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W&P Beltring, for those who are not going!

Adam Elsdon

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Now is it just me, or is it a Beltring frenzy for at least a couple of months before and after the event, so this is for everyone who cant make it, couldnt be arsed, skint, geographically live nowhere near Kent, or your vehicle is in component form in a collection of crates in the garage!


You may even fall into a few of these categories!


Stand up, be proud and make yourself known here :yay:

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The only roadworthy venicle Ive got at the moment , is the Champ, which is undergoing a repaint to get rid of the hammerite and underseal over the body the previous owner coated it in! Next year maybe, unless I can get a px on a Ferret!

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It seems most events are down the South of England... which sucks if you live in Wales or the North its a 3-4 hour drive for me and covering over 500 miles round trip thats about £60 in Fuel for me, takes the fun away then as its less to spend. If I had a MV I'd be skint before I got there my Ford KA is bad enough.



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It seems most events are down the South of England... which sucks if you live in Wales or the North its a 3-4 hour drive for me and covering over 500 miles round trip thats about £60 in Fuel for me, takes the fun away then as its less to spend. If I had a MV I'd be skint before I got there my Ford KA is bad enough.




If i drive south for 3-4 hours i am still in Scotland!


Here we go, just AA Route planned it: 627.6 miles 11 hr 22 min and thats in a car! in the Humber Pig if it went continuously, no problems (yeh right!) averaged 30 MPH and had the fuel, it would take nearly 22 hours, using 69.73 Gallons of fuel (At an optimistic 9 MPG) or 317.27 ltrs and a sleep deprived driver whacked out on two crates of Red Bull and thats just one way!!

Strangely i dont think my Pig will be featuring at W&P anytime soon!

Edited by Adam Elsdon
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It is a brilliant show and I have missed going down for the day this year as have been to the last two following a couple of years break before that.

Like it has been said though something a bit further north would be nice, but shows the size of W+P don't appear over night. Perhaps one day Wartime in the Vale will be just as big (according to what I have heard how good it was), who knows.

I would have liked to have attended the new IMPS show but again its even further into Kent than W+P. But then if these shows were all up north then people down south would be having the same conversation.:sweat::shake::-D

I can see where out Scottish members are coming from though!!

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It seems most events are down the South of England... which sucks if you live in Wales or the North its a 3-4 hour drive for me and covering over 500 miles round trip thats about £60 in Fuel for me, takes the fun away then as its less to spend. If I had a MV I'd be skint before I got there my Ford KA is bad enough.



A fried of mine drives his Jeep from N wales ... 12 Hours each way........dedication.



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Would love to see something further north however would you get as many vehicles from the continent, which is some of the appeal.


We won tickets 2 years ago and after working until mid day on the saturday drove down to kent (almost 7 hours in traffic), stayed in a travel lodge and had a full day their on Sunday, broke the journey back on Monday with a stop off at Duxford, but got back at 9pm, Knackerd for the rest of the week!:sweat:


Last year travelled down by train with two kids + tent and rucksacks. Still took about 7 hours, trying to navigate the underground during the rush hour was great fun:shake:. It was more fun camping there and had a great time however the 7 hour journey back in an over crowded train, especially on the tube with the muzzle of a gun sticking out of the top of my sons ruck sack, we seem to have that carrage to ourselves:-D. Travelling by train does limit what you buy when there.


Had to give it miss this year as just to busy with work, had to make do with seeing the Vulcan at Windermere airshow on Saturday. I would go again but it is a major undertaking, no doudt Bodge and Matt will have some tails to tell of there journey this year!

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where you in the public camping area?


we left there at 1100 this morning, got back at approx 1730, with a 1hr 30min break, really enjoyed it, and it didnt cost me a penny in entrance fees or camping!!! Infact, the girlfriend enjoyed it so much, she suggested we make it our annual summer hols!!!(what a woman!!!!!!)



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