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Everything posted by woa2

  1. I knew I wanted a WOA2, so I bought a Workshop Manual I found at an Autojumble for £8 before I got the vehicle - well it was about 20 years ago......
  2. Thanks. Never thought about roofing material. I will try B&Q on Wednesday and see what they have.
  3. The mud flaps on a wartime Ford WOT2 were made of hessian in a kind of tar substance, to save on rubber. Anyone ever seen this for sale or know where I can get some? I'm using rubber mud flaps at present but would like to get it more authentic.
  4. Have you tried the Austin 10 owners club?
  5. woa2

    Nuts & Bolts

    On a British Wartime Ford V8, the threads are UNC on anything produced by Ford (such as the engine and transmission), but the body is held together by Whitworth bolts and BA screws as it was produced by BMB a British company. It's a nightmare finding the right spanner sometimes.....
  6. I know that the Dorset Regiment museum in Dorchester do not allow photography, and neither does the National Army museum in Chelsea. Both only have a very small sign announcing this, but very keen attendants ready to swoop on you if you didn't see the very small sign. I must say that the 'No Photography' rule is one that puts me off going to a Museum, especially if I have paid to get in.
  7. Err...... there are only 30 days in June.
  8. I'm still an IMPS member, just to get the W&P show concession. If the concession goes, so does my membership.
  9. I've seen the Red Arrows at Weymouth Carnival in August, and they are, in my view, the Best in the World giving a VERY good display. It should be well worth being at W&P that day.
  10. It's FORD, Not Fordson. There are not many suppliers for parts and some spares are impossible to find. If you contact me I will give you a few contacts. What parts did you want - give me a list.
  11. If it's any help, I have seen these wheeels at Autojumbles as they seem to be a standard item with just the number of stud holes varying on civilian cars. I believe they were called 'Easy Clean' wheels in civilian use. Try Beaulieu Autojumble in September as a source.
  12. BMB is Briggs Motor Bodies. Their main business was making car and Truck bodies for Ford in the UK, including my WOA2 and WOT2 bodies. I have also found BMB on Paratroop and ARP helmets.
  13. I have found an official Ford reference that says that A means Passenger Car, so WOA means W=War Office O=V8 A=Passenger Car?? Not sure about C as in WOC, but I will keep looking.
  14. This any help? Tructors were WOT3 trucks with a very short body, meant to carry weights to keep the back of the truck on the road when towing aircraft. There is a photo of one in service in Wheels & Tracks.
  15. Sorry to sound a bit dumb, but what is or was Rush Green? I haven't herad of it before. Any photos of what was there?
  16. I agree, low-life indeed. Wonder if they are related to the one who stole a Charity tin from Simon Weston last year at Weymouth? On a related note, the Nursing Home my Mother is now in (Lord Harris Court, Sindlesham, Berks) has a need for a Union Jack of that size to fly from their flag pole. If anyone has one they could donate they would be very grateful. Please use me as the contact.
  17. I have just checked in my 1945 dated Ford WOT2 Manual, and they use both Truck and Lorry to describe the vehicle as well as Van. As Ford are an American company, is this where the confusion is?
  18. No, this is the common mis-belief and doesn't fit in with Ford coding structure. It is a bit like GPW where many people misunderstand it as General Purpose Willys when is actually means Government 80inch wheelbase Willys (Source='All American Wonder' vol 1, page 21). I have asked the Early Ford V8 club for help and I will report any findings. I have looked through my Ford manuals, but cannot find anything yet. Please note that Ford US and Ford UK varied in vehicle model codes, so be careful. Another point is that ENFO does mean ENglish FOrd, but there is no reference to this before 1950 so it cannot be wartime.
  19. It is one question that keeps cropping up. I beleive it means W=War Office, O=V8, T=Truck. If anyone can prove the definition from Official Ford Documemts, PLEASE get in touch with me. Robert Davey
  20. The top cushion is identical to the ones in a Ford WOT2 or WOA2.
  21. Not many people know about the serious problems the Polo Mint manufacturers had when they went from Imperial measurements to Metric, as the photo shows.
  22. First of all, JACK - as you are a Dorset lad, please feel free to Edit/Correct/Add to this thread. I have heard about some Road Works in Weymouth that may affect anybody going to the Weymouth Veterans Parade this weekend. It seems to centre on the Round-About outside ASDA. I contacted Poppy Butcher, and she had the following to say about the problem :- There are as you have heard roadworks going on in Weymouth. Dorchester Road is always busy but shouldn't cause any real problems. The only road closure is going down Boot Hill, (that is the the hill by ASDA going to Portland) but you can travel up. Traffic from Portland and Wyke into town is being diverted through Lanehouse, but diversion directions are very clear but hold-ups are inevitable. This has only come into force Monday June 7th so I'm not sure how it will work out.
  23. woa2


    As a former Brass Band player (I played the Tuba) I can feel for your Cadets. It is not just the loss of the instruments, but that they become personal to the player. I hope the crime is solved soon and the Trumpets found.
  24. I have found out that the Cabs and Floats (Ford talk for rear body) on WOT2 trucks were made by sub-contractors, and came with the canvas already fitted. Therefore the cab and rear canvas was frequently 2 different colours. I have photos of brand new WOT2 trucks at Dagenham to support this claim, and if you watch the film 'Switchover', you can see the cabs being fitted to the chassis with the canvas already in place before the steering wheel is fitted.
  25. Looks like Dorset, so I guess at the Great Dorset Sream Fair near Blandford?
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