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Everything posted by woa2

  1. I've seen the photo some years ago. I remember it because the Beer was supplied by Simmonds Brewery in Reading, Berks, where I live. The photos of it are here http://bogen.org/gallery/v/misc_other_pictures/spitfire_beer_truck/
  2. The man in the photo is Sgt Langford of the 41st Wireless Squadron and he is in Mesopotamia (now Iraq) during WW1 opposing the Turks.
  3. Anybody know of a Black Paint suitable for Stainless Steel exhausts?
  4. I know about the difference between a Hood and a Bonnet on a vehicle, but why do the Americans call the rear body on a truck, a Float?
  5. woa2

    Site move

    OK, I'll try and explain. Backup - copying files to tape or a disk so that you can recover a system if the files get corrupt. Image backup - Full copy of a disk on a Computer Incremental Backup - Copy of all files that were changed since the last Image Backup Operating System - On your PC it could be XP or Vista. Servers might be VMS or Unix. Server - A Computer in a remote site from your PC. Mirrored Servers - 2 Servers both sharing the work, doing half each. If one fails, then the other takes the full workload until the other is fixed. Offsite Backup - Keeping a copy of the files on a Server in a location away from the building the Server is in. Therefore if the Building the Server is in burns down, then you can recover all the files easily and get the system up and running quickly on a new Server. Virtual system - A big Computer that is segregated into doing several applications at once (HMVF being just one), so that it appears to be several Computers rather than just one. Most of my working life was running Housekeeping routines on Computer systems, mainly ICL, Burroughs and Dec VAX.
  6. woa2

    Site move

    I once was working an Evening shift on a Computer system, and one of the Operators, using a telephone, stretched out his arm and accidentally hit the Emergency OFF switch. The silence in the Computer room was deafening!
  7. In the UK during WW2, many Civilian garages were used for Military Vehicle maintenance, and there was a booklet produced showing which dealers were to be used. Therefore the standard of maintenance could be variable?
  8. Is the frogman rescuing someone or is he being rescued?
  9. woa2

    Site move

    Just out of interest, what Servers are you using now (make, model), do they have mirrored disk drives and what operating system are they using? Also, do you run image or incremental backups and how often?
  10. My Dog was up for Sheep Worrying - he used to run up to them with a jar of Mint Sauce in his mouth.....
  11. The last Union Jack from Trafalgar is to be auctioned off. There is a piece on the BBC Website. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/edinburgh_and_east/8297418.stm
  12. I believe the Morris trucks on Dunkirk Beach in the film 'Atonement' were based on Land Rover chassis.
  13. What about someone collecting these Ghost stories and printing them in 'Pathfinder' magazine? Make a good article to read during the long Winter months. Also, what about 'Herman the German' at Bovingdon Tank Museum?
  14. I run my wartime Ford V8 engines on Duckhams Oil as I was told by an expert several years ago that this was the best for a Ford V8, or at least I used to. Recently I went to get some more from my supplier, only to be told that Duckhams is not made any more. My question to you is, what can I use in place of Duckhams? What is best for a Ford V8?
  15. No, but I did hear a story about it. When the film was in production, the producer bought a Mauser at Auction, supposedly Churchill's gun. The producer paid twice what the gun was worth and this was well publicised in the press. When asked why he paid so much money over the odds, he said that for the publicity it generated for the film, it was cheap.
  16. I've got some fibreglass rifles that were used in 'Young Winston'. Also some photos of V1 rocket sites from 'Operation Crossbow'.
  17. Just curious. Has anybody worked out the average age of an HMVF member yet? Do we really want to know or own up to our real ages?
  18. I remember my Mother winning 3 £1 vouchers for Petrol in 1968 and being given one of the £1 vouchers. It paid for 3 gallons of petrol!!!
  19. I've just realised that my car is insured with SAGA.
  20. My vehicles were built with UNF, UNC and Whitworth bolts. I have managed to keep it original, except for the cup square bolts which hold the body to the chassis, which I have had to go to metric.
  21. The Cat's hiding behind the second bush on the left.
  22. You know when you are getting old.... when you think Victor Meldrew is a good role model.
  23. My wooden Garage roof needs recovering (this is my workshop). I have used the same roofing material as the builder used for repairs, but this tears as soon as I touch it, so is a real pain to use. Can anyone suggest an alternative roof covering that doesn't tear so easily? The garage has a pitched roof and is 25 feet long by 12 feet wide. Any suggestions appreciated.
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