ! Finished that Covenanter yet ?
  3. I notice on the printed list the term 'PLEASE see......' I have never seen that word before on military kit.
  4. I would have taken the photographs and then see what would happen. Possibly a nice big row by the exhibits, sometimes standing your ground works....
  5. That may very well be the case Mr Wedlock
  6. May I ask from where did you get that Tamiya Booklet ?
  7. I sneaked onto this vessel in the early 1980's. It had been the club ship 'Landfall' and was in quite good nick albeit with the tank deck covered and heightened. I cannot understand this country when it comes to naval heritage such as the recent scrapping of HMS Plymouth. LCT 7074 was allowed to sink and then its dragged up and the work will be much greater. I despair.... But good luck to those who are to do the work
  8. I have been looking at a photo album of a chap who was in 1RTR 1970-80. He has some good in service colour photos of; Scorpion 04FD33, 03FD60. Chieftain 04EB30, 06FA45, 01FD26. Ferret 00CC11, 05CC87. If there is some one who has these vehicles then I will borrow the album and scan them. I will only do them if there is a reason, I am not just scanning all of them and posting. Please PM me if this is of interest.
  9. I think it was 1979, but remember this would not all be completed overnight,
  10. Wooo that's all good news, I shall get some ordered, thanks for all the replies.
  11. I have a petrol tank to seal, not an old one but bits of mill scale are causing problems with the fuel supply. Does the USA made POR15 work with modern petrol containing ethanol ? Thanks Bob
  12. I hope this Albion was saved. Pete, the CS8 took 15 months unfortunately it is now in the USA.....
  13. An Albion BY (5?) Pontoon carrier, where is this now ? Pete, yes that's the name that escaped me, I purchased a MCC CS8 from them that is why I was in the yard.
  14. This photo was taken 1985 at a scrap yard at Ewelm, Oxfordshire, cannot remember what it was called but it was near RAF Benson. I have some more relic pics which I will post.
  15. So Peel Holdings is to ensure that the destruction company will not receive any more ships from the MoD. I find that statement somewhat disturbing, The Ministry of Defence, a government department, is being told by a private company that they cannot sell a asset of the crown? The audacity of these people...........
  16. This period is also of interest to me. May I recommend the book INVASION,1940 by Derek Robinson 2005. It sets out the reasons that an invasion of Britain would have not, under any circumstances, have succeeded in 1940/41.
  17. I agree with the previous comments, not very sensible for a middle aged driver.......
  18. After seeing and hearing that, it was a good job that no one asked me to speak.............
  19. I have had quite a few of these engines through my hands but have not come across a 'MK 20A'. It is not mentioned in my books, to what vehicle would it be fitted ? Thanks Bob
  20. Charlie The box with the big clips is for the Charlie Gee (84mm MAW) Glad you got it back from the North East, got your e-mail.
  21. Sean Thanks for naming the place near Stroud, I just could not remember it. Bob
  22. I purchased two of these for about £350 + VAT, each in the mid 1990's from an airfield near Stroud. Had a play with one of them in some water logged ground WHAT A MESS. A little while later I had a visit from a chap who was the designer of the main digging head arms, the first and only time I have met a designer of something that is in my custardy.
  23. Can you tell me what the phrase 'crow gunners' means ? Thanks Bob
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