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Living History and it's future at W&P


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That is a real bummer! :cry: :cry:


The USO area was a nice place to spend some time listening to the acts whilst having a mug of tea + something to nibble on. Ideally placed too to watch the world go by... Was also a good point to meet friends who were visiting on day passes...

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Well what can I say!!


The USO show was EXCELLENT... W&P seems to get more and more political every year and it seems to me that this is purely a commercial decision by Rex Cadman to try and stamp out any competition to the W&P money making machine. As exhibiters we are the people that make the show happen. We even have to pay out of our own pockets to attend the show, for facilities that are frankly pretty poor. Everything is over priced from the food stalls to the bar and I for one along with all my mates who attend do not use these facilities due to cost. We don't use the shower block as that's just a joke (we use a good old Solar shower and shower tent) and some of us hire in their own toilet facilities as the ones provided quickly turn into disgusting health hazards. So for our money we get the occasional use of the toilets and drinking water.


Having read the response from the USO it is clear that so many restrictions were put in place by Rex that it was clear there was only going to be one outcome.


I have been attending this show since the mid 1990's. I remember the early days when it was a show by enthusiasts for enthusiasts, but it seems these days it's just about money. Whilst I can appreciate the need to make a profit on something that is a full time job for Rex and Co, they need to balance this with the fact that this is about people who pay a lot of money to attend (especially when fuel is taken into account) the show and the need to take more time off work than is necessary in order to get there early to ensure a space is secured alongside friends.


It is pretty annoying seeing some of the Health and Safety restrictions put forward to the USO considering W&P have done nothing to curb the illegal use of quad/motorbikes ridden by youngsters in single figure age brackets, parties that go on into the early hours despite local authority Noise Abatement Notices etc.


W&P need to be very careful how they treat groups such as the USO, reenactors (remember last year when half the reenactors field was turned into a sales pitch for Withams) and exhibiters in future considering the very dire state of the economy and fuel prices in particular.


Fuel prices are probably the greatest threat to the show at present considering there seems no end to the price increases. When you consider it costs £25 per vehicle to attend, then add fuel (which could add up to £100's of pounds), the cost of food and drink etc the cost adds up considerably. There will come a time when it will be just too expensive for people like myself who live a long way away from the show to attend, and it's attractions like the USO that might just tip the balance on deciding whether to take the financial hit in attending or not. Whilst they aren't bothered whether I attend with my vehicles or not, the massive increase in costs will snowball to other exhibiters and they too will decide not to attend.


Not everyone wants to go to the entertainment provided, and as we are paying out of our own pockets to attend the show I feel we should be able to attend events such as the USO show should we wish too. They seem to have made considerable concessions to enable the show to continue and yet were met with a brick wall. I would like to think the same H&S arguments have been put in place for groups who have big entertainment events, but I doubt it.

Edited by Marmite!!
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The answer might be to not treat W & P as you're main show of the season why support a local event nearer home or better still gee up you're local MVT area club to organise weekends away at wherever. Or just don't go have a year off from the event


I very reluctantly do buy food from the stalls but thats only when I have been on a day visit. Way to expensive the stall holders must be minted at the end of the show.


Toilets I can't agree more the stench coming from some of them in past years has been unbelievable!


I do not agree in charging any exhibitor of a military vehicle, you bring the vehicle you make the show, no vehicles no show.


We up here in the North could do with a major show on r doorstep rather than travelling 500 miles to Beltring and back. We could do with stealing Kents weather though

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It is pretty annoying seeing some of the Health and Safety restrictions put forward to the USO considering W&P have done nothing to curb the illegal use of quad/motorbikes ridden by youngsters in single figure age brackets, parties that go on into the early hours despite local authority Noise Abatement Notices etc.




Hear hear!

More than a little hypocrytical isn't it

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Why does USO and others not rent an adjacent field from a neighbouring farmer etc and set up a W&P fringe show to run at same time and market it etc, even get people to hand out leaflets over the days, they could run their own event and keep all of the profit etc. Some farmer might be grateful of the rent for a few days lol. How about an HMVF Overspill rally lol

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Let's come down to earth a bit, when a show becomes big enough it can do anything it wants and people will still attend in huge numbers, it may not last in the long term, but money now has a big attraction over possible money in the future. Rex is no fool and has recognised that he has a closed Market, his show is close enough to attract the European crowd and the uk one, there is NO other show that can do that. Nothing is forever and be assured that in the future another show will equal or surpass W&P but that isn't going to happen overnight. Said show would probably start out all for one and one for all but eventually it to would follow the pound signs - a popular show is a text book cash cow and not surprisingly the organisers / owners eventually milk them dry. However, 'eventually' is rather subjective :-D

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I thought I would chime in as someone who shares a slightly different perspective.


Im a military vehicle enthisiast at heart. I have done some re-enactment / living history stuff, being a member of a WW2 MP group, but that phase has passed.


The last W & P show I went to was back in about 2000 or 2003, its all dimly in the past now.


Several things were obvious back then.


1 In such a large gathering public order control was on a "self dscipline" basis. Marshals all but evaporated at



2 Even then the living history groups were present and you could see it would only get bigger as the event would have two sides to its make up because of it.


