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Everything posted by woa2

  1. Referring to the TV programme 'The Pacific', I read in a magazine that the producers made the reproduction uniforms from the correct style herringbone pattern material, to get it more authentic. Question is, as this is also the correct pattern for wartime Jeep seat cushions, is anybody going to start making Jeep seat covers in the correct style?
  2. First one I think is French 1950s. The second looks West German 1960s.
  3. There was one on the building next to my Primary school in Reading and I can remember this being tested in the late 1950s/early 1960s. I did see one of these sirens in the 1970s at a Council yard. I thought of getting it until I discovered that it weighed a couple of hundredweight.
  4. Hey, I finally made it!! My WOA2 is on the cover of the latest issue of Military Machines International. It's also on page 54. Fame at last!!
  5. Taking my Ford WOA2 and Jack Russel dog to a Classic Car Show at Woodley near Reading on Good Friday. Having a stall at a Car Boot sale on Sunday, to get rid of some of the mountain of junk we seem to have accumulated recently.
  6. To get new 900x13 tyres, try pestering Chris Marchant of Vintage Tyres of Beaulieu http://www.vintagetyres.com/ who is considering getting a batch of road legal tyres made up. When they are made, they will be the ONLY supplier of usable tyres in Europe. I have no connection with Vintage tyres, I just want 4 tyres myself.
  7. Also, if you are using a hand-blender, make sure it's not on when you remove it from the mixing bowl! (My Mother-in-Law did this once).
  8. Just a small comment. A Morris PU has 900x13 wheels and an MW has 900x16 wheels. I have 900x13 and 900x16 wheels on my 2 vehicles and the wheel nuts are different and not interchangable. I believe wheels nuts are common on all 15cwts, but a Morris PU is an 8cwt vehicle. Could be worth checking out the details before going any further.
  9. After months of (expensive) work, I finally get my WOA2 ready for the road. I notice that the petrol station up the road is 113.9 a litre. I go the next day and it's 114.9. Damn. (And it's going up again on Thursday....) On the plus suide, the car does sound really nice now, and the gearbox nice and firm.
  10. woa2


    I once worked for a Farming Co-operative as the IT man, and one of the offices in the grain dealing section had problems with a keyboard. I unscrewed the back of the keyboard and about half a pound of grain fell out. A bit of cleaning later, the keyboard was OK. Jack - This is genuine. You can buy covers that go over keyboards to keep out fluids for hostile environments. Unfortunately it's a bit like using a keyboard covered in a giant condom.
  11. I just bought some 6 volt batteries from Lincon Batteries in Essex for my WOA2 car, and I am very pleased with them. Try their website http://www.lincon.co.uk/classic_car_batteries.html which gives sizes in inches as well as metric.
  12. I have a British Army push bike (about 1950, I beleive) and I need a few bits for it if anyone can help.
  13. My first job (in 1968) was at a Garage, and they sold petrol at 6/6d a Gallon, and I used to get a 3d a gallon staff discount! Mind you, I was only getting £8 a week pay.
  14. I've cleaned up some surface rust on some bayonets with a soft brass brush made for suede shoe cleaning. Much softer than wire wool or a wire brush.
  15. I need some Data Plates made up for my vehicles. I have seen repros made and sold at Autojumbles, but they don't do the ones I need. Can anyone suggest a manufacturer that will make one-off or short runs of Data plates, please?
  16. Another question for you - how do I attach a photo to a PM?
  17. I seem to remember something on TV many years ago, about a man who had converted his car to run on Chicken S..er, sorry, excament. Anyone know any details or how he did it? The TV programme must have been about 40 years ago. As an alternative, how about restoring a wartime vehicle to run on household gas, like as in Dad's Army?
  18. I've just come across LINCON batteries in Essex. Anyone any experience of them?
  19. No, the batteries are smaller than a Jeep one.
  20. I am having problems with the 6 volt batteries on my WOA2, which are not taking a charge after being idle for the last 6 months when the car was not in use due to gearbox problems. Does anyone know of a decent (and cheap) supplier in the Reading area I could contact? The batteries are quite small in size and I beleive they also fit a Fordson tractor. The batteries I currently have I bought at Stoneleigh in 2005, so they have lasted quite well. Many thanks.
  21. I bought a wartime handbook at a car boot sale today. Inside was a piece of paper written in Shorthand, all I can make out is a 1941 date. Can anyone help with a translation, please? If you PM I will send a copy to you. Many thanks.
  22. Must admit 105 miles is a bit far and there must be someone closer, but Bob Cox is good and does sandblasting for Rex Ward. You could always drop stuff off on the way to Beltring.
  23. I use a man in Reading by the name of 'Bob Cox'. His son now runs the business. They will spray the items in primer for you to save them going rusty.
  24. OK, who's going to try making one of these to wake us all up at Berltring this year?????
  25. Every day Pte Jack wondered when the camp PA system would be fixed.
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