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Everything posted by woa2

  1. There is a company called Bufo Books that sometimes come across these maps. Try them on http://www.bufobooks.demon.co.uk/
  2. I have used Carburetor Exchange in the past for my vehicles and can recommend them.
  3. I can pin the time to when I knew my Girl Friend, now my Wife, was the one for me was when we went to an ex-WD dealer and I noticed her tipping out a bucket of rusty spanners and looking for the Ford ones for my WOT2 toolkit.
  4. In 'Daktari' there was Clarence the cross-eyed Lion.
  5. I have been thinking about this item, and I am sure I have seen something like it before. My guess is that it is Not Military and is just an ornament made in the far east for the European Antique market trade. Have you tried the 'Antiques Roadshow' yet?
  6. I know of one stored at the REME Museum at Arborfield a few miles from me, and I do know the owner. If you are ever visiting the Reading area I would be glad to take you there and help. Robert Davey PS. If you ever make a WOT2 or WOA2, please contact me. I did help Roy Models with their Ford WOT2 kit project a few years ago.
  7. My Dog's called Monty, so here is a picture of Monty's WOT2
  8. I saw the film about 10 years ago, and there was a T55 used in the beginning and then an M5 Stuart later on. Can't remember what the other vehicles were.
  9. My insurance is due in April. Who are you insured with?
  10. I met a man at Beaulieu Autojumble a couple of years ago who said he could repair my Fuel Gauge. I never got round to contacting him back, but his details are :- Adrian Sidwell, PO Box 1576, Gillingham, Dorset SP8 5WZ email is adrian@sidwellassoc.freeserve.co.uk As it's in Dorset, does Jack know him?
  11. One use they had was as a carrier for a WS31 in the early 1950s.
  12. I told you it was a mistake to let your Wife have a go at parking it.
  13. I have just heard that the Police did a spot check at a Veteran Car show last year after someone noticed a vehicle without a tax disk. It was later found that 5 vehicles had been driven to the show with no Insurance or Road Tax. I do not know if they were MVs or not. This is worrying to me, as it could result in our hard won exemptions being taken away. What do other Forum members think?
  14. On Thursday 25th February, Derek Martin of the Guinea Pig Club will give a talk on his wartime experiences at the Aldershot Militaria Society, Galpin Hall, Windsor Way, Aldershot. Galpin Hall is next to Holy Trinity Church. Meeting starts at 7:30. No charge, but if you wish to donate £1, the treasurer will be very pleased to accept. Derek Martin was in a Sunderland when it crashed, and he was given up for dead. He survived and became one of the first Guinea Pigs. If you need directions on the night, please phone Robert on 07778-384779
  15. woa2


    Only had a small dusting of snow today which has quickly gone. Very cold tonight, with a sheet of ice up the road where someone from the Curry shop cleaned their car and the water has frozen over the pavement!!!
  16. I understand this was done after some incidents where US troops in Vietnam used them the wrong way round with tragic results. Anyone confirm this?
  17. Do they still use DUKWs at StHelier? I remember them from the sixties.
  18. I've just contacted them as I need a fuel gauge repaired on my WOA2. Will let you all know what happens.
  19. Black shoe polish. It's what professional Chauffers use.
  20. Yes, I seem to remember a driver successfully suing Winnebago because the drivers manual didn't say that you couldn't leave the drivers seat when you put the cruise control on. They crashed when the driver left the seat to go to the kitchen. There is now a sentence that says not to leave the drivers seat when using cruise control.
  21. The box is the spare valves box for the wartime 38 set mk2, and would be carried in the side pack with the junction box and battery (150 & 3 volt). They either had rubber inerts or felt, as yours has - the rubber doesn't last. The 38 set was the most common set issued to the Army in WW2. The box should have a pice of paper stuck to the lid, but this is usually missing. The box contains a replacement valves, also spare fuses.
  22. I started work at Vodafone in 1987 and the phones then were HUGE - made Jack's phone look small. They cost a fortune as well.
  23. woa2

    Museum theft.

    I've just passed this onto the Aldershot Militaria Society.
  24. I was speaking to the current owner of an Austin Champ I used to own, who lives in France. He only has to get it MoT'd every 2 years. I wonder when we get to comply with this rule?
  25. Just heard on the Radio this morning that the Dept of Transport now produce the application for a Hire Car Driver in Braille!!
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