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Morris Commercial CDF 30 cwt Lorry

Bob Grundy

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A photograph of my MCC 'CDF' undergoing restoration. I am in touch with Tobin Jones who has one of these and I was wondering if there is any others out in the wild somewhere?

There was a report that one was near the south coast possibly Sussex ?

Bob Grundy

Error.....Should be 30cwt not 39cwt


Edited by Bob Grundy
Wrong number
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There was one sold at the stapley water garden auction a few years back, i think it only fetched about £2500 and it seemed pretty complete. I have no idea where it went.


Lovely truck by the way. What year was it built?

Edited by rippo
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This is the one that was at Stapeley Water Gardens, I first saw the vehicle in 1967 (yes 67),out side a garage in Kendle, it may have been in Westmoreland then and not Cumbria. David Cheeseman who lived nearby then had it in his Hall House Collection. The Collection was moved to Stapeley as a feature which lasted a number of years.

There was an auction of the stuff and Karl Budge ended up with it and I purchased it from him in 1998.

This is an early one, 1939, with the cast radiator, I did own Tobins at one time, his is the low grade, inferior, undesirable CDFW with the sheet metal radiator cowl........

A few false starts with it as I have a lot to do, but this is now 'The Big Push' to get it done in the next 12 months


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  • 4 months later...

Dear Bob,


I'm a modeller from Holland and i was wondering if you have any line drawings /blueprints of the CDF.Or some more photo's would also be great.

I'm thinking of scratchbuilding on in 1/35 scale

Goodluck with the build


best regards,


Tom de Kruijff

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  • 2 months later...

Am I correctly identifying a CDF in this recent eBay acquisition ? It carries the 'crossed keys' of 2nd Infantry Division. The Arm of Service Insignia '3' should indicate 10th Field Regiment Royal Artillery but according to Hodges & Taylor should be on a red / blue horizontal background and I can see no colour change.



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You would. A very nice buy. And if my eyes don't deceive me, that's a Crossley on the right.


I thought a Crossley IGL8 as well. The motorcycle is likely to be a Triumph 3SW unless it is a civilian impressed larger version.

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A Morris Commercial in Cambridgeshire, I am guessing a later model.


At a Land Rover breakers yard, called FenLandRover. I saw it there a year ago


Model MRA1 4X4 1Ton GS 1950's, body shortened and crane added for civi use.

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This is the one that was at Stapeley Water Gardens, I first saw the vehicle in 1967 (yes 67),out side a garage in Kendle, it may have been in Westmoreland then and not Cumbria. David Cheeseman who lived nearby then had it in his Hall House Collection. The Collection was moved to Stapeley as a feature which lasted a number of years.

There was an auction of the stuff and Karl Budge ended up with it and I purchased it from him in 1998.

This is an early one, 1939, with the cast radiator, I did own Tobins at one time, his is the low grade, inferior, undesirable CDFW with the sheet metal radiator cowl........

A few false starts with it as I have a lot to do, but this is now 'The Big Push' to get it done in the next 12 months




I can also remember in Kendal (Westmorland at the time) when I was still at school. We were always interested in old vehicles and I think I had the cheek as a 15year old to call in and ask the garage (a Rootes garage if memory serves, now demolished) if it was for sale!!

There was also another garage in Kendal with an early 15cwt Ford (aeroscreen and no doors) being used as a breakdown

Happy Days

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  • 2 months later...

My CDF has a CAV dynamo Type D.B.N.B 122 but came with a Lucas voltage regulator.

Now I have been informed that these two are not compatable. I rearly need a CAV voltage regulator Type 75/B-19X, has anyone got one or can point me in the right direction to

obtain one ?

Is it a myth that a CAV dynamo and Lucas regulator cannot be made to work together ? Both these on mine were not connected when I purchased it.

Any help appreciated.


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My CDF has a CAV dynamo Type D.B.N.B 122 but came with a Lucas voltage regulator.

Now I have been informed that these two are not compatable. I rearly need a CAV voltage regulator Type 75/B-19X, has anyone got one or can point me in the right direction to

obtain one ?

Is it a myth that a CAV dynamo and Lucas regulator cannot be made to work together ? Both these on mine were not connected when I purchased it.

Any help appreciated.



Hi Bob,


Is that 75/BT-19X ? If so that is a common regulator fitted to quite a few WW2 vehicles, such as Bedfords, Austins, Humbers, Fordson WOT6 and so on. It is still possible to pick them up NOS, often made postwar.....try Roy Elvis.


regards, Richard

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I have got the number from the Instruction Book which on page 120 gives that type.

There is no T after the B.

However the book could be in error if there is such a CAV regulator as you mention.

Thanks for this, I will contact as Mr Elvis.


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