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Poss HMVF meeting/show 2009

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Buckets,........to you, as well..........:-D


Having attended Mil Mayhem,i reckon there is enough room for a HMVF area,.............yes, i know we already had TWO, this year, :-D..........but with a bit of forward planning, :sweat:think of the varied display we, as a forum/vehicle owners, could stage,..............almost time-line.


Another thought,...........Steam Rallys,...we, as easy Co, already stage displays in our local area,.........hows about aproaching one of the larger ones, suggesting, if they have a large enough space, that we could set up display within their event,........I'm thinking they may well we very approachable regarding said idea, as with rising costs of everything, orgaiisers will need to start looking to showcase attractions, to encourage punters, with something different.


Just some idea's..........




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I liked the idea of an HMVF only show, but thinking about it that might be construed as being a bit elitist.MVT Imps members etc might feel unwelcome, whereas a general MV show everyone can attend. You could be in danger there of splitting the "traditional" groups, or alienating them from using web based forums like this.



Would it really do this?? Reason I ask is I get the impression nearly all of us here on HMVF are already members of either the MVT or IMPS or ...... And if the MVT members went to an MVT only event would it be considered as alientating IMPS members???


Would it not be a case of just saying something along the lines of "There's an event on such a date in such a location organised by HMVF - all are welcome!!"


Just being curious here really & not trying to be a wooden spoon - if there's an event I can get to then I'd go irrespective of who organised it (provided PW vehicles are welcome!! :):) )

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The way I look at it, is, if its a Military Vehicle rally,.........then ALL

military vehicles SHOULD be welcomed.


Ok, if the event is themed, such as salute to the forties,chatham, or the majority of railway at war type events, then I can see the reasons for thirties/forties vehicles only.

Would be the same if an organiser wanted to stage a Gulf war type event,.........my MW WOULD be entirely Out of Place at it.



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A themed event is a themed event. No arguments. They can be fantastic occasions and all power to them. I'd like to see a PW road run so I can bring my MUTT - but it has to slot in to a full and rich calendar for all to enjoy.


Mean time I am completely happy to mix and match at the multi-period events we all enjoy.


This is a thread we seem to come back to and I suggest the original basis of the topic is slipping a tad. So, do I favour a totally HMVF only event?

Probably not. As soon as we start excluding people and vehicles we get into a rutt. Stay on the road.



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When this idea was mentioned again,.......over a cup of Jacks tea, at W&p, the idea of holding such an event, was as a HMVF get-together,...with road run to local places of (historical) interest. :)


Certainly, a HMVF only rally, I feel would seem inclusive,....something the forum strives to avoid. :)



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a private road run and get together is altogether different.:)



Could organise something in our neck of the woods starting at the Bunker, Ian & myself were discussing this a couple of weeks ago... possibly meeting up at the Bunker on the Saturday morning for a days driving & visiting places of interest, returning to the Bunker in the evening for a 3-course meal & tour of the Bunker.. then maybe finish of the evening with some films if we can get Nick Johns interested?? Accommodation would be in the Bunker Dormitory Bunks & full English Breakfast Sunday Morning... Sowers in the Bunker would be availible too... It would be open to all HMVF members & you wouldn't all have to come in MV's as there would always be spare seats in the MV's..

Cost for grub & use of the Bunker approx £20 per head...


Just an idea...

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Could organise something in our neck of the woods starting at the Bunker, Ian & myself were discussing this a couple of weeks ago... possibly meeting up at the Bunker on the Saturday morning for a days driving & visiting places of interest, returning to the Bunker in the evening for a 3-course meal & tour of the Bunker.. then maybe finish of the evening with some films if we can get Nick Johns interested?? Accommodation would be in the Bunker Dormitory Bunks & full English Breakfast Sunday Morning... Sowers in the Bunker would be availible too... It would be open to all HMVF members & you wouldn't all have to come in MV's as there would always be spare seats in the MV's..

Cost for grub & use of the Bunker approx £20 per head...


Just an idea...


Sounds good Lee - if you & Ian decide to do it and need any help you know where to find me!!

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yes sounds good could we do it as a jan project to start the year off with.

i will be in


The earliest date would be early March as the Bunker is fully booked until then with Filmwork & other groups using it for sleepovers etc...




We would be up for it Neil if there was enough interests...

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