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Everything posted by woa2

  1. I might be available with a WOA2 or a WOT2. The date is the weekend before my Daughter's wedding in Kent, so it might be a good way of getting out of the way for a while.
  2. Paul Clark is the Labour MP for Gillingham and Rainham. If you want to contact him the details are on his website http://www.labourisworking.com/?page_id=452
  3. Going on personal experience, I can well understand.
  4. It's bolted to the rear body and sits on the Chassis on wooden blocks attached to the box. The wood should be Beech. If you need more help, PM me with what you need. The stowage box contained the Jack and tools and also the Drivers Handbook.
  5. woa2

    Beyond Restoration??

    Thinking about Bugattis, I beleive there are more racing Bugattis about than were made as people used just a few parts and fabricated the rest as their value was so great.
  6. woa2

    Beyond Restoration??

    I know it's not Military, but have you seen that Buggati car that was taken from a lake in Switzerland? If that can be restored, then anything is possible. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1241644/The-rare-Bugatti-car-plucked-lake-70-years-fetch-80-000-auction.html
  7. My Wife is not very happy driving my vehicles, but my Eldest Daughter Emma is very keen, and she drove my Ford WOT2 truck around the arena at Beltring in 2009. She had her 25th Birthday in April 2009, so could now be added to my insurance. She is in the driver's seat with my Wife and Grandaughter posing in the passenger seat.
  8. Another VERY useful item is a wire coat hanger. I used one at work when installing multi-million pound Computer systems, as straightened out, I could use it to reach the data and power cables under the raised floor. An indispenable item of kit.
  9. On a similar point, I remember that there was a plan to modify the Lancaster in WW2 as an escape hatch was a bit small and needed to be made bigger so that aircrew could bale out easier. The modification was turned down as it would have meant stopping production for a short while during wartime, and this was deemed unacceptable. Also, was this the same reason that the Jeep didn't get a decent hand-brake until after the war?
  10. I notice that on their website, they are having an exhibition of fans in April, and a model railway exhibition in June. I wonder if the fans are WW2 dated?
  11. I was there last year but didn't take a vehicle (too far from Reading), but went as a visitor. Don't know of any 'incident', but I would like to know what it was, though.
  12. I remember Lawrence Corner in London when I worked in London many years ago. Anyone know what happened to them?
  13. Has anyone any idea of the weather we will have this Summer? I haven't heard any long-range forecasts myself and wondered if anyone else had any idea if it is going to be a wet/sunny/dry/hot/cold summer this year.
  14. A question for you. If a litre of Petrol is 107.9 (well it is currently at my local station), how does this price break down? What does the Petrol company get, and how is the tax and duty made up? Just like to know.
  15. If you are in Reading, try the Shell garage on Shinfield road or just by J11 of the M4. They sell petrol for 107.9, and diesel is only a few pence more. Asda is also cheap.
  16. Can anyone confirm the date of the Vehicle show at Firepower in Woolwich in February, please? Can't find any details on the Firepower website.
  17. woa2

    Email virus

    I was lucky. I did get the UPS email, but as I was not expecting anything, I just deleted it. Haven't seen the DVLA email yet. Thanks for the warning, Jack.
  18. woa2


    I went to the local Cemetary on Wednesday 14th Jan for a Funeral. While I was there, a Gritter covered the paths twice! All Pavements still VERY Slippery in Reading, and several side roads still not done, even those close to the main local Hospital. Anyone seen the clip on the BBC News Website of people crawling on ice because they cannot walk?
  19. Reminds me of a wartime joke. I beleive it originated in France in 1944. When the RAF bomb, the Germans duck. When the Germans bomb, the Allies duck. When the Americans bomb, Everyone ducks.
  20. woa2


    I would like to send my thanks to some people via the Website. The people I mean are those manning the Emergency and NHS services, who battle through the snow to get to work. 2 examples are my Daughter who still drives from Kent to the Quenn Elizabeth Hospital in Woolwich where she works as an A&E Nurse, and my Wife who walks the 1.5 miles each way to the Royal Berks Hospital where she works as a Call Centre Manager, so that she can re-arrange clinics to save people having unneccessary journeys into Reading. Both my Wife and Daughter have not missed a shift this week. Anyone have anybody else they would like to nominate as a Hero?
  21. woa2


    I remember seeing a photo taken in the late 1940s of a Simmonds Beer Lorry and the crew had lit a fire under the diesel tank to warm the fuel as it had solidified.
  22. woa2


    It's been snowing in Reading since 6pm today. Roads are getting slippery and at 21:30 there is no sign of it stopping. Roll on Summer.....
  23. OK, thinking laterally. Why is it that only Corned Beef comes in those tins? What is the connection between corned beef and those shaped tins?
  24. I read in an old book about the Shell company, that there was a road in France in WW1 that was called the 'Shell Road' as it was made of Shell Petrol cans. Anyone know where it was?
  25. I spoke to a Waffen SS soldier some years ago, and he told me that they used T34 tanks for training to see how best to attack them, knowing where the blind spots were. He couldn't remember ever using one in combat.
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