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A suggestion to the management!


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Thanks go to Clive for bringing this topic up and I always feel that debate like this are HMVF at it’s best – a place where one can view their opinions in public in confidence.



I understand this and am fully aware of it too. As I have stated elsewhere – I will always listen to feedback, opinions and advice, I will take it all on board and will evaluate it all before I make a judgement on it. Part of the responsibility of owning HMVF is being fully aware that you will receive a lot of criticism from many quarters and it goes with the territory – this isn’t a job for someone who has thin skin and is sensitive. So in summary, HMVF will always have its critics, that is part of life. Should I be concerned about this specific criticism? In a nutshell, NO. But as always, every complaint/criticism should be addresses as this is the only way that you can improve a hobby/movement/magazine/group – have the guts to listen to it.


The issue of usernames isn’t a new one but I am still confused as to why this is a problem and I really can’t justify listening to a complaint of members making statements/comments on here under a different name if it has come from someone who isn’t a member – I cannot see how people can seriously point fingers at something that they have no contribution too what so ever.


There are many reasons why people do not use their real names and it isn’t for me to state that they should – lets remind ourselves of why HMVF was started in the first place. It was started by me, to spread information and knowledge as I had gain so much support from the CCKW site in the USA when I first bought my GMC and we had nothing here of the same ilk. Some folks use a handle because it reminds them of times past, their first love, a memory of a time, place, battle. Good times and bad, or perhaps a loyalty to their old service days. Some folks may want to show to the world what mv they own – I also think it allows people to be eccentric and I like that.


HMVF is a place where you can ‘hang out’ and relax away from all the hassle of an over regulated life. I know many forums that are eating themselves alive because they aren’t being managed correctly and they have a bad moderating team. Some forums I know of will not allow you to join unless you have a domain name web address, you ‘apply’ for membership, you have to have a picture of you as your avatar…..come on this is HMVF and we are discussing our hobby – this isn’t some secret occult!


This is a small movement and you can see by reading the posts that most people know each other and have done for my years and the most ironic thing is that the vast majority of members all belong to the same clubs/associations so will even see each other a monthly meetings………..!


With regards to it creating a credibility factor for us, I dispute that too. HMVF is as successful as it is because of the members it has. The fact is that amongst our ranks we have some of the ‘seniors’ of the movement and I admire and thank them for their massive contribution to HMVF as they will draw on their many years of experience and passion and give the advice for free and I know many many members who have more than benefited from their advice and I thank them for that.



Politics will always creep into everything and to the dismay of some I will not tolerate and the team and I discuss this all the time as it is fine line between a good relevant topic and a bad one – the can be highly constructive or highly destructive so we tend to bin all of them to stop any hassle. If you find that the ‘author’ is using a handle then all you have to do is to drop them a PM and ask for their name. Yes we need to tighten up on one or two things and this will be done as it helps no one. Again, it is getting the balance right and we don’t always get it right but we try. The electronic age has changed the way we do things and I am sure that many things discussed here would never be discussed at club/group/association level as people wouldn’t want to upset the status quo but the internet has allowed the silent majority to have a voice – and we, the team, have to manage that and we will do it better…


So to conclude – I do not have a problem with handles, you can use them or your own name or like many use both and the next paragraph is in bold as it is important…


I could, like many forums make it only visible to full members so that only members can see the forum – this is very common practice as it stops all non members being able to read the content of the forum and would by association stop them complaining about its contents as I know HMVF is ‘monitored’ on daily bases by many quarters – but I am willing to put up with the hassle/complaints as the bigger picture here is to spread knowledge, information, skills and friendships…..its about ‘keeping them rolling’.

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Good points from all. I still see a lot of merit in what Clive originally suggested inasmuch as I think I can see the dynamic behind it. (I'm still stunned to actually see Clive on here posting, because it must have taken him ages to find a word processor that runs on Calor Gas. The last time I heard his voice was requesting a tune on the Chris Evans Radio 2 show. ) I think things should stay as they are and that the people who are offended/concerned/bemused/bothered by criticism on this forum should join and enjoy the right of reply. There are so many people out there whose experience and wisdom would be a boon on this forum if they took the opportunity. I think the problem might be that some people, and let's hypothercise and say they are on committees of established clubs, might construe criticism from an individual using the forum as having come from HMVF itself, thus meaning Mr Beckett. Let's not beat about the bush, he has had a few forthright debates with individuals acting on their own behalf or representing groups.


