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Ptarmigan fv 439

Tony M

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Hi from Northumberland.


I have recently finished building a 1/24 scale model of a Royal Signals Ptarmigan Comms wagon (2 years to build),


I'm now looking at the fv 439 version of such vehicle.....


Has anyone got any pics or is there such vehicle in my area that I could visit & take pics?




Triffid 1.jpg





Tony M

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Hi from Northumberland.


I have recently finished building a 1/24 scale model of a Royal Signals Ptarmigan Comms wagon (2 years to build),


I'm now looking at the fv 439 version of such vehicle.....





Hi Tony,

That is a wonderful model, full credit to you. I remember these vehicles coming into Workshops, the detail is brilliant.

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Curious nagging doubt that the roof protector over the cab might be 180 degrees out of rotation, have to say it because it is bugging me.



You had better get something for those nagging thoughts, the cupola is in the correct position, if it was the other way around you would have to stand on the parcel shelf. ;) I believe you are a modeller, have we seen any of yours yet?

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The last person on this planet to be perfect was crucified.


I said 'nagging doubt", if I didn't express what I felt I would not be true to myself, but I said it in such a way that was obvious that I was not sure, I am too old and too grey to be perfect and without the ability to screw up.


What was bothering me was the square corner versus the knocked off corner of the roof protector on top of the cab, not the cuppola position.


I stand in that cuppola on work's Bedford CALM when operating the crane on a regular basis, just one of the vehicles in my brain and somehow it seemed wrong. Infact he has made it the correct way round and it is I that am wrong and quite willing to stand up and be counted.


There are many models made that are incorrect on the market and the model maker can be unwittingly be unaware of such flaws. One around is a kit with a fuel tank that doesn't reflect real life.


Yes, I have made models. An enjoyable hobby, long set aside for the pressures of life and family and work.


It is only now at this time of life that I am about to get back into it.


Suffice it to say that after 15 + _ years since making my last models and moving a number of times very hurriedly long distances I have only a few models that survive.


Thanks for laying down the gauntlet Richard, I will go dig them out and post them here with explanations.



Edited by robin craig
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I said 'nagging doubt", if I didn't express what I felt I would not be true to myself, but I said it in such a way that was obvious that I was not sure, I am too old and too grey to be perfect and without the ability to screw up.


I stand in that cuppola on work's Bedford CALM when operating the crane on a regular basis.




Crikey Robin, I only pointed out the obvious. The gentleman has made a brilliant and painstaking model and it would be inconceivable for him to make an error like that.


Tony, welcome to the madhouse ;), please post some more views of your Bedford.

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Yes chaps its built on a 1/24th scale KFS MK kit.....but what humble Tony does not point out is that all the demountable kit actually demounts & can be set up as per 'operating', telescopic masts (made in brass), gennys, the works. You should see a close up of the body interior....amazing. Better yet....its the 1st model he's ever built !!


Now Robin, yes the roof stowage plate is the right way around & if you'd like photos of the real thing to prove it I would be happy to oblige. Maybe the plate on your CALM is on backwards ?


Also, the missing O/S extension to the Ferret fuel tank that you elude to has already been included in the second production run.


Best regs all......Howard @ KFS

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Thanks everyone for the welcome & positive remarks.


2 years to build & a lot longer as a det commander of such vehicle (over 15 years ago) & 2 years ago a trip to Witham for over 200 photos to get the detail as a lot was from memory & they were selling them off.



A couple of weeks ago a WO2 pawed all over it for an hour trying to find faults & the only thing he found.....was a missing 'large' SHF dish.....which I'd forgot.



Half a dozen pics on KFS's site (http://www.kitformservices.com/gallery.html)


But here's another one anyway...


KFS are bringing out a fv432 & the Signals had fv439 variant so it was a logical option to build the fv439, however, we never dealt with the armoured side, hence the HELP! with any info or pics would be most grateful or pointed in the right direction?



Regards Tony M

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Half a dozen pics on KFS's site (http://www.kitformservices.com/gallery.html)


But here's another one anyway...


KFS are bringing out a fv432 & the Signals had fv439 variant so it was a logical option to build the fv439, however, we never dealt with the armoured side, hence the HELP! with any info or pics would be most grateful or pointed in the right direction?



Just looked at the other photos, brilliant, the detail .. everything. Did you get my Private Message about the 432 with Ptarmigan? I have found the number of it now, sadly no pictures.

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Tony, I discover you are in Northumberland, a bit far to come and crawl over our 439, unless you stray South sometimes.


You are very welcome, PM me If you ever get anywhere near East Somerset/Wilts.


Meanwhile, just ask for any specific pictures you want, and I will do what I can.


Great model, by the way, excellent work. You must be Very patient.



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It is without a doubt a very handsome model and without a doubt a labour of love and a testament to your skills. There are pictures around of the 1:1 scale vehicle and it is extraordinarily faithful.


The ladder on the back must have been a pain.


Any chance you took some pictures while you were building it that you care to share?


The cable reels look interesting, how were they done?


I know this is not a model making forum but I am sure others would be interested to see how you achieved the end result.



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The clear top is a great idea - I know some modellers go to no end of trouble to get stuff right but then cover it all up - at least here the inside work can be admired and the clear top doesn't look out of place either!


I actually built the roof with 1 bar tread plate on, ducting & lighting underneath, but as you said, internals gets covered up, so I built the clear roof.


I need to get around the fact that the 439 will have the same problem, internal details not on show & I can't put a clear roof on that? lol


Tony M

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