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Everything posted by woa2

  1. woa2


    I bought a bar of Rich Dark Milk Chocolate in Aldi recently. It was delicious and only 99p. Wife bought a box of Thorntons Milk Chocolates for Christmas, and they do not taste as I remember Thotntons should. Should we have a vote on the HMVF favourite Chocolate?
  2. I'll be there. I've got loads of Military books, all cheap, just to get rid of them. Please buy some as the money goes towards my eldest daughter's Wedding in August. Look for a stall with a Green Ford Focus estate.
  3. What about the Ground Nut Oil scheme that happened in the late 1940s? They used considerable amounts of wartime vehicles in Africa, including Shermans modified as Tractors, and I have a photo of a WOA2A in Africa. Anyone know any more details as to locations?
  4. Is the Matador Army or RAF? If Army, my guess is for Tank engine changing as the crane looks very substantial.
  5. I watched part 1. I think they took some time to make the programme as you can see Eddie Izard walking past Parliment when it is deserted and with long shadows - this makes me think it is dawn in June (Longest day). In another scene you can see their breath, so it is winter and cold, but in the programme the 2 scenes are a day or so apart. Liked the first programme, though.
  6. I understand that the UK Civil Law you refer to ONLY covers the wearing of British Uniforms, and other countries are not covered. Can anyone confirm the ruling?
  7. My copy came today. My Graddaughter Elizabeth is on page 41.
  8. woa2


    We had Fog here, but as we live near the University, it was reasonably intelligent. (Good enough for a Christmas Cracker joke?)
  9. woa2


    In Reading the Main roads are drivable, but side roadsare still icy. All Pavements are a death trap as they just sheet ice about an inch thick. It's getting a bit warmer but the ice will take a long time to go.
  10. 'Enemy at the Gates'. Dunno the character but he had false teeth.
  11. woa2


    Monday 21st Dec It snowed in Reading today, must have been 2-3 inches. It locked Reading up solid for Traffic. I picked up my Wife from her work, a journey that should take 20-30 minutes, but today I left at 19:45 and returned home at 23:45. There were abandoned and broken down cars everywhere. Local radio said it was the busiess day for the RAC for 10 years. Did see a Range Rover towing vans up the hill where I live, wonder what he was charging? On a brighter note, it's the shortest day today. The days get longer from now.
  12. The desert bit doesn't help as they used both British and Canadian 15 cwt Ford trucks there. Main difference is that the British WOT2 is rear wheel drive only, and the Canadian 15 cwt is four wheel drive. Try him with this photo, which is my Ford WOT2 truck, to see if it helps.
  13. If it was British built it would be a Ford WOT2, otherwise it could be a Canadian F15. Can you get more details such a windscreen? If you want more details about a WOT2, I do have one and can send a photo. Please PM me.
  14. I heard a story a few year ago that someone took a Morris Quad to the GDSF and when they came to drive it one morning, found that they had no petrol as a pikey had cyphened out the tank during the night.
  15. Yes, I will be going, but I get free entry as I am an IMPS member. If the agreement between the IMPS and W&P ends, I will have to have a rethink. Toilets - I bought a small camping toilet a couple of years ago and this takes care of 'liquids', so just a walk to the Hop Farm for 'solids'.
  16. Is that the bike that Steve McQueen used in 'The Great Escape'?
  17. I have had a re-think and I think it must have been 1976 or 7. It was in very good condition, I remember, at a dealers only a mile from where I lived.
  18. Not taking my Motorcycle test and buying that BSA M20 for £80 back in 1972.
  19. woa2


    Not seen a picture here of anybodies MV in the recent snow. Who's going to be the first?
  20. Welcome to the Forum. Where abouts in Berkshire are you?
  21. Agreed. Berkshire & Oxfordshire do seem a bit sparse for decent MV events. Woodcote Steam & Vintage in July is about all there is locally.
  22. This happened today. I was walking my Dog Monty today, and I notice a cyclist also taking his dog for a walk, while he was riding a bike. The 2 dogs then decide to meet each other. Next thing I know is there is a big Crash as the cyclist falls off his bike. I walk on in haste, trying not to laugh.
  23. woa2

    Petrol Price

    UPDATE In the last few hours my local Shell station has just lowered the price of unleaded to 105.9 Still 2p a litre dearer than Asda which is only a mile away. FURTHER UPDATE Drove past the Shell station at 6pm and it is now 103.9 Long queues now, so I will try tommorrow morning.
  24. OK, just a thought. If the vehicle has hub caps (such as a car), are the wheel nuts still painted?
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