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Everything posted by woa2

  1. I beleive that the engine is Not a direct replacement and that the French engine has metric instead of UNC threads as well as numerous mods to make a swap difficult. I have not heard of anyone using one of these engines in a US or British Ford vehicle. Can anyone update or correct me on this?
  2. I am booked in with a WOA2, but I have several domestic problems this weekend and for the next week (Daughter, Mother and Mother-in Law, all long stories). Can anyone going to Trucks & Troops please give my apologies for me, please? Thanks.
  3. I heard a story about someone landing in France. The Customs demanded documentation and asked if he had been to France before. The man said Yes, and he wasn't asked for any documentaion then. The police said that everyone had to have documents, where did you enter France? The man said, on Omaha Beach in 1944, and there wasn't a customs officer in sight on that day.
  4. If you mean Truck, what have you got. If you mean Dog, you don't know about Jack Russells.
  5. Sounds like the simlar situation I have with 900x13 tyres.
  6. I was talking to the organiser of a fairly large Classic Car show earlier this year and he wanted to know about my insurance. The reason, I discovered, was that the previous year the Authorities discovered 5 vehicles attending the show without any insurance at all, and these had all been driven there on the road. I told him I was insured with Footman James, and he was happy - he also said that all the Military vehicles attending his show were also insured with Footman James.
  7. No, it's much too big for that. There are 3 loops inside and also 2 pockets, so it is meant to carry some equipment. Also, I forgot the size - it is 17 inches long by 10 inches wide. My guess is Mule equipment, but Clive is the expert on that.
  8. Do you own a Dog as well as an MV? If so, here's you chance to show both at once. Take a photo of your MV with your faithful Hound at a show this year and add it to the thread. I will start with a photo of my Dog "Monty", a Jack Russell, in my Ford WOT2 truck in November last year when I drove the truck to my Mother's nursing home for a Wartime day. Photo of him at Beltring in the WOA2 to follow.
  9. I went to a local Car Boot sale last weekend and bought some webbing, including this large leather pouch. Can anyone help identify what it is and its use? Clive, can you help, please?
  10. I have seen these bags before, and I believe they are for a Bren gun. The Thompson was not used by the British until 1940, so the 1938 date suggests Bren. The first purchase of Thompsons by the British was in February 1940.
  11. Does anyone know where I can get the card gasket for the cap on a 2 gallon can? I seem to remember seeing them being advertised once, but can't remember where I read it. I need some as I bought a WD 1940 can last week and it is usable, but needs a card gasket for the cap. Many thanks.
  12. I am going to Weymouth Veterans in June, and I have a couple of questions. Is there a Weymouth resident on the Forum, please? 1. Is there still a Barber in an alley way between Maiden Street and East Street facing a shoppers car park? He is an ex-Army man and does a very good job. As a land mark there is an Antiques shop on the corner of the alley way on East Street. 2. Is the Tea Cabin on Weymouth seafront near the Kings statue still there? 3. I have heard that Asda are refurbishing their store. Have they started yet? 4. I am down there for the week, going home on Friday 18th June. Is there anything going on in the evenings from Monday 14th to Thursday 17th? Many thanks for your help and advice.
  13. I seem to remember that the FBHVC did a study of these Fuel Catalysts and None of them was found to actaully work, and that no manufacturer could support their claims. Also, I think that one of these companies was actually banned from Beaulieu Autojumble a few years ago over whether the stuff actually worked. Anybody help with details?
  14. I read a letter in Practical Classics magazine last weekend, about cleaning rusty items with Vinegar (the stuff you put on chips). The writer of the letter had cleaned surface rust from a fan he had just bought. It sounded interesting (and Cheap) so I tried it. I used 2 large washers with surface rust to use as a trial. I bought a pint bottle of Vinegar from Asda for 13p and put some in a small dish with the washers. I left them for 12 hours and then cleaned them in water with a washing sponge. I was amazed how they came up - the metal was clean and ready for painting. I will now try other items. Some points to remember - 1. Do this outside undercover, as the Vinegar smells. 2. Wash and dry the items thoughly in water afterwards to get rid of the vinegar and prevent more corrosion. 3. It will clean light surface rust, but that is all. 4. Make sure the bowl/dish you use is big enough and has enough Vinegar to cover the items to be cleaned. I am yet to try whether Brown or Clear Vinegar is best, but Brown certainly works and is cheap. Try it on a test sample and see the effect - let us know how you get on.
  15. Yes, I understand the comment as I am old enough to remember 'Crossroads'.
  16. Like the others, I do not attend shows that charge exhibitors entry. Currently I get into W&P free as I am an IMPS member, but if this changes, I will have to re-think what I will do.
  17. When I worked in Newbury a couple of years ago I frequently saw these vehicles travelling along the A34. Looked like they were going from/to Ludgershall to Southampton delivering Tanks & other tracked vehicles.
  18. Back to 633 Squadron, if you look carefully, the Bomb release switches they use are actually the transmit switch from an Army 38 mk3 Radio set. Also, didn't the film makers buy the last Mosquitos from the RAF to use in the film? Also, when Ron Goodwin wrote the music, he used 6 and 3 as inspriration. If you listen you can hear 6 beats followed by 3 slow beats in the beginning and through the music.
  19. I know that Miles or Philips & Powis in Reading were involved in producing these in WW2. Try the Berkshire Aviation Museum in Reading, or Julian Temple at Brooklands Aircraft Museum. or you could try the Brussels War Museum as they have a few as exhibits.
  20. I have seen photos and film of the Ford version being driven out of Fords at Dagenham, where they were assembled after being sent over in crates from Canada in WW2. Sorry, can't help with any more details.
  21. These were used in the British 37 and 44 pattern Gas Masks. The end-cap will be dated.
  22. People who know the price of everything and the value of nothing!! You find them everywhere in Management, Accountancy, Government, etc....
  23. I thank you all for your good wishes, but no, I had a rotton day as I came down with Flu the day before and only now, 5 days later, am I feeling a bit better. One advantage to Flu is that I can drink Brandy more as it is "For Medicinal Purposes". I will be fine by War & Peace, so I'll celebrate a late Birthday there. Thanks again. Robert Davey
  24. If you hear any more details, please can you let me know, as my Wife likes going on these 'Ghost Walks' - she is a fan of "Most Haunted". She's been on a couple of Ghost walks in the past, but never seen or heard anything.
  25. 'All American Wonder'. An example is on the cover of the 1st book.
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