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Post War MVT - you are joking!


Have you felt that at events there is a biased against...  

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  1. 1. Have you felt that at events there is a biased against...

    • Post War Vehicles
    • WW2 Vehicles
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See you P W GUY`S (A TERM WHICH I RECKON SHOULD BE DROPPED) are stealing all the limelight :-D :shake:, us jeep owners will have to plan a counter attack to re- gain pole position !!!! (just joking)



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Another instance is in this quarters windscreen, the Buckfastleigh show is a military vehicle show, not war on the line, it used to be war on the line but there are so many more post war vehicles it changed, yet you read the write up by Chris Davies you get the wrong impression, the first line starts "This WW2 military vehicle show" The bias is everywhere, it's not just the vehicles, uniforms are also being targeted although I do agree that rank & medals should only be worn by those that have earned them.


Who opened this can of worms???????

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Neil will be happy though :roll:



Oh yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-) :-) :-)

Shame it's a Mk 1 and not a Mk 2 - but hey, it's an imperfect world!!!! :-) :-) :-) :-)

Or - and this being greedy I know - if the Landie and been the S2A version......




But you shouldn't complain about bias against PW vehicles. Look at the front cover of Windscreen. It is a postwar vehicle. Yes really. :roll:



You mean Спасибо Toвaриц????????


(edited for missed quote.........)

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Oh yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-) :-) :-)

Shame it's a Mk 1 and not a Mk 2 - but hey, it's an imperfect world!!!! :-) :-) :-) :-)



& I've only just found out that my Fox is in the calender, July, bottom right Beltring Advert :-)

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  • 1 month later...

Maybe if you had a few decent vehicles between you instead of those bundles of old (but not old enough) iron that you list as Military Vehicles under your threads, they would! :-D


You could also be so nice and actually attend the MVT CoM meetings and raise the issues you clearly feel so strongly about with the people that matter. But why the hell should anyone from the CoM waste their time coming on here trying to pasify you two? You both have chips on your shoulders about the MVT wholesale and all you want to do it cause agro - It so obvious :-o


But to attend a CoM meeting, well that would actually involve making an effort and I know you don't feel that strongly about the issue now do you chaps ;-)



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Maybe if you had a few decent vehicles between you instead of those bundles of old (but not old enough) iron that you list as Military Vehicles under your threads, they would! :-D




You could also be so nice and actually attend the MVT CoM meetings and raise the issues you clearly feel so strongly about with the people that matter. But why the hell should anyone from the CoM waste their time coming on here trying to pasify you two? You both have chips on your shoulders about the MVT wholesale and all you want to do it cause agro - It so obvious :-o



Considering that these issues were brought to our Area Secratary over 2 years ago now and were also brought to the attention of the CoM members in an email to all members, I personally would have thought that some comment either in Windscreen or by return email would have been forthcoming.


I would also add that the above comments from an Area Secratary of the MVT do not serve to aleviate the feelings shown by the persons commented upon.


Like it or not Clive they are fully paid up members and are disgruntled with how things are, and not getting a response from those in authority does nothing to ease that disgruntledment. Whether that response is in the positive or negative to their feelings doesn't really come into it, but a response either way would be more than what has happened so far.


But to attend a CoM meeting, well that would actually involve making an effort and I know you don't feel that strongly about the issue now do you chaps ;-)





As for attending CoM meeting, been there, done that, and will probably do it again.


The issue? Well lets take a look at just whats been said here alone, surely that can be seen as certain members feeling pretty strongly about it.


There again though perhaps there are countless other people out there that feel they are banging their heads against a brick wall in regards to this and have walked away from either the issue or the MVT.


Makes one think doesn't it


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Guest shane taylor

Going to have to agree with John here Clive.


I think he is right in the fact that if an MVT area secretary is in affect slating post war guys then I wouldn't feel comfortable in being a member of your area if I owned a 'bundle of old iron'. It would be interesting to see what would happen to the MVT if all owners of post war vehicles decided not to renew their membership :schocked: I think it wouldn't be long before the post war guys became flavour of the month. :dunno:


Not to sure about the But why the hell should anyone from the CoM waste their time coming on here trying to pasify you two?

comment either. I would consider a lot of things a waste of time but not this website, from what I have read, seen and heard, then this is where it is at but then this may be the total reflection of the confusion that the MVT is in.


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Maybe the mvt could start a sister group, the PWMVT rather than risk loosing pwmv owners as members, yeah I know, it will never happen :whistle:


I had the statistics for 2005 of how many people didn't renew their MVT membership & how many new members joined, it was something like 1000 didn't renew but 1200 joined, I don't recall the actual figures but it was along those lines, it wont be until the membership numbers drop that the MVT will consider doing anything more for the pwmv owners, I know there has been more info on PWMVs since complaints were made including one from myself, if you want more then you are going to have to shout louder & to the right people, ranting on a public forum isn't going to get anyone anywhere.






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I've just looked through a few issues of Windscreen at random and the pre 45/ post 45 balance is good including covers. I don't know what 'more' you think the MVT should be doing for you. A club is only as good as its members and you will get out what you put in. I think the anti pw feeling at a national club level exists only in the minds of those who take offense. I have been an mv collecter for 24 years, have and do own pre and post 45 vehicles, from 1939 to 1978 and i have never seen any anti feeling at a club level.


Do some mv owners moan about post war vehicles? Certainly, that's their opinion though and they are free to state it. Most of the moaning seems to come from others.

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