3 The "organisation" of areas / pitches was a free for all even then.


4 Coming from overseas we only would have a few days to be there, and as such we were prepared to muck in with whom so ever we could cadge a dry spot from and chip in for food if it was centrally catered.


5 in my humble opinion, even then W & P would either get too big for itself and self destruct or there will be a fatality that will close it down. I know that as far as I can remember there has already been one fatality at the event and that was a living history attendee.


6 Its the only show of its kind in the world at the moment and its draw is huge but with the current economy if there is a clash between the factions it may the time that a living hisory show of its own will evolve out of natural progression.


7 For my part the opportunity to sit and chat with people who share kindred interests and look at their kit is what it was all about for me.


Now where is Sean Connors in his pinny with the bacon sarnis and where is Tony Knott and his tribe? If you werent there you wont understand this bit!



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7 For my part the opportunity to sit and chat with people who share kindred interests and look at their kit is what it was all about for me.


Now where is Sean Connors in his pinny with the bacon sarnis and where is Tony Knott and his tribe? If you werent there you wont understand this bit!



I'm still here and still going to W&P. We have moved to the back of quiet camping:cheesy: I still go to W&P as its a great social event and would have the same amount of fun with or without the vehicles. I attend a couple of Military shows each year but attend a fair few shows with the AA Historic fleet again its fun with a great bunch of friends and would be the same whatever the vehicles were its the people and the social scene that we enjoy.

Saturday Helen and I are flying to Germany for a long weekend with a German Family we met at Beltring 10 years ago again its the friends we have made in this mad hobby.

In June I will be at a commercial vehicle show at Gaydon again a very different type of vehicles and people, but what a great bunch of guys and girls. Pop up and try this show its only small but has the making of a fantastic show. If you do go dont miss the Steel Boys show on the Saturday night:-D.

I for one will still go to Beltring as long as its with mates this is what makes it special for the Wife and I.

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Re fatalities/near fatalities.....is that chopper (and 'pilot') going again this year?.....a few hairy moments by looks of things from last years footage (now somewhere in the forum archives)




Unfortunately youtube video now removed by owner etc

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  • 2 months later...

The problem as I see it is as follows:


The stalls are too close to the entrance, it asorbs the public and by the time they get past them its time to go home.

Big battles means lots of re-enactors but not enough space for them to camp and too many vehicles taking up liing history space.

Military vehicles are no longer displayed but ones' latest tent or trailer/caravan is, which gives the impresion of a very large gypsy camp with the odd grenn machine.

when it rains there is too much unwarented vehicle movement.

No control after dusk

Large groups allowed to do what they want when they want.

Quads and motorbikes still an issue, does not help to see kids on official quads either.




The Inmates are running the asylum



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Maybe the stalls should have a two tier system. Half at the entrance and half in another field (lower monktons?) Stalls at the entrance pay more for a prime pitch and those further away pay less. This also would have the benifit of spreading out the public and exhibiters instead of concentrating them all in one area.


A few vehicles were spotted by me in Medway driving at full chat and doing 180 turns at speed (tracked vehicles) churning up the field pretty badly (considering the rain we had).


Quad bikes, motocross bikes and others were observed all week. Riders were as young as 4 or 5. Considering I have to sign to say I have 3rd party liability insurance can the parents of these kids state that they are also covered???????? Should a kid loose control and the bike hits someone I can see a very big problem for the organiser as it would be he who would be liable.

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I think the marshals were very good and quite tolerant to some of the behaviour around the site. Do you really want the H&S brigade to go potty at the show I don't. I quite like the relaxed atmosphere where kids can be kids and adults can be trusted to behave themselves without the big stick being dropped upon them.


Give it a few years and the H&S brigade will spoil the show you won't be able to move for them. Live with what you have it isn't great but it works. If you constantly complain about those little things that make the show you will not have it in the form that it is now. It will be so bad that you will be complaining that its nothing like how the show used to be.


Remember it only a small minority that let the side down. Don't let the minority spoil it for the majority.

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i can't put my finger on it but there's a certain freedom or "joie de vivre" that beltring seems to evoke in people, it's this that makes the show special. you can feel it in the air. if the show were to be rigid and controlled then why would anyone bother to drive to kent when they can see re-enactors at lots of shows locally, same goes for the vehicles.

it's the beltring spirit that pulls people in from all over the world and this should be welcomed not condemned. god knows there's enough regulations and petty rules in everyday life to stifle the spirit of any man.


a little freedom now and then is a good thing



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i can't put my finger on it but there's a certain freedom or "joie de vivre" that beltring seems to evoke in people, it's this that makes the show special. you can feel it in the air. if the show were to be rigid and controlled then why would anyone bother to drive to kent when they can see re-enactors at lots of shows locally, same goes for the vehicles.

it's the beltring spirit that pulls people in from all over the world and this should be welcomed not condemned. god knows there's enough regulations and petty rules in everyday life to stifle the spirit of any man.


a little freedom now and then is a good thing




:goodidea: :goodidea: :goodidea:

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