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abn deuce

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Everything posted by abn deuce

  1. Hello and Welcome Oscar , lots of others here addicted to Green Machines .
  2. Have you tried Portrayal press their site is info@portrayal.com they do reproduction of just about any manual , not cheap but when you cant find it else where.
  3. Once the restoration is complete will this be garaged , the reason I ask is that complete winterizing rear tilt / cover as its rare how long will it otherwise stand up to UV and outside weather ?
  4. I hope who evers hands got scalded will heal quickly . Will the brake shoe need to be custom made or are there such things available as spare parts ?
  5. I dont think its a vertical loop , if you notice its being flown in a tight turn next , so I d say what you are seeing is a figure eight pattern with one turn right above the cameraman.
  6. Great looking show , only wish it was on this side of the pond so I could have gone to it , Well baring that its very Nice to still be able to SEE what I m missing .
  7. Just make sure you steer clear of the clubhouse pond and its boat ramp as we have a few Stalwarts taking the plunge quite often along with a few GPA's . Of course a few of the members have Soviet amphibs as well . So draughty shed or an airconditioned and heated Garage all are welcome to pull up a Jerry can or crate and share all manner of odd mechanical knowladge as they see fit .
  8. the helicopter scene from where eagles dare. found on youtube along with a number of other clips from the film . Something went wrong...
  9. The hoist or tipping gear as far as I know only used a single hydraulic cylinder for either the Garwood or the Heil systems. What I see is a twin cylinder which would make me think it's a post war civilian conversion. Ready to be proved wrong .
  10. I posted several clips on German WWII helicopters http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?12204-Helicopters-WWII&p=130978#post130978
  11. What's on the other side of that wall??:wow: Perhaps the items that were marked radioactive never were ?:???
  12. Seems like a good way to eliminate your compation by putting a bit of red diesel in the fellows tank and then call the authorities with the offenders plate # they get to try and prove their innocence with all the documents turning their life upside down or vehicles taken away .
  13. Your right the ramp just clears the locker if the ground were a bit wetter and there by softer you would likely have scraped the locker badly . Seems if the ramp was bolted construction you could reduce it enough to store it onboard somewhere , perhaps the track locker ? It should be standard issue to show off the Scammells flexability !!!! Well done .
  14. Enjoy the fizzy drinks! You really ought to give a few of the others a try any not limit your self to just the cola'sOh and have a Great Happy Birthday .
  15. You'll need to give us a tour of the new home when your ready to share . What kind of new features or extras have you built into it ? Oh and congrats on both the new home and the little one .
  16. It would seem to be a shame to cut up such a good chassie , seems its only light surface rust and sitting on good tires , at the very least it should be saved ,blasted and painted then saved for some future project .
  17. Found this on youtube its one of five parts that have been posted , Looks from the first clip to have been a major production . Done on a large scale , not just a squad and a tank or two. Something went wrong...
  18. Nice little trailer , they must be rare as I ve not seen one like it before . Judging by the size of the wheels I m guessing you used motorcycle tires ?
  19. Your not all that mysterious if you go to google maps your right there in SE Poland and have on satellite down to 500 ' resolution . You might think its the end of the earth , but its not lol .
  20. A very interesting history lesson , thank you for sharing it and all the details you have been able to collect .
  21. Found an interesting site and it is MV related so I thought this the best place to post the link if not please move it accordingly Mods. Some may have hear of this fellow before if not give this a peek and learn how his talents were used to great effect during WWII. http://www.maskelynemagic.com/
  22. Can't be many of those left period. Never saw one before thanks for sharing this rare find!
  23. It was War and things happen , He has nothing to regret about the things that happened then . Given the unknowns of the day he acted very bravely to help move that soldier and could have him self been exposed to a possible German sniper . I thank him for his service in the military to help win the war , I hope he never feels that others would not care about him or what hes done .It's been said before , " Let others walk a mile in someone elses shoes before they judge them" .
  24. Thank You for posting the lifes story of a very interesting Vetern.
  25. Whats the availability of spare parts like for those ?
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