What everyone needs to do is fully understand that there are no stalking horses on this forum. It's not like PMQs where a friendly MP gets up to ask the PM where he bought his tie. I don't allow that sort of behaviour and to be frank - don't see it here. Good. I am totally against any form of exclusive aggressive criticism by people against organisations they are members of. They should go to the AGM or use that group's forum - in whichever form it takes to make their comments. People making criticisms of groups who are NOT members, are wasting their breath. You have to be in it to win it -. I don't think it's really fair to criticise exclusively from the outside It's easy, occasionally cheap and in OUR CASE can only bring disapproval towards the forum, the gang and to Jack with all kinds of consequences. I've only met Jack once. We drank beer. He lied about his age, bored me to tears talking about his Man's Truck. Then he ran out of gas. But as Markheliops, Kewelde and others have said, we have all become mates here. It's a quality place to be.


So, like Clive Elliott, or FV165859 or whatever he is, I have waffled. I like and respect Clive D Stevens, classy event organiser of this parish; and I see his point. As a compromise, perhaps if we are going to get down and dirty we should sign our names. When we are talking the usual bollo' we can stay anon. OK?


Mark Barnes.

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Spot on Jack :-D


Just one point that has arisen through discusions of this topic in our household -

So you use your full/real name, and are transparent with all your details. Whoopee :| little snotty Johny who comes on here to have a nosey round sees - the name etc, list of vehicles and more often than not pretty good info regarding where these vehicles are parked/ stored and then we all tell each other where we are going, and on what dates and times. Basically all Snotty Johny need to know :dunno:


Yours truley

Mr & Mrs Hardyferret



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you can never please everyone,someone will always be offended think it was in bad taste or whatever. i think this is a very good forum and the team do a great job keep up the good work!!!!! as for my username its the one i use on all the forums so you know who i am and as far as i know my names on my profile i think?

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As Mrs HF put, our nicknames do protect our identities from all sorts of low life.

To be honest most of us have only met a few of the other forum members, and have no idea who we are conversing with :dunno:

And I can't really see what the fuss is about, :dunno:



HF Hardyferret as in Daily Mirror :?

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You can't please everybody.

I think this site is brilliant, I joined because I have a passion for military vehciles, I do believe however that people are entitled to thier opinions on this site as long as it is to do with the MV circuit.

When I go to shows, there are about 6-10 in my group, we don't always agree with each other, but that's life.

I don't mind posting under my real name, but can't see the point.

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I have been on a number of other forums, and the idiot reply ratio is quite high, mainly because they hide behind a handle.


Then again, i can see why people prefer a pseudonym, and i personally dont find it an issue here on HMVF, as you have the PM route if you really want to find out who they are.


Maybe an area location, on the bottom of the Avatar would be handy so you can contact/PM somebody local to you.

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I have been on a number of other forums, and the idiot reply ratio is quite high, mainly because they hide behind a handle.






I am with you there Adam but - I think the members of HMVF are the most mature and responsable members of a forum that I have seen. The membership, at times moderates itself - that is commendable. There is nothing to hide by having a pseudonym as it isn't like members keep a low profile at shows.


I must also add that everyone has the facility to be invisible to the rest of the board when logged in but it doesn't mean that they want to be anonymous.

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Ok folks - just to underline this and for clarification:


Members are under no obligation what so ever to use their real names or pseudonyms. I have no problem with this at all. You are more than welcome to add your name, location or anything else that you may think is relevant to your signature block if you so wish.





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Thanks for the clarification, Jack.


I have followed this thread with interest, and as a result, have actually changed my 'handle' (yes, I had a CB radio in the late seventies.....) from my real name, to 'Keep 'em Rolling'. I've made the change because, well, it's a bit of fun isn't it? That's the point; the hobby is supposed to be fun, as well as interesting and informative, and inclusive, and there is a danger that we can all get rather too serious about life! :-)


Noting the earlier comment (and echoing other views) about 'credibility' of the forum in 'Clive D Stevens' opener, that credibility stems from members showing their real names; frankly, Clive D (where do these crazy names come from...? :D) I do not believe this is necessarily the case. The credibility of the forum firstly comes from the depth and breadth of knowledge of many of the members of HMVF, secondly, from members' ability to put their hands up and ask for some help/guidance/information etc (yours truly well within this camp!), and thirdly, people having the comfort that they can express views/opinions on all manner of subjects (largely MV related, but not always). The credibility of the forum would only be in question if the collective knowledge of the group were wrong or misleading, or the expression of opinions was not tolerated. Individuals may sometime get it wrong, but there is enough 'self-maintenance' within the group to correct these situations; the forum therefore remains credible!


As well as changing my 'screen name', I have added my real name, and regional location to my signature, so if any one wants to know where I am based, it's there. It might be useful for someone.....


Anyway, just my opinion, YMMV!


Keep 'em Rolling.